John Jay Smith
Great.. we seem to agree in the basics...
the problem now lies in where profit can come out of a Free OS.
And here comes one of my outlandish claims that you will not probably
"A Free OS can create MORE wealth and prosperity and for more people that
windows can. Far more!"
There is a mental block here that many people have.... that you have to pay
to get something of worth, and that wealth is limited. However this is
The internet itself is free is it not? I am talking about the internet
itself not
an ISP (that in some wise countries they are starting to give free access to
the internet to anyone). How much wealth has the internet generated and for
how many people?
Can you imagine? This is far from the MSN network MS dreamed of having,
before the internet boom. The internet is like a "stage" for everything to
By having it open, innovation boomed and accelerated like nothing else seen
This is why open source and free software is important, because although you
may not be seeing it,
Microsoft from now on is RETARDING innovation. Not that MS did not change
the world for the better,
and not that it didn't play a tremendous role in technology and out lives...
but what now?
Something has changed.
I can go in much depth in this, and to be sure it is based on the laws that
govern our universe.. but enough said......
the problem now lies in where profit can come out of a Free OS.
And here comes one of my outlandish claims that you will not probably
"A Free OS can create MORE wealth and prosperity and for more people that
windows can. Far more!"
There is a mental block here that many people have.... that you have to pay
to get something of worth, and that wealth is limited. However this is
The internet itself is free is it not? I am talking about the internet
itself not
an ISP (that in some wise countries they are starting to give free access to
the internet to anyone). How much wealth has the internet generated and for
how many people?
Can you imagine? This is far from the MSN network MS dreamed of having,
before the internet boom. The internet is like a "stage" for everything to
By having it open, innovation boomed and accelerated like nothing else seen
This is why open source and free software is important, because although you
may not be seeing it,
Microsoft from now on is RETARDING innovation. Not that MS did not change
the world for the better,
and not that it didn't play a tremendous role in technology and out lives...
but what now?
Something has changed.
I can go in much depth in this, and to be sure it is based on the laws that
govern our universe.. but enough said......