if you were here you would have laughed! (while we cried) At 10am sunday
morning, my husband went into the basement just to see if everything was ok
since it was raining so hard all nite, a driving non stop rain all nite, and
he yelled up "the basement is flooding". We have a sump pump hole, no sump
pum pbecause the basement has been dry for 10yrs. I live in attached homes
called town homes and there are 5 units in my run. Only 2 had no water. The
hold bubbled up so fast and the water came out, it looked like a lava
overflow on a mountain. We have one pump which we put in the hole and
drained it upstairs out the front door and while he was doing this, as sick
as i felt, I said OH NO MY COMPUTERS!. Luckly they do not sit directly on
the floor but on a stand with rollers, and one by one i ran like a rabbit,
unpluging all that was attached and picked them up and put them on the
desks, so thank goodness no damage.
We got 3inches of water, the carpet looked like glass looking up from the
stairs. My husband ran out and got another pump and thankgoodness in 3hrs
it started to receed from the floor, at which that time we started to suck
it up with a shop vac.
He got up early this morning and did another sweep with the shop vac and we
had to hook up one of the computers so my husband could get everyone's
taxes together and printed (he is a tax accountant). Due date is tomorrow
but extensions are today.
He finished around 3pm our time-ran out to the Post Office, came back and
did another vaccum sweep. Now we have 4 industrial fans running in the
basement, a dehumidifer running to get out the humidity. Our basement is
finished with desks, TV and fouton and of course a bunch of toys for the
grandkids and hopefully by the end of the week we will be all dried out.
Then we have to pul the modlings off the bottom of the sheetrock and make
cuts in it to cut out the wetpart, then move the 7 file cabinets and get the
water out from underneath it all.
I guess we can thank our lucky stars that we did not have 4ft like
neighbors not far from me did and had to be evacuated from their home.