Would you mind answering a bit of a blonde question for me? Why did it work
fine with Firefox?
Hi SteveTo follow up on this:
I downloaded your PPTX file and posted it temporarily to my own web site.
As it happens, my site and yours both run under Sun OS and Apache web server.
The result was pretty much the same at this end ... MSIE wants to download the PPTX
as a ZIP file.
I emailed the ISP and asked them to change the media type/MIME config on the web
server to reflect the new extensions for Office 2007; as soon as I heard back that
the fix was in place, I went back to the same link and voila, it offers me the
choice of downloading as PPTX or opening (and if I choose Open, it opens into
So again, it's a web server issue.
Would you mind answering a bit of a blonde question for me? Why did it work
fine with Firefox?