A test bed that isn't "scientific" isn't necessarily uncontrolled.
agreed... however you did not initially give any additional
specifications on what you meant beyond "unscientific test" and i can't
read your mind... my thought experiment used the uncontrolled type of
When I use the term "scientific" in this context I'm using it as I
think knowledgeable people here use it. As a bare minimum, all samples
in a scientific collection have been tested for viability.
great, but you were talking about unscientific tests - constraining
what you mean by 'scientific test' still leaves 'unscientific test's
fairly wide open...
i now know that you are referring to a test that uses a testbed where
non-viable and duplicate samples are weeded out by a sort of 'majority
vote' by a set of scanners you trust... i only know this because
FromTheRafters managed to coax these details out of you, however...
Not meeting
that bare minimum requirement makes a collection "unscientific" right
off the bat. There would be quite a number of other factors as well,
of course.
of course...
Several good scanners identify a sample as the POOP Trojan and no
other samples are allowed in the Trojan category bed identified as
POOP or its alias names. What do we have here? There's the remote
possibility that several good scanners have all misidentified POOP.
But we're not interested in using just one sample. We're interested in
using at least several hundred ... say 1,000 all chosen in the same
way. Now, you have to assign some unknown but reasonable probability
figure that several scanners will all misidentify ... and then compute
from this unknown figure a probable number of duplicates. Further, you
would have to be concerned that that number is significant when using
the test bed to look for increases in detection of Trojans from 100 to
700 (10% to 70%). I say you're calculating "smoke" as we used to say
when some engineer was worried about some minute and insignificant
effect. And you're talking about "smoke".
not so... i was talking about a situation where there is no quality
control on the testbed (since you originally made no specifications on
what, if any, kinds of controls would be present)... that's very
different from the situation where the quality control fails...
Wrong. Read what I wrote. I require that _several_ scanners all agree
before a sample is included.
art, "several scanners" happens to satisfy the "at least one scanner"
on rereading the quote i think i may have misspoke, in the previous
article... 'implies' rather than 'assumes'... it implies that all the
samples you're using in the test are detected and identified...
So turn off the scanner heuristics then. That's what I'd do.
?? perhaps you want to re-read that section - i don't need to turn off
the heuristics, i just can't use those particular types of results...
it's not a problem, it's just the reason why scanner based
classification requires identification rather than just detection...
Not interested in categories that several good scanners aren't already
quite proficient in handling. In fact, it's pure nonsese to even bring
it up.
who said anything about categories? why can't i be talking about
specimens that belong in categories that several good scanners *do*
handle but for whatever reason are not themselves handled yet?
and since you require agreement between several good scanners for
inclusion in your hypothetical unscientific test you're actually
increasing the potential size of the set of malware where improvements
will go unnoticed... imagine if you required agreement between all
scanners, then there'd be no room for improvement...
It means nothing at all. You're inventing straw agruments again.
you mean a 'straw man'... perhaps i am, but really, it would be much
easier to avoid misrepresenting your position if you'd fully specify
your position in the first place, or further specify it when it becomes
clear that you've been too general...
so now i know we're talking about a testbed thats been classified by
several scanners in order to weed out duplicates and probable
non-viable samples... so we've hopefully eliminated the possibility of
unpredictable 'improvement' scaling factors but we've introduced the
problem of omitted population segments discussed previously... the
improvement trends you hope to discover may get missed due to the
self-selected sample bias...