Lusotec said:
Nice way of coming up with number.
Human released CO2 is now close to 2/3 of atmosphere CO2 and it would be
much much more if the oceans where not absorbing vast amounts of it and
getting more acid in the process. Methane has a small half-life in the
atmosphere, about 10 years, and has a concentration of less that 1% of that
of the CO2. Water, due to the surface evaporation and condensation at cloud
level transports far more heat by convection than accumulates. CO2 is the
greenhouse gas!
Bullshit. Talk about pulling figures out of thin air.
Here are the facts... 220 Gt of CO2 are emitted by rotting vegetation
per year. Another 220 Gt are emitted by "respiration of vegetation" and
another 440 Gt of CO2 is emitted by the ocean. Man's CO2 emissions are
currently pegged at 26.4 Gt per year. That gives us a grand total of
796.4 Gt of CO2 -- leaving the percentage of man-made CO2 at about 3.3%.
This is according to --
which is trying to explain how this tiny percent of CO2 -- which again
is a tiny percent of all greenhouse gasses (about 3.4%) somehow tips the
balance for global warming. (Hint: they don't actually explain it away,
but they try -- and at least acknowledge that man-made CO2 is small
percentage of the total -- though they fail to mention how small the
percent of greenhouse gasses are CO2.)
So how, exactly, does that tiny amount of the total greenhouse gas
(about .117%) that man emits into the air tip the balance? What's the
difference between the man-made CO2 and non-man-made CO2 that somehow
makes the man-made version of the exact same gas "magical" enough to
supposedly raise the temperature of the earth?
You can put your head in that made up "reality" but your body will still be
in a warming planet.
Actually, no. The planet has not been warming for 11 years now. The high
point of this current cycle was 1998 -- even though man-made CO2
emissions have supposedly risen by 3.5% a year. The fact is, our
temperatures on earth have been much hotter (and much colder) in the
past without man-made CO2 emissions. (A truth conveniently ignored by
the "sky is falling" set.)
While sea ice has been reduced in the Artic by 7% since 1980 -- a fact
widely published -- in Antartica, sea ice has increased 43% since 1980.
(As if 30 years of data can really make any statements about the
long-term anyhow.)
The sun activity has *nothing* to do with the current climate changes. The
idea that sun activity could be used to predict weather pattern has been
dead since the 1940. The vast majority of physics, astronomers and
meteorologists will tell you that.
Right. The sun has nothing to do with climate. Okay, Mars is 85% carbon
dioxide. Can we expect "global warming" there any day now?
And what exactly have we got -- and increase of "up to" .5 degrees
centigrade in the last 100 years? Whoop-de-doo. In case anyone in the
Global Warming Religion can't figure it out -- in the early 1900s we
were still coming out of the Little Ice Age. Maybe the Earth is supposed
to be much warmer than it is now. How do we get an average temperature
NASA administrator Michael Griffin had this to say on NPR in May of 2007:
"I have no doubt that a trend of global warming exists. I am not sure
that it is fair to say that it is a problem we must wrestle with."
"To assume that it is a problem is to assume that the state of Earth's
climate today is the optimal climate, the best climate that we could
have or ever have had and that we need to take steps to make sure that
it doesn't change. I guess I would ask which human beings where and when
are to be accorded the privilege of deciding that this particular
climate that we have right here today, right now is the best climate for
all other human beings. I think that's a rather arrogant position for
people to take."
Good point.
So you have redefined the meaning of the word "pollutant" in your own
deluded "reality". After recreating basic scientific facts that is, at
most, a minor accomplishment!
Uh... CO2 is a natural gas, absolutely necessary for life on the planet.
Like, duh...
Dumping a substance in to an environment in far greater and harmful
concentrations than what naturally occurs is pollution and the dumped
substance is a "pollutant". That applies to dumping water with high levels
of salt in to rivers or lakes and dumping billions of tons of fossil C in
the form of CO2 in to the atmosphere.
A "substance" or "pollutant" -- meaning CO2, which is a natural gas.
Review the facts -- human CO2 emissions are currently pegged at 26.4 Gt.
Other land emissions of CO2 are at 440 Gt and the ocean emits another
330 Gt. So, even if we stop all human emissions (an impossibility if we
want to live) we're talking about slightly over 3.5% of all CO2 -- and
the total CO2 amount is about 3.5% of the total greenhouse gasses. Yet
this tiny percentage is what drives global warming.
Again, bullshit.
Global warming was a undeniable fact for the vast majority of climate
scientists in early 90's and they would tell you that the only climate
factor that had changed with any significance was the increase of CO2 and
CH4 in the atmosphere, not the Sun's activity, not the Earth's orbit or
axis inclination, and not tectonically activity.
Sure. And the sun revolved around the earth according to the "vast
majority of scientists" at one time. Big deal -- even if it were true.
Point of fact is that many scientists disagree with the man-made global
warming bullshit.
31,000 scientists (many of whom once spewed the global warming
orthodoxy) have now signed the Oregon Petition...
Here's partly what the petition says:
"There is no convincing scientific evidence that human release of carbon
dioxide, methane, or other greenhouse gasses is causing or will, in the
foreseeable future, cause catastrophic heating of the Earth's atmosphere
and disruption of the Earth's climate. Moreover, there is substantial
scientific evidence that increases in atmospheric carbon dioxide produce
many beneficial effects upon the natural plant and animal environments
of the Earth."
The length that some people go to deny them selves simple fact is reaching
pathological levels.