It's good to know exactly what to watch out for - I've been
*about* to pin the scope of this problem down ever since I
imported around 2500 bookmarks as HTML and *lost* about 1
percent of them.
Overall, I like JetLinks - the explorer-like interface is nice,
the program checks for duplicates when you add a bookmark
(duplicates are not allowed - you can add an alias). Not perfect
- but the pros outweigh the cons by a good margin.
I'd say so, yes. And guess what? I've been using it, today.
My box blew yesterday. I coulda died.
I replaced the PS -- no joy. I had a spare CPU on hand, so I
stuck that in -- same result. So while I'm waiting for FedEx to
bring a cheap emergency motherboard replacement (I don't want to
do an actual upgrade, now -- I want to do too much hardware
comparing before I dive into that) I'm back to 400MHz and 64Mb
ram, on my old World War I vintage laptop.
In the process of moving back into it, I wanted to get my browsers
(Moz and Opera) synched, so I downloaded JL and slapped it on. I
also upgraded Moz from a *beta* to 1.4. Poop! I forgot to
upgrade my Java, too. Just remembered that.
Of course, taking time out to do a *bit* of Usenetting reminds me
how much...
....Xnews ROCKS
Take care.