Just saying "Hello"

Aug 25, 2006
Reaction score
I just thought it'd be polite to say "Hello" to everyone before I start posting in the main forums. :)

I.T experience = 15 years!

Started of with an Amiga 500+ in 1991

Wow, how time fly's... :D
Hiya m8 welcome.

I had an A500 back then aswell what a great machine it was. Even joined my cousins crew did loads of audio samples for them. Went by the name Audio Freak, LMAO original huh ;)
My "Thing" on the Amiga was graphics, I done this excellent picture of the starship enterprize in all it's blocky pixalated glory! :D
Welcome to the site :D I used to love Amigas (and spectrums) - are they still around in some form today?