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The clock changing time has to do with the malicious hackers Virtual
Private Network set-up on a hacked/owned computer and if you want to go
into detail you have my original email address to discuss this issue.

Nine times out of ten the problem with the computer clock changing
time is one of two things.

1. Something sucking up way too many clock cycles. The OS clock takes
it's update signal from the CMOS clock. If something is tying up the
OS it'll miss update calls and the OS clock will lose time. However,
when you reboot the time will be correct again.

2. If the clock is jumping an even hour or even number of hours ahead
or back the problem is most likely that the time zone is set
incorrectly in the OS. The box thinks it's in another time zone. When
the OS syncs it's clock (as they can do automatically and are set to
do so by default) to whatever time standard server it's set to check,
the box "corrects" it's self to the time zone it thinks it's in. I've
seen this a dozen times at least. When people call me up and ask why
their box is exactly an hour (or however many hours) off every day
even after they reset it, the first thing I tell 'em is check the time
zone. Cures it every time.

Besides, the only possible way that your system's time and date would
be screwed up would be if the victim had a trojan installed that
allowed an attacker from gaining access to the system to make that
kind of a change. As far as changing the time zone on a computer, that
has to be done by the user via the clock icon on the task bar.

The time zone settings are kept in the registry. I can write a script
to change the time zone using nothing more than the text editor. I
send it to you and run it, and presto the time zone setting on your
computer is whatever I told it to be. Shall I prove it?
X-Treme Programmer: Of course
X-Face: E(MQW5p=/C-y='E-@/Pxh9t<+MN9gS+8TUuULOvGrV8EW'8bbu~;Bjq/=-k>'Uk.x:#2R+nes>=M0VtHL>Mx%1;kxlC-kq>Lp/p"|y\}`mA<<4oCbD,G{8Hh@l5k!54@KQMn|y/,d6E,}vVyhsYlc['~NN>rhR+uTSD\wWh,:qYv:n@#N"G\ShIpUq.,KKIf$;joWe,L]@Z:>nH>>k:QM$c|EPkjtKYr;>kAtL]Cl>SC"LKG~#dF|5Z+y/S\c-6&<We^VivcO~
X-Scape: +++ATH0
X-Scape-Velocity: d^2 = x^2+y^2+z^2*(1-v^2/c^2)^1/2
X-Formation: s^2 = x^2+y^2+z^2-ct^2
X-Terminate: Ignorance
X-Lation: 'The day is not far off when my hand will strike you down into the dust with which you have infected your breath; and, tearing the noxious life from your entrails, I will leave your body writhing and contorted -- to teach the appalled passerby that this palpilating flesh which strikes sight with horror and tacks his dumb tongue to his palate must not be compared, if one keeps one's composure, with the decayed and rotten trunk of an old fallen tree.' -Lautréamont
X-Patiate: Never underestimate the depth and breadth of human stupidity
X-Potties: corntoiletbowl, pud puller, pimp von tranny
X-Pedite: Overnight
X-Opeptidase: Brain fart

Hash: SHA1

hackingsecureit said:
No, just the usual ****ed up bit of "information" she's providing
that indicates nothing other than a problem with the end user that
doesn't know his (in this case, her) ass from the proverbial "hole
in the ground". She'll loose that ISP soon too. You can count on

What makes you think that Tracker has an ISP????? Please be as
specific as possible will ya????

My clock doesn't keep accurate time. Usually it's about 5 minutes
slow. But that's only because of the CMOS battery clip being broken
off the mobo. So I don't have a battery installed. If my power goes
out for any reason, I always have to reset the time and date. That
doesn't mean my computer was compromised.

The clock changing time has to do with the malicious hackers
Virtual Private Network set-up on a hacked/owned computer and if
you want to go into detail you have my original email address to
discuss this issue.

Besides, the only possible way that your system's time and date
would be screwed up would be if the victim had a trojan installed
that allowed an attacker from gaining access to the system to make
that kind of a change. As far as changing the time zone on a
computer, that has to be done by the user via the clock icon on the
task bar.

Want to see a firewall log which you will never again see in your
entire life?

But I'm sure that anyone who knows a thing or two about computers
would already know that..

The "advice" Tracker (aka Debbie) gives is bad advice that she's
cut and pasted from various web sites. Information that is old,
outdated and inaccurate. She also claims to have written a "book"
on "PC security" and something to do with "hackers".. I dunno.. I
never really paid that much attention to her. But something along
those lines. She's yet to provide one shred of truth that this
"book" exists in the real world other than in her mind.. If you can
call it that.

The best thing you could do would be to completely ignore her.
Don't even bother wasting your time trying to prove a point to her.
It's above her head and between her legs.. So all you'll be doing
is wasting your time and energy.

Sounds like your a jealous person and you low self esteem is
shining and glowing.


When ewe finish talkin to yer alter, police let us know.



Version: PGPfreeware 6.5.8 for non-commercial use <>

Leythos said:
[snip spam/drivel]

Abuse reported to geocities.

