Yes, Hello Mr. Profound,
I'm inspired by your comments which reflect deep philosophical thoughts
Kevin and you know I enjoy hearing from you.
Figuratively speaking, let's take a ride on the Wayback Machine for a
moment. This topic of mine derives from the very first days of the beta when
the 1.0 framework was released. What was the big language thing everybody
talked about?
Unless you were hip to research.microsoft.com you wouldn't have even heard
of C# as there were no C# developers at the time so to speak. For the most
part. the only persons around in these microsoft.public newsgroups used C++,
ASP/VBScript and Visual Basic 6 as we migrated from inetserver.asp.general.
As I recall the most common topic at the time was the release of the C#
language in the context of its use with the framework.
The nucleus of many discussions was not "What's Your Favorite Book" or even
"Which Language Should I Use" (both of which were to come shortly
thereaftyer). That was the time of the birth of the question "Is VB dead?"
Yup. Yesiree. Wayback when and its still here ainna?
<%= Clinton
I'm inspired by your comments which reflect deep philosophical thoughts
Kevin and you know I enjoy hearing from you.
Figuratively speaking, let's take a ride on the Wayback Machine for a
moment. This topic of mine derives from the very first days of the beta when
the 1.0 framework was released. What was the big language thing everybody
talked about?
Unless you were hip to research.microsoft.com you wouldn't have even heard
of C# as there were no C# developers at the time so to speak. For the most
part. the only persons around in these microsoft.public newsgroups used C++,
ASP/VBScript and Visual Basic 6 as we migrated from inetserver.asp.general.
As I recall the most common topic at the time was the release of the C#
language in the context of its use with the framework.
The nucleus of many discussions was not "What's Your Favorite Book" or even
"Which Language Should I Use" (both of which were to come shortly
thereaftyer). That was the time of the birth of the question "Is VB dead?"
Yup. Yesiree. Wayback when and its still here ainna?
<%= Clinton