(e-mail address removed) (Aravind) wrote let it be known in
Tip No. 5: Create a Trusted Zone
If you have two or more computers connecting to the
Internet through a router, you can create a Trusted Zone.
Click Firewall in the ZoneAlarm Control Center, then click
the Zones tab. Click the Add button and enter your other
computers' local IP addresses. You can set Trusted Zone
security to let your computers share files and disk space.
Now, if your router generates ip addresses dynamically, I
wonder how one could create a "Trusted Zone" since you can
not assign a single ip address. Is there a work around?
Any info or comments are appreciated.
Even if your router assigns addresses dynamically, they will
allways be in the same range of addresses set asside for a local
network, usually by default (depending on the router's
manufacturer) either or
These are 'non-routable'local addresses, so you don't have to
worry about any Internet traffic using any of these IPs.
Since the .1 address is usually the router itself, and
represents traffic coming in from the Internet, I would define a
'Trusted Zone' of addresses from .2 through .255 for whatever
subnet you are on. I believe that Zonealarm lets you define the
zone as either a single IP, a subnet, or a starting and ending
IP address.
You could also look at the config of the router, sometimes they
define a much smaller range of addresses they will actually
assign by DHCP, so you might only have to 'trust', for example,