Ben Pope
Shogun said:No ... No time for it. Busy in my family with two twins of almost 3 years
old ;-)
Every year again i have the plans but never come to it :-(
I saw your Memory Timings and you have exactly the same like me: 7-3-3-2.5
But maybe i have another issue ... I somewhere read about the possibility
to increase the Memory not with the Agressive method but with MANUAL and
then 130%, however i can't find it back where i read that ......
Sounds like:
Advanced Chipset Features -> System Performance: Manual
Memory Frequency: 133%
That would then run your memory at 133% of FSB, but I wouldn't recommend
it... nForce2 likes FSB and RAM in synch.
Try it and bench the results, but if your FSB is 166MHz, then you'll need
RAM capable of 166*1.33 = 222MHz. If you have PC3200 and a FSB of 166MHz,
then 120% is the setting you need in order to get RAM at 200MHz.
Maybe Ben can tell us more about this ... I saw in the BIOS that this
feature MENU was for the Experts, which i am not, so i didn't want to burn
my fingers on it ( i hope i translated this well, hehe) Should we do that,
what will be the consequences then and what do we take care of regarding
the other memory settings?
It'll fail the memory test. May have to clear CMOS / hold insert when
booting. If you don;t know if your RAM is capable of a speed, best increase
to it slowly, fully testing the RAM at each stage - at the first sign of
instability, back it off.