Darthy said:I am using an AMD 2500 (1.8Ghz) with ATI9800Pro - and everything is on
SuperHigh. But when ya read the Video card reviews of the X800 and
9800s using FarCry and gettings 30~40fps with AMD64s and P4-EEs, ya
know we're in the 20s!
Well, sometimes a bit lower

shadows; turning that down helped FR's some, not as much as expected
Agreed... The only game that looks better is HL2...
Playing such games on anything short of a 9800 or 5950 card means your
losing out in effects.
DX9 card is all that's needed to *see* the goodies, gotta have the top
end card to see it all smoothly

objects and characters in the game look so real, give the scene the
perception of real depth.
Any which way you want to look at Far Cry and 9800 Pro, I'm *impressed*!
