KB832894 has installed multiple times

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Dear Antioch,

I looked through the windows update site and am not quite as enlightened by
the information as you are.

The issue is complicated, e.g. why were we sent an out-dated download
(2004), why did some users get messages about successful installs but
repeated downloads etc which have not appeared in lists on add/remove. It
doesn't matter if this update is installed as it's old and has been
superceded. We know that from this site. I certainly will make no effort to
install it again and if it isn't listed, and it isn't, I'm not bothered. I'm
bothered that the system kept downloading and Microsoft has not, and it
seems, is not, prepared to explain. My advice from HQ is that they no longer
support IE6, as noted above.

Between this group and the other, we really have not got all the answers. Is
it dangerous for the OS to have multiple copies, and if it is, what can we do
about it? What has all this done to the registry? Your article from
miscrosoft does not answer that.

My computer did not find the KB using the info from microsoft. So bascially,
I'm not wiser than I was before.
Replies contextualised/intertwined and clipped

Ellen G said:
Dear Antioch,

I looked through the windows update site and am not quite as enlightened
by the information as you are.

What makes you think I am any more enlightened than yourself???????????
The issue is complicated, e.g. why were we sent an out-dated download

True - so far it has the 'knowledgeable' beat.

why did some users get messages about successful installs but
repeated downloads etc which have not appeared in lists on

I have no idea - does your Win2000 show if 832894 was ever loaded? Same
goes for the XP one. Its old enough I think to have been included in SP2.
It doesn't matter if this update is installed as it's old and has been Clipped
install it again and if it isn't listed, and it isn't, I'm not bothered.

I dont think I would be either
I'm bothered that...................
My advice from HQ is that they no longer
support IE6, as noted above.

See below - of course IE6 is still supported, even for WIN2000.
Between this group and the other, we really have not got all the answers.

Agreed - that is sometimes the case - but those with direct contact with MS
have reported this 'bug'. Keep an eye on the update group.
Is it dangerous for the OS to have multiple copies, and if it is, what can
we do
about it? What has all this done to the registry? Your article from
miscrosoft does not answer that.

As suggested in the update group, if you are still getting this offer to
download, then hide it in the hidden folder in WU. I have dozens of them in
there - mainly software/drivers etc.
My computer did not find the KB using the info from microsoft.

???? dont get that.
So bascially, I'm not wiser than I was before.

So are others - but as I first suggested, put a new thread in the update
group, but please point out that you have looked at previous threads on the
Sorry - can add no more.
Ellen G said:
Dear Antioch,

I looked through the windows update site and am not quite as enlightened
the information as you are.

Sorry re earlier reply - not required as I see now you have had an
explanation - I should have checked first but you gave no indication you had
posted in updates.
Hi Ellen,

I can understand your frustration and concern, but I think you can rest easy
on a few matters.

Firstly, I doubt that you have multiple downloads. Whether you look at the
icon on your desktop or go to the Windows update site, it usually states that
the item is already downloaded, awaiting installation. The software is smart
enough to detect that downloading has been completed. This is because
sometimes you can download an update but not install it immediately - in that
case, the next time you start up your computer it will automatically start
installing. So you won't have used up any of your download limit with
multiple downloads - just the initial download.

However what you DO have is multiple installation attempts - as seen by the
history on your Windows update site, and by the wizard you go through on your
desktop each time.

Even though the software reports that it has been "successfully installed".
I think this is a furphy - I think it has not installed at all. If you read
the white paper on this download it states that the computer requires a
restart for this update, but I never received a prompt to do so - just a
quick install followed by "success".

I believe that a later update supercedes this one, and I think what happens
is that some bug makes this update seem needed, but when it attempts to
install it sees that there is a later version, therefore it does not install
the older version - the fact that the installation wizard reports success is
probably due to the fact that the more updated version is already installed.
You don't see this update on add/remove programs - because, I believe it is
not there.

The only thing this update would have done is perhaps put some temporary
files on your system when it tried to install. Therefore if you clear out all
your temp files you should be good to go.

From the other posts on windows update it appears that Microsoft have now
fixed the bug that made this update want to install.

So don't worry about it upsetting your computer, as long as you have all
your other updates up to scratch it should be OK.

