Is Yahoo doing all it can to prevent the spread of viruses?

  • Thread starter Thread starter Robert Clark
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Those are unretouched and real and I like having fun, and yes even
giving others a laugh at my expense; because I am secure enough in
my own self about myself that I can laugh at myself or laugh with
other at myself.

Well in *that* case, Soooooooooge -- show us your schlong!

Or at least hold up a sign saying, "Hi Laura and 4Q". (And make sure
you've got cartoons on the TV.)

Version: PGP 8.0.2
Comment: Because I *can* be.


Laura Fredericks
PGP key ID - DH/DSS 2048/1024: 0xC753039A

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Laura Fredericks said:
Well in *that* case, Soooooooooge -- show us your schlong!

Or at least hold up a sign saying, "Hi Laura and 4Q". (And make sure
you've got cartoons on the TV.)

Forget the schlong just the sign would do, but instead of cartoons on the
TV in the background, how about the Beverly Hillbillies? or a Marx Bros film
so we can compare the eyebrows :)

Laura Fredericks said:
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Well in *that* case, Soooooooooge -- show us your schlong!

Or at least hold up a sign saying, "Hi Laura and 4Q". (And make sure
you've got cartoons on the TV.)

I just got an email that the Usenet twit (4Q) could not contain himself
any longer and just as I said he would, he has shown his stupidly and thinks
his little tirade on his poor excuse for a web page will get my attention.
However as I informed the person that sent me the email that although I
appreciate their emailing me and letting me know my Social Engineering of
the twit (as if there was ever any doubt it would work) has succeeded.
Actually I think he wanted to respond on his page the very first day I said
he would over in acvsc; but he knew the would prove beyond a doubt that I
have him dancing at my every word; but I knew he could not contain himself
for very long.
I did tell the person that emailed me to be on the look out; because of
another little SE I have planed for the little twit. He is just so easy to
SE however that it is almost not worth doing; because when there is talk
around the net about how to SE someone the name 4Q the Usenet twit often
comes up. I do feel sorry for him however; because anyone's life that is so
void of anything real or of any relationships is so pathetic you have to
feel sorry for him and I do not only feel sorry for him I truly pity him.
I don't even begrudge him the small pleasure his web page must give
him; because that may be the only thing standing between himself and suicide
that were he not able to post lies on Usenet and his pathetic web page he
most likely would curl up in the fetal position and die without needing to
commit suicide; because one can be so lonesome and withdrawn from society
that they can literally die from it. So I consider it my duty to help this
poor miserable excuse for a human being and give him some reason to live
even if it is to only come to my web cam (as he just did according to my
logs and I showed him a sign that said *hi Laura* SE in the making, lol) to
capture a picture to try and retouch with another of his fantasies.
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Forget the schlong just the sign would do...

(So who's the puppet, Soooooooooge?)

Version: PGP 8.0.2
Comment: Because I *can* be.


Laura Fredericks
PGP key ID - DH/DSS 2048/1024: 0xC753039A

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...and I showed him a sign that said *hi Laura* SE in the making,

<sob> I thought that sign was for *me*. :-(

Version: PGP 8.0.2
Comment: Because I *can* be.


Laura Fredericks
PGP key ID - DH/DSS 2048/1024: 0xC753039A

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Laura Fredericks said:
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(So who's the puppet, Soooooooooge?)

Why you are one of them of course; because I only had to dangle one
little sign to make you post a capture of the sign I held up for you and
twit boy, and you must have broken a Usenet record of a puppet having their
string pulled; because it must have taken less then 5 minuets after I held
up the sign until it made it to your page. But then you had to go and ruin
the SE; because you mentioned what I was going to use to prove the little
twit was in at my cam at the same time as you with.
As you can (on my cam) see from this present I got for my 50th birthday, it
doesn't bother me in the least when someone says I have bushy eyebrows;
because contrary to what is thought, I like them that way and all my friends
and family get quite a good laugh when someone on Usenet try's to use that
against me. I will leave it up for a while for all that want to see can;
because I have some reading to do.
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...I only had to dangle one little sign to make you post a capture
of the sign I held up for you and twit boy, and you must have
broken a Usenet record of a puppet having their string pulled;
because it must have taken less then 5 minuets after I held up the
sign until it made it to your page.

