Virus Guy
David H. Lipman said:| Windows 98/se, as installed using it's default installation
| settings, is not (and was not) vulnerable to network-based
| exploits (worms | mostly) like NT, 2K and XP were,
Not 100% true.
For TCP ports 135 and 445 - yes.
However Win9x/ME was very vulnerable to worms using NetBIOS over
IP as infection vectors.
The default installation settings for win-98 did not include printer
or file-sharing turned on (while on the contrary XP's default setting
WAS to have file sharing turned on).
Also note that Win-98 was not vulnerable to Welchia or Blaster.
The BugBear comes to mind as well as Baloon
and Netlog worms.
Again, they wouldn't be able to infect a default installation of
Win-98/se - even a virgin install (no patches or updates applied to
Also note that it was quite common to use NetBEUI (not TCP/IP) for
file sharing on SOHO networks back when '98 was popular, so again
there was an added layer of protection in the event that file sharing
was turned on.