jst wondering

I have been informed by several people that a good remedy for keeping the hands in good order is to anoint them with urine ( they did mean their own :D).

Never tried it myself as I don't have any problems but I thought you all might like to know. :)

You taking the ****?

Or, as we are wont to utter in these parts 'You're 'aving a laugh aintcha mate?'

I do know wee-wee is sterile and supposedly makes a good disinfectant but I think I'll stick to gargling with TCP :)
I use Fairy liquid to coat my hands and then dip them in Daz, rub in and wash off, beats all other hand cleaners I have tried.
Neutogena Norwegian Formula is the best hand cream I have ever tried as it does what it says on the tin and does not leave your hands greasy. Which is quite important if you are a winter climber.

No-one's mentioned Swarfega - so I will. :D

I always found it great for getting the muck off. :)
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