Wrong. I posted a message asking you to hold up a sign saying, "Hello
Laura and 4Q". Just a few minutes later, when I checked your
SooooooogeCam again, you held up the sign for me to see. (Albeit with
no mention of 4Q.) And then, yes, I added it to the SooooooogeCam
Caps page.

Oh, and, best part: The sign was ALREADY WRITTEN.

Later, puppet. ;-)

Version: PGP 8.0.2
Comment: Because I *can* be.


Laura Fredericks
PGP key ID - DH/DSS 2048/1024: 0xC753039A

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Just for you Laura, have a look at my web cam...

I see your wife sent your pic to one of those vanity, soft-sculpture
doll-making companies for your birthday, Soooooooooooooge... (Nice
(Ack! Even the brows are long and bushy like his!)

SooooooogeCam Caps updated!

Version: PGP 8.0.2
Comment: Because I *can* be.


Laura Fredericks
PGP key ID - DH/DSS 2048/1024: 0xC753039A

Remove CLOTHES to reply.
Laura Fredericks said:
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Wrong. I posted a message asking you to hold up a sign saying, "Hello
Laura and 4Q". Just a few minutes later, when I checked your
SooooooogeCam again, you held up the sign for me to see. (Albeit with
no mention of 4Q.) And then, yes, I added it to the SooooooogeCam
Caps page.

Oh, and, best part: The sign was ALREADY WRITTEN.

Later, puppet. ;-)
better check your times; because I know better
Laura Fredericks said:
Hash: SHA1

Wrong. I posted a message asking you to hold up a sign saying, "Hello
Laura and 4Q". Just a few minutes later, when I checked your
SooooooogeCam again, you held up the sign for me to see. (Albeit with
no mention of 4Q.) And then, yes, I added it to the SooooooogeCam
Caps page.

Oh, and, best part: The sign was ALREADY WRITTEN.
It didn't mention the twit for obvious reasons, how can one do a SE if the
main point of it, is already known? iow, it didn't show the twits name
because I hadn't seen your post yet, and I had your name on it because I was
trying to get him to make some sort of comment about how I thought it was
you instead of it actually being him. Now do you get it?
Laura Fredericks said:
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Earthlink doesn't screen for viruses, worms, etc. Only for spam.

Then Earthlink is also contributing to the problem. If every email
provider offered the option of automatically scanning for viruses then
the problem of the spread of email viruses could be solved like
yesterday. This is because most email viruses get spread by
inexperienced users and most inexperienced users would opt to
automatically prevent the delivery of virus containing emails to their

Bob Clark
I like this idea. I think many people would opt for the email to be
automatically screened for viruses, especially among inexperienced

Bob Clark

Here's another letter sent to Yahoo on the detection of viruses:

Date: Thu, 28 Aug 2003 07:42:03 -0700 (PDT)
From: "Robert Clark" <b****>
Subject: Re: Is Yahoo doing all it can to prevent the spread of viruses?
To: "Yahoo!Mail" <[email protected]>

I've applied the recommended filter to my affected
Yahoo account. However, the recommended filter key
phrase "See the attached file for details" is still
rather broad. So I also required the subject line to
match those known to head those of the virus
containing emails.
Perhaps we can come to a compromise on Yahoo's
detection of virus containing emails. You now allow
the user to direct offending emails to the Trash
folder based on what is in the *body* of the email.
Why not also allow them to direct offending emails to
the Trash according to what's in the
*attachment*? If you're going to allow them to
optionally search the entire body of an email, there
is no logical reason why you should not also allow
them to optionally search an attachment.
Then if you allow that, clearly since the content of
viruses is not known to the average user you would
have to inform them of the specific key phrases
contained within the virus attachments.
And if you are going to do that and then expect the
user to go through the steps of setting up the correct
filter, why not give the user the option of having
Yahoo do that automatically?

Bob Clark

--- Yahoo!Mail said:

Thank you for writing to Yahoo! Mail.

There are many viruses in existence today (often
called "worms"), that
propagate when an email attachment containing the
virus is sent to an
email address found in an infected user's computer
(e.g., address book,
local files, etc.). In cases such as these, Yahoo!
users may receive an
email with an attachment that indicates the email
has been sent from
their own Yahoo! account, when in reality, it most
likely was not.