I've had this same sort of thing happen on previous occasions and it usually
rights itself with a subsequent update. If you get one that just won't stop
then do as I suggested and tick the box in the custom install to ignore that

Good luck and happy computing!
I rang my local support number and they had no idea why this update had
Did you clearly state that your problem was related to having installed
KB931768/MS07-027/Cumulative Security Update for Internet Explorer? Despite
end-of-mainstream support for Win2K SP4 (and IE6 running in Win2K SP4),
problems related to security updates qualify for free support from Product
Support Services. If the tech says otherwise, ask to speak to the tech's
manager (Level2 Support Tech).
~Robear Dyer (PA Bear)
MS MVP-Windows (IE, OE, Security, Shell/User)
AumHa VSOP & Admin; DTS-L.org

Here is the response I got to my email. I blanked out the name of the tech
support person.

"Dear Anne,

Thank you for contacting Microsoft Online Assisted Support. My name is
********** and I would like to address your issue involving Windows 2000.

Unfortunately, due to the age of the product you are using, direct
support cannot be provided in this instance. Windows 2000 has been
superseded by more advanced products and is classified as obsolete. If you
would like further information regarding obsolete products please refer to
the website below:


Though direct support is unavailable for this product, our knowledge base
may contain an article with a solution to the problem you are
To access the knowledge base please click on the link below:


Thank you for your cooperation. If there is anything else I can assist you
with, please let me know.

Kind regards,
**** ***********
Microsoft Australia & New Zealand Technical Support


Sounds like since MS no longer support 2000, if bugs appear they're not
interested in fixing them. Go figure.

I also cleared out all temp files, and disabled Norton while doing the
installation. However my best advice is, you probably don't need this
at all (given it's age of 2004). My guess is that it might have been
back then, but that it has been replaced/incorporated into a later update,
but the updating software somehow fails to recognise this and hence keeps
asking for it).

If the icon keeps bothering you, choose to custom install, then untick the
checkbox next to that update (this prevents it from installing) and choose
"don't show me this update again".

PA Bear said:
Windows version?

The tech said [MS] no longer supports IE6?!
~Robear Dyer (PA Bear) [working offline]
MS MVP-Windows (IE, OE, Security, Shell/User)
AumHa VSOP & Admin; DTS-L.org

Ellen said:
Hi all,

I rang my local support number and they had no idea why this update had
installed at all, given they don't support IE6 anymore. They thought it
shouldn't mess things up but helped me clear out temp files (using run
and %temp%) etc which might have contributed. Also checked
and set both download services to automatic (one was on manual). Advised
to disable norton before installing windows updates.

The call cost me an arm and a leg in time so I'm passing this on so
you won't have to pay as much.

Download is listed in update history (five times) but not in the list of
updates in add/remove programmes. Apparently, it should be there! She
wanted me to download it manually but I think five attempts was enough.

Did anyone else get an explanation?
See my reply to ozegirl in this thread.

Ellen, you've also posted about this issue in the Windows Update-specific
newsgroup. In the thread there, MVP Robin Walker replied:

Have you replied to her post? Is 832894 still being offered to you by
Automatic Updates?
~Robear Dyer (PA Bear)
MS MVP-Windows (IE, OE, Security, Shell/User)
AumHa VSOP & Admin; DTS-L.org

Ellen said:
Dear PA Bear,

I got this download on two computers. One runs XPSP2 and there's no sign
install on 'add/remove programs', the other runs W2000 and there's no sign
of install, though the review on the update site indicates five successful
installations. From the posts, it seems that most of the duplicates
those running the latter.

Yes, nice lady from Microsoft said they no longer support IE6 so that was
it. Just a clear out.

I think we're all aware that there are newer versions but why should you
dispose of an old computer with windows 2000? It's not exactly green. Can
you imagine us doing that to people? 'Sorry, mate. You're 85. The health
service will no longer support you!'

It's not a question of money. To my knowledge, Microsoft is stilll in the
black. Interesting though that they're not green.

I've had conflictign advice about keeping the system 'clean'. The
lady used run and 'temp' and 'perfetch' to clear out, I've used 'clean
in the past. I've heard experts telling me to defrag and others to avoid
like the plague?

Now all of us have had a cyber 'detox', what are your thoughts on keeping
the system ticking over nicely?

Thanks for your help,


PA Bear said:
Windows version?

The tech said [MS] no longer supports IE6?!