Ian Hoare
Salut/Hi Bruce Chambers,
le/on Sun, 13 Feb 2005 08:38:55 -0700, tu disais/you said:-
What? Including Mbongo Mbongo in Uganda, who has no electricity, and has
never heard of computers. Don't you think you're being a _touch_ careless in
your use of language?
Hmm, Bruce, that's rather an extreme view.
I guess 90% of the population would regard copying a pop record illegally as
being entirely different from snooping through private papers.
In fact I believe that statistically, something like 90% of employees have
no sense of wrong in "relieving" their employer of paper, writing material
etc, nor in making private phone calls/emails on company time. They do not
regard such as theft (in the case of office material) or dishonestly
obtaining services. I'm not saying I agree with them, merely trying to show
you that your view is somewhat eccentric.
If they did, it would be more likely that they did so in ignorance rather
than malice. There are many differing views of what is honest and what is
That said, I've no intention of using or having anything to do with Kazaa.
le/on Sun, 13 Feb 2005 08:38:55 -0700, tu disais/you said:-
It's claimed to be, but I'm skeptical. It may lack most of the
built-in spyware, but it's still a huge security whole. You'll still be
giving everyone else with Kazaa direct access to your hard drive. Are
you really that willing to trust the whole world with the contents of
your hard drive?
What? Including Mbongo Mbongo in Uganda, who has no electricity, and has
never heard of computers. Don't you think you're being a _touch_ careless in
your use of language?
Also remember, the primary purpose of both Kazaa and Kazaa Lite is to
facilitate the illegal distribution of copyrighted materials. The
people who are in the habit of such distribution would be completely
without integrity,
Hmm, Bruce, that's rather an extreme view.
I guess 90% of the population would regard copying a pop record illegally as
being entirely different from snooping through private papers.
In fact I believe that statistically, something like 90% of employees have
no sense of wrong in "relieving" their employer of paper, writing material
etc, nor in making private phone calls/emails on company time. They do not
regard such as theft (in the case of office material) or dishonestly
obtaining services. I'm not saying I agree with them, merely trying to show
you that your view is somewhat eccentric.
and so cannot be trusted not to include viruses,
worms, Trojans, and more with anything they "share."
If they did, it would be more likely that they did so in ignorance rather
than malice. There are many differing views of what is honest and what is
That said, I've no intention of using or having anything to do with Kazaa.