Is this a Sound Database Design?

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Hi Curtis,

Try something like this:

'Private Sub SwitchTabs_Click() --> Remove this line!

Private Function SwitchTabs(pIndex As Integer)
On Error GoTo Proc_Err

'strive4peace2006 at

Me.TabNumber = pIndex
Dim mNumTabs As Integer, i As Integer, mboo As Boolean
Dim Fore1 As Long, Fore2 As Long, Back1 As Long, Back2 As Long

Fore1 = 16777215
Back1 = 11220286
Fore2 = 8388608
Back2 = 16644084

mNumTabs = 2

For i = 1 To mNumTabs
If pIndex = i Then
Me("tab" & i).BackColor = Back1
Me("tab" & i).ForeColor = Fore1
Me("tab" & i).BackColor = Back2
Me("tab" & i).ForeColor = Fore2
End If
Next i

Me.TabSubform.Visible = True

Select Case pIndex
Case 1
Me.TabSubform.SourceObject = "Potential"
Case 2
Me.TabSubform.SourceObject = "CurrentForm"

End Select

Exit Function

MsgBox Err.Description, , "ERROR " & Err.Number & " SwitchTabs"
'press F8 to step through lines of code to see where problem is
'comment next line after debugged
Stop: Resume

Resume Proc_Exit

End Function
'End Function --> Remove this line!


make sure you have these buttons

Name --> Tab1
Caption --> Potential
Onclick --> =SwitchTabs(1)

Name --> Tab2
Caption --> CurrentForm '--> changed name from Current
Onclick --> =SwitchTabs(2)

and this textbox:

Name --> TabNumber

you are going to run into problems with a form name of Current -- you
need to change that, so I changed it in the example

Warm Regards,
(: have an awesome day :)
MVP Access
Remote programming and Training
strive4peace2006 at
Hi Crystal,

Ok, so where does this code go? On an onclick of what button or form or???
I don't know where to put it!

Hi Curtis,

I realize you have been tossed into the deep end of the pool and all of
this code is spinning in your head... but try and get past the confusion
of code to the LOGIC...

in my previous post, I told you how the code would be launched:

make sure you have these (command) buttons

Name --> Tab1
Caption --> Potential
OnClick event --> =SwitchTabs(1)

Name --> Tab2
Caption --> CurrentForm '--> changed name from Current
OnClick event --> =SwitchTabs(2)

The OnClick event of the command button will launch the code... this
will replace the SourceObject in your subform control according to the
parameter (in your case, 1 or 2) that is sent to the function (whose
code is behind your form)

Warm Regards,
(: have an awesome day :)
MVP Access
Remote programming and Training
strive4peace2006 at
I thought I was suppose to put =SwitchTabs(1) in the onclick event window
field box...... Didn't realize you were talking about the code, I thought
that it should, but based on what you said, I thought it was suppose to say

Hi Curtis,

sorry for the confusion... did you get it to work?

The actual function goes in the module sheet behind your form.

'~~~~~~~~~ Compile ~~~~~~~~~

Whenever you change code or references, your should always compile
before executing.

from the menu in a module window: Debug, Compile

fix any errors on the yellow highlighted lines

keep compiling until nothing happens (this is good!)

Warm Regards,
(: have an awesome day :)
MVP Access
Remote programming and Training
strive4peace2006 at
I did exactly what you said and it comes up with this error:

Error 438 SwitchTabs - Object doesn't support this propery or method

Points to this line of code: Stop: Resume
Hi Curtis,

'press F8 to step through lines of code to see where problem is
'comment next line after debugged
Stop: Resume

the code will STOP on the Stop statement

press F8 and it will go to the Resume statement

press F8 again and it will go to the actual offending line...

Warm Regards,
(: have an awesome day :)
MVP Access
Remote programming and Training
strive4peace2006 at