Jokes (No.2)

Spooky Mouse said:
For a real Comedian see Tony Blair!..
*Adopts Ben Elton Motormouth accent* My goodness, I think we were letting a little bit of politics creep in there, that will never do :D
lol flopps.. your right... it will never do.......
Sorry dude!.. :)

Oh by the way Polotics has nothing to do with it ... just ask Tony.. i think he's a Comedian not a polotician.. isnt tony still busy looking for his WMD's?... or does he have a new agenda now.. like screw the local populace??
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Alright, I'll comment.

UK Politics? I'm confused.

All I can say, is that Tony Blair, representing as he does the Socialist party of Great Britain, makes Ted Heath (do a Google) look like a Communist.

Strange times we live in.