Colin Barnhorst said:Just because I ordered a Core 2 Duo machine with 4GB of PC6400 ram, 1TB of
internal storage, and a GeForce 7900GT card? Just FYI, OOBE, FWIW, RTFM.
Raven Mill said:I really love these posts. They are definately the most amusing.
I think that MS is perfectly okay with us chatting about anything we like,
provided it's not illegal or hurtfull to anyone other than those who seem
to want to complain about them. If you don't like the social aspect of
the newsgroup, go start your own and tell everyone they can ONLY talk
about ONE subject and never bring up any others.
In the same manner as radio works, you are free to turn the dial.
I have seen NO mention in the terms of use for this NG that states that
people can discuss ONE topic only. It's left open and (mostly)
unmoderated for a reason...
Sheesh...to all the people who believe, for some strange reason or
another, that THEY are the ones invoked with policing responsibilities on
these NGs: GET A LIFE. You're OBVIOUSLY too bored to know how NGs
generally work, or the way they ALWAYS end up.
Chad Harris said:I made my statements butressed by these facts--and I have plenty idea and I
have since the thing started.
1) None of us were given an NDA on the TBT. Whatever the MVPs and TAP
have in their own programs with their own unique brand of access is
separate from the TBT although they are always included all TBT
access--and more.
2) Paul Donnelly who administers the TBT made an explicit statement about
No NDA on the Vista Beta and the context very early on in the TBT.
3) From time to time I have seen statements of what they consider off
limits and it includes direct pasting from their material on Connect and
their messages to TBTs on groups, although much of what they say can be
discussed correctly.
4) I have witnessed that MSFT employees who are on various Beta teams do
not pay any attention to what the Vista Beta admin has said about
discussing--they discuss whatever and whenver the hell they want on their
5) Many of the widely read ezine authors also continue to post this
content and continue to get invited to Redmond for some inside baseball
tete a tetes aka helping sell the product and promote it and I assume they
are fed and well treated not beat up by a gang of softies once on campus.
Intel Inside said:Chad,
you stated "There is no NDA on the Technical Beta "material"".
Quite obviously you have no idea and have beome a sycophanting
Here's parts of the Connect agreement from
http://connect.microsoft.com/terms.aspx :
Information available via this web site (such as white papers, data
FAQs, announcements, bug information and WEB FORUM POSTINGS) are the
confidential and proprietary information of Microsoft Corporation. [...]
Without limiting the rights under copyright, no part of the information
be reproduced, stored in or introduced into a retrieval system, or
transmitted in any form or by any means (electronic, mechanical,
photocopying, recording, or otherwise), or for any purpose, without the
express written permission of Microsoft Corporation.
Colin Barnhorst said:I forgot to add that it is only the x86 version so far. There may not be
any need to release the x64 version this time, depending on what the Vista
team wants us to evaluate. Or maybe it will be along later.