Whatever......but could you also *snip* alt.comp.virus and
alt.comp.anti-virus out of the Newsgroup slot?? We really don't give one
sweet damn about Tracker and her ramblings.......and the resulting foaming
at the mouth of some of the people that reply.....

Thank you.....
X-Treme Programmer: Of course
X-Face: E(MQW5p=/C-y='E-@/Pxh9t<+MN9gS+8TUuULOvGrV8EW'8bbu~;Bjq/=-k>'Uk.x:#2R+nes>=M0VtHL>Mx%1;kxlC-kq>Lp/p"|y\}`mA<<4oCbD,G{8Hh@l5k!54@KQMn|y/,d6E,}vVyhsYlc['~NN>rhR+uTSD\wWh,:qYv:n@#N"G\ShIpUq.,KKIf$;joWe,L]@Z:>nH>>k:QM$c|EPkjtKYr;>kAtL]Cl>SC"LKG~#dF|5Z+y/S\c-6&<We^VivcO~
X-Scape: +++ATH0
X-Scape-Velocity: d^2 = x^2+y^2+z^2*(1-v^2/c^2)^1/2
X-Formation: s^2 = x^2+y^2+z^2-ct^2
X-Terminate: Ignorance
X-Lation: 'The day is not far off when my hand will strike you down into the dust with which you have infected your breath; and, tearing the noxious life from your entrails, I will leave your body writhing and contorted -- to teach the appalled passerby that this palpilating flesh which strikes sight with horror and tacks his dumb tongue to his palate must not be compared, if one keeps one's composure, with the decayed and rotten trunk of an old fallen tree.' -Lautréamont
X-Patiate: Never underestimate the depth and breadth of human stupidity
X-Potties: corntoiletbowl, pud puller, pimp von tranny
X-Pedite: Overnight
X-Opeptidase: Brain fart

Hash: SHA1

hackingsecureit said:
No, just the usual ****ed up bit of "information" she's providing
that indicates nothing other than a problem with the end user that
doesn't know his (in this case, her) ass from the proverbial "hole
in the ground". She'll loose that ISP soon too. You can count on

What makes you think that Tracker has an ISP????? Please be as
specific as possible will ya????

My clock doesn't keep accurate time. Usually it's about 5 minutes
slow. But that's only because of the CMOS battery clip being broken
off the mobo. So I don't have a battery installed. If my power goes
out for any reason, I always have to reset the time and date. That
doesn't mean my computer was compromised.

The clock changing time has to do with the malicious hackers
Virtual Private Network set-up on a hacked/owned computer and if
you want to go into detail you have my original email address to
discuss this issue.

Besides, the only possible way that your system's time and date
would be screwed up would be if the victim had a trojan installed
that allowed an attacker from gaining access to the system to make
that kind of a change. As far as changing the time zone on a
computer, that has to be done by the user via the clock icon on the
task bar.

Want to see a firewall log which you will never again see in your
entire life?

But I'm sure that anyone who knows a thing or two about computers
would already know that..

The "advice" Tracker (aka Debbie) gives is bad advice that she's
cut and pasted from various web sites. Information that is old,
outdated and inaccurate. She also claims to have written a "book"
on "PC security" and something to do with "hackers".. I dunno.. I
never really paid that much attention to her. But something along
those lines. She's yet to provide one shred of truth that this
"book" exists in the real world other than in her mind.. If you can
call it that.

The best thing you could do would be to completely ignore her.
Don't even bother wasting your time trying to prove a point to her.
It's above her head and between her legs.. So all you'll be doing
is wasting your time and energy.

Sounds like your a jealous person and you low self esteem is
shining and glowing.


When ewe finish talkin to yer alter, police let us know.



Version: PGPfreeware 6.5.8 for non-commercial use <>

No, just the usual ****ed up bit of "information" she's providing that
indicates nothing other than a problem with the end user that doesn't
know his (in this case, her) ass from the proverbial "hole in the
ground". She'll loose that ISP soon too. You can count on that.

What makes you think that Tracker has an ISP????? Please be as specific
as possible will ya????

My clock doesn't keep accurate time. Usually it's about 5 minutes
slow. But that's only because of the CMOS battery clip being broken
off the mobo. So I don't have a battery installed. If my power goes
out for any reason, I always have to reset the time and date. That
doesn't mean my computer was compromised.

The clock changing time has to do with the malicious hackers Virtual
Private Network set-up on a hacked/owned computer and if you want to go
into detail you have my original email address to discuss this issue.

Besides, the only possible way that your system's time and date would
be screwed up would be if the victim had a trojan installed that
allowed an attacker from gaining access to the system to make that
kind of a change. As far as changing the time zone on a computer, that
has to be done by the user via the clock icon on the task bar.

Want to see a firewall log which you will never again see in your entire

But I'm sure that anyone who knows a thing or two about computers
would already know that..

The "advice" Tracker (aka Debbie) gives is bad advice that she's cut
and pasted from various web sites. Information that is old, outdated
and inaccurate. She also claims to have written a "book" on "PC
security" and something to do with "hackers".. I dunno.. I never
really paid that much attention to her. But something along those
lines. She's yet to provide one shred of truth that this "book" exists
in the real world other than in her mind.. If you can call it that.

