I just ran Regcleraner and it found 10 invalid entries, almost all of
them files I had deleted from my temp directory. IK then ran Regseeker
and it found 670 entries! That is quite a massive discrepancy. I am a
bit nervous about deleting 670 entries. Most of them are things such as
"path doesn't exist", and that kind of thing. Are they safe to delete?
Select the backup button just in case. I'd hate to give bum advise on
something like this and you can always reinstall the backup.
I had similar results the first time I ran RegSeeker. It found all
sorts of entries JV had not. I nervoulsy looked at a few and saw they
were stored paths that did not exist and selectec and deleted all. I
had no problem and a very tidy registry afterwards.
This is why I think it is superior to JV. It really does find all
sorts of stuff that is taking space in the registry and removes it.
You might have quite a few extensions that aren't used too. No problem
in deleting these either.