Not true in this thread at all. The fact that you had to resort to
this lie shows you are trying to set up a strawman argument.
Completely true. You asked for proof of irok, I provided snippits of
source code that hasn't seen the light of day in nearly 13 years. You
claimed I stole it. I asked you to find it on google. You were unable to
do so.
You danced around the fact that I'm the only one with it's source code
and thus, it's author. You *still* have no idea how it works.
You belittled me and then demanded I post a hello world. I did so. You
went thru it asking silly questions. I went a step further and posted a
program that does a couple of things, purely in assembler.
You tried to BS and say I stole it too.
I had an independent person vouch for the assembler code I posted, my
understanding of said code, AND!! My background concerning who I am and
my virus known as irok.
Not true at all. I actually demonstrated I do not know much if at
all about assembler--I would say I know 1%--and yes I have programmed
in Pascal and C, which use pointers. When you say "barely" it shows
Why did you have to ask me what the assembler source is doing, if you
understand pointers? The irok source is also using pointers, Ray!
me again you will resort to twisting the facts. I can code in C# or
C++ better than you, but I will admit I don't know assembly at all.
Are you sure you can program (you can't code for shit) in either of
those languages better than me? You already ****ed up in the assembler
challenge. Assembler is much harder than c++, Ray.
The issue is: do you? No amount of flaming will disprove or prove
that fact Dustin--you have to show you know what you are talking
about and so far, as I showed, you don't. Perhaps Ant knows that you
Incorrect. I have provided source code to two programs in pure
assembler, two programs in asic which also deal in low level assembler
calls. One being partial virus.
You have shown that you haven't got the foggiest idea what those
assembler commands are doing. int isn't an integer NOR is it a variable.
You've already stated you have an assembler book, but can't be arsed to
even open it right now.
know how to code in assembly--perhaps--but perhaps also he's assuming
things, projecting his skills onto yours. You are a good b.s.
Ant is a talented coder. He's not projecting his skills onto mine.
Neither of us are bsing you here.
artist, that much is true. You may have even cut and paste your
commentary from elsewhere. That's why you cannot answer the
I didn't cut/paste any source or commentary from anywhere. I wrote it up
here in front of this computer, It's my work.
part of the cut-and-paste commentary that you got online. You are
lost if anybody asks a question "out of the blue". If not, then
prove me wrong please.
I'm not lost. I'm intentionally not very helpful to some of you.
Strawman noted. Like I said.
Bullshit. I commented my code for you, you tried to belittle me and
"correct" it. Int isn't an integer. It's interrupt!
Bullshit, again.
Strawman. I know what a pointer is and dereferencing the same and
pointer arithmetic in walking through an array and pointer mistakes
too. That's not an issue here and you should know it. If you don't,
you're a bullshitter.
Not a strawman, quite on point actually. You again, attempted to correct
my code without understanding what was going on. I'd suggest you google
for the definition of strawman.
No. That was NOT the exercise. Once again you are twisting the
facts. The exercise was for YOU, not me, to demonstrate what you
know about the program. I already told you I don't know
assembly--that's why I'm asking you. But you are showing me and the
world you don't know either. Kiddle scripter, just as I thought.
I just wrote a program you can't find online, described exactly what it
does, and had another person verify the code. What more can I give you?
I commented the first program and you tried to teach me about assembler
in a smug fashion. Claiming I was nuts and the code was a mess. It isn't
and i'm not.
I even went further, I wrote another program for you that makes a few
more interrupt calls, creating a file and writing a line of text into
it. It's more advanced than what you requested; and I wrote it. That
proves I know what i'm doing.
You claimed my source file must be bullshit because idiot savant Morgan
couldn't make it work in debug. I explained it's built as an .exe, Ant
agreed with me!
Ant knows assembler very well Ray. I have no doubt he can put my asm
skills to shame.
No. I am busy with my real work. And I got other things to do. And
to be blunt you've not walked me though an Hello World program to wet
my appetite. You've not shown me why assembly coding is fun. That's
because you don't know how to code yourself. Probably, as I
mentioned before, you enjoy the 'flaming' more than the
programming--typical of non-technical types.
Ray, I'm hardly what you'd call a non technical person. I tried to walk
you thru a simple hello world program, but as usual; you got hostile.
I'm not normally in the habit of coddling supposed, coders. Oh, I'm
sorry, ehh, programmers.
You didn't ask me to show you why assembler coding is fun. I never said
it was. Only that I know the language, and you didn't think I did.. so
you invited me to post proof. I've more than posted enough now.
Again, not my job, but YOURS. And you've failed.
I haven't failed at anything I've set out to accomplish. You aren't able
to analyze the code i've provided because your programming skills are
sub par. When I began to explain what was going on in my code, you
berated me; That wasn't too bright if you expect me to explain how any
of it works.
? WTF? Hello World in assembly tells me how to infect a program?
We're not even close to explaining how to infect a program.
I won't post you assembler code to infect anything either.
Again, not my job, yours. Strawman noted.
If you call yourself a programmer, it certainly is your job to be able
to read others code; sometimes without the benefit of comments.
A coder would be laughed out of the room if he requested, "comment every
line of asic and this assembler program. I'm clueless here."
You mean 'teknikal' eh hick?
Assembler coding "hick". Ray ;p
Nobody is grinning but you. Rest of us are laughing at you, not with
Rest of who Ray?
OK, but are you saying the hex code 0x4c00 has some significance?
Not clear if it does but that seems to be your assumption. Again,
not demonstrating you can explain anything, even if you know what you
are doing (which I doubt).
No. Again, you show your incompetence. What I think this is doing
is moving the ASCII text 'hello' into register dx, which perhaps can
accept a string. Not clear though. Perhaps 'hello' is a variable?
Not clear. it is not doing what you claim it is. I'll say this:
even if you can code in assembly--and you've not shown me you
can--you are a lousy teacher.
WTF you talking about? Did you call a variable 'stack' and defining
a stack segment by that name? Not very smart of you, like calling an
'int' variable 'int'. In any event you are not explaining this line
at all.
As I expected tho, You aren't able to show any respect and just want to
be coddled. I don't be thinking so.
Keep reading those rainbow password kiddie script tables and happy
"hacking" of the kind you seem to enjoy, bad little boy.
Based on your comments above regarding my ASSEMBLER program, It's clear
you're the script kiddy here. [g]
People are laughing Ray, but I doubt it's with you. [g]
Don't challenge people to do things you can't handle or understand. You
just look more like the idiot troll you are (You're probably some repair
technician who charges good money for the information we provide you).
You come up with all sorts of issues. Too many to be happening on your
personal shit.
Things look bad from over here. Too much confusion and no solution.
Everyone here knows your fear. Your out of touch and you try too much.
Yesterdays glory will help us today. You wanna retire? Get outta the
way. I ain't got much time. Young ones close behind. I can't wait in
Things look bad from over here. Too much confusion and no solution.
Everyone here knows your fear. Your out of touch and you try too much.
Yesterdays glory will help us today. You wanna retire? Get outta the
way. I ain't got much time. Young ones close behind. I can't wait in