The best thing you could do would be to completely ignore her. Don't
even bother wasting your time trying to prove a point to her. It's
above her head and between her legs.. So all you'll be doing is
wasting your time and energy.

Sounds like your a jealous person and you low self esteem is shining and

Sounds like your a jealous person and you low self esteem is shining and


Sounds like someone is too lame, retarded or trolltastic to quote properly.


ZGF0YWZsZXhAY2FubmFiaXNtYWlsLmNvbQ== ( )
"Without knowledge you have fear. With fear you create your own nightmares."
"Alzheimer's, cheaper than rohypnol"
"There are 10 types of people in the world. Those that understand Binary,
and those that dont."
"He who controls Google, controls the world".
rotfl said:
Leythos said:
[snip spam/drivel]

Abuse reported to geocities.

Abuse reported to RoadRunner.

Quit crossposted, you ****ing idiot.

1,2,3,4, groups you just posted too, well done mr "stop crossposting"
Killfiles were designed for a reason.


ZGF0YWZsZXhAY2FubmFiaXNtYWlsLmNvbQ== ( )
"Without knowledge you have fear. With fear you create your own nightmares."
"Alzheimer's, cheaper than rohypnol"
"There are 10 types of people in the world. Those that understand Binary,
and those that dont."
"He who controls Google, controls the world".
No, just the usual ****ed up bit of "information" she's providing that
indicates nothing other than a problem with the end user that doesn't
know his (in this case, her) ass from the proverbial "hole in the
ground". She'll loose that ISP soon too. You can count on that.

What makes you think that Tracker has an ISP????? Please be as specific
as possible will ya????

My clock doesn't keep accurate time. Usually it's about 5 minutes
slow. But that's only because of the CMOS battery clip being broken
off the mobo. So I don't have a battery installed. If my power goes
out for any reason, I always have to reset the time and date. That
doesn't mean my computer was compromised.

The clock changing time has to do with the malicious hackers Virtual
Private Network set-up on a hacked/owned computer and if you want to go
into detail you have my original email address to discuss this issue.

Besides, the only possible way that your system's time and date would
be screwed up would be if the victim had a trojan installed that
allowed an attacker from gaining access to the system to make that
kind of a change. As far as changing the time zone on a computer, that
has to be done by the user via the clock icon on the task bar.

Want to see a firewall log which you will never again see in your entire

But I'm sure that anyone who knows a thing or two about computers
would already know that..

The "advice" Tracker (aka Debbie) gives is bad advice that she's cut
and pasted from various web sites. Information that is old, outdated
and inaccurate. She also claims to have written a "book" on "PC
security" and something to do with "hackers".. I dunno.. I never
really paid that much attention to her. But something along those
lines. She's yet to provide one shred of truth that this "book" exists
in the real world other than in her mind.. If you can call it that.

The best thing you could do would be to completely ignore her. Don't
even bother wasting your time trying to prove a point to her. It's
above her head and between her legs.. So all you'll be doing is
wasting your time and energy.

Sounds like your a jealous person and you low self esteem is shining and


Still don't know how to properly reply to a post yet, huh?

Typical end Lusers.
The User by the name "Tracker" aka "Debbie", aka VPNSISHACKERSSECRET, aka
"snailmail", regularly posts incorrect, misleading and damaging information.
To rely on the advice of this person could result in irreparable damage to
your system. You are advised not to listen to anything that this person
posts, and certainly to not attempt or believe anything this person
advises. The following link provides additional information:


Any advice from a poster using the word 'tracker' may contain
dangerous nonsense and should be immediately deleted from your

Do NOT contact this person by email!

Do NOT feed the Trolls, one warning is enough, further messages
only reinforce the desire for attention that provides motivation.

Visit the fan club at:
The User by the name "Tracker" aka "Debbie", aka VPNSISHACKERSSECRET, aka
"snailmail", regularly posts incorrect, misleading and damaging information.
To rely on the advice of this person could result in irreparable damage to
your system. You are advised not to listen to anything that this person
posts, and certainly to not attempt or believe anything this person
advises. The following link provides additional information:


Any advice from a poster using the word 'tracker' may contain
dangerous nonsense and should be immediately deleted from your

Do NOT contact this person by email!

Do NOT feed the Trolls,

Trolls get hungry too .. its just not ethiopians.
Heather wrote this gem:
And another *illiterate* lurches out of the swamp......good thing you are
anonymous.....the spelling cops would get you.....bwa ha ha.
^reaper^ illiterate??!

No gold star but thanks for playing.. ;)
Beauregard T. Shagnasty said:
Quoth the raven named WARNING:


You didn't understand; sorry that was over your head. I was pointing
out that you don't know how to spell.

The word isn't "drival" ... it is "drivel".*

Hmmm, another english freak, eh? My biggest beef is the word 'looser'
instead of 'loser'.....grin.

And you will never convince him he is wrong.......others have tried. Ho