Yahoo! Mail is a web-based email system. Your email
messages, address
book and other account information are stored on
Yahoo!'s servers,
rather than on your computer. Because most viruses
infect your local
computer, it is very unlikely that the virus would
propagate through a
Yahoo! Mail account.

Currently, the most reported virus as described
above is the
"W32.Sobig.F@mm" virus. If you have received a
suspicious email that you
think may contain the Sobig virus, please compare
the subject line of
the email you have received to those listed at:[email protected]


Please be aware that because Yahoo! Mail is
web-based, simply viewing
your email messages in Yahoo! Mail does not make
your computer
vulnerable to computer viruses. In addition,
attachments sent along with
email are not a threat to your system if you do not
download them.
However, if you choose to download an attachment by
either opening it or
saving it to your computer, your computer does then
become vulnerable to
computer viruses. The same is true of all files you
download to your
computer, whether email attachments or not.

Please note that there is a risk involved whenever
downloading email
attachments to your computer or sending email
attachments to others. As
stated in the Yahoo! Terms of Service, neither
Yahoo! nor its licensors
are responsible for any damages caused by your
decision to do so. The
Yahoo! Mail Abuse team recommends that you never
download files from an
unknown source.

As a further precaution, we recommend that you
choose to scan your
attachments whenever this option is available.
Following these
suggestions will greatly reduce your likelihood of
experiencing trouble
from computer viruses.

If you believe you have a virus on your system, we
recommend that you
install an anti-virus program and contact your
computer's user support
group for assistance. You can also search the virus
encyclopedia at:

In addition, since the Sobig.F email worm uses
different "From"
addresses, it's currently not possible to block
incoming mail using the
"Blocked Address" feature of Yahoo! Mail.

You can however create a filter based on the text
within the body of the
email. Once the filter is created, it will redirect
those emails to a
particular folder. The two sentences below are text
that are generally
located within the body of a Sobig.F email:

See the attached file for details


Please see the attached file for details.

To set up a filter, please follow the directions

1. Log into your Yahoo! Mail Account

2. Click on "Mail Options"
3. Click "Filters"
4. Click on the "Add" button
5. Enter in a filter name, such as "Email Worm" or
6. In the "Body" field, please enter the text
listed above. Please
note, you will need to create two different filters
for each sentence
that is listed above.
7. Next, choose the folder where you would like the
message to be
8. Finally, click on the "Add Filter" button

Thank you again for contacting Yahoo! Customer Care.


Yahoo! Customer Care


A big reason for the spread of email viruses is because of
inexperienced users who download attachments without scanning them
first. It would be nice if all computer users were experienced, and it
would also be nice if all automobile drivers were experienced. Fact
is, that's not happening in the real world.
Most inexperienced users would gladly choose the option of having
email attachments scanned first for viruses and automatically
preventing the delivery of infected emails. This is already done by
AOL, Hotmail, MSN and university email systems and I haven't heard of
any great hue and cry from users demanding to have those virus
infected emails delivered to their mailboxes again.
If it were the policy of all email providers to offer the OPTION of
automatically scanning attachments and preventing the delivery of
infected emails, the problem of the spread of email viruses would be
solved in one day.

Bob Clark
Followup-to: set to alt.comp.virus

In Message-ID:<[email protected]> posted
on 28 Aug 2003 08:51:29 -0700, Robert Clark wrote:

<snipped the top posted, cross posted nonsense>

Advertising in news and mail messages, like commercials on TV,
or signs along the roadway, is just another disgusting aspect of
capitalism, that the world would be prettier without.

If you're such a cheapskate that you feel the need to shill for some
company by using their spam laced posting service to get your message
posted to usenet, them maybe your message isn't worth reading. ;-)
Here's another letter sent to Yahoo on the detection of viruses:
Why not also allow them to direct offending emails to
the Trash according to what's in the

I found this thread while looking to see if anyone else was having
this problem, which I see, they are. The last few weeks or so I've
been getting slammed with this crap. I mostly use Yahoo mail for
registering with Usenet, so it isn't affecting my home PC but still,
if someone sends a legitimate e-mail related to a post, odds are I
won't get it unless it's shortly after I clean out the yahoo mail

The idea of redirecting to the trash based on attachment content
however doesn't alter the fact that the account is still getting
filled. It just changes their destination.

It occured to me that it would be useful if there were an option to
block ALL attachments. I don't see an option to do this. If there is,
could someone advise?