With the R1800 I see not reduced bronzing, but no bronzing at all. It
is not an issue. With the R2400, I haven't seen the output yet, but
understand that there may be some insignificant bronzing visible.
See above re bronzing. It is possible to switch GO off with the R1800,
and then I expect that bronzing may be seen. If you use a swellable
polymer paper, then you will also see a nasty effect from the pigment
held up on the surace.
Both have a wider colour gamut than the 2100. Both will produce
stunning prints on semi and gloss papers. The R2400 is priced at about
the same level as the 2100, the R1800 is less expensive.
If you want dye ink in an A3 printer, then in my opinion the only
machine to seriously consider is the Canon iP9950, which is less
expensive than the R1800.
I disagree.
Read these comments from Vincent Oliver:
"The EPSON Stylus Photo R2400 doesn't compete with traditional wet
chemistry photographs - it doesn't need to as it is streets ahead of
anything I have seen produced in a darkroom".
" As a professional photographer with over 30 years experience and
exhibited at many venues, I can say that the print I produced this
afternoon is better than anything I have ever done in the darkroom. The
print has sharpness, great colour saturation and all the qualities that
I would expect from a wet chemistry photograph, let alone a digital
print. It is stunning. Any photographer who questions the quality or
merit of a digital print compared to a wet chemistry print need only
look at the output from the R1800."
(see http://www.photo-i.co.uk for reviews)
There is plenty of debate elsewhere about film vs digital. I just use
my eyes to judge. 35mm is dead. If you doubt this, then check Ebay for
prices for great cameras like used Nikon F4s. Nobody seriously
compares a "£5000 digi" with 35mm, the debate seems to have shifted to
645 - drum scanned. (I assume you are talking about a Canon 1DS II, as
you can get a 35mm killing D2x for much less than that)
Well Frederick, I am surprised at your reference to Nikon F4's selling at
such low prices on ebay, why is this I ask, one, because the F4 is now an
old lady and second, I would suspect that most are at the end of their
shutter life or have some other problem, I thought as a Pro Photographer you
would have been aware of this.
I have recently received wet prints taken with my F4 and prints taken with a
7mp digital, the wet prints are of a higher quality than the digi no doubt
whatever on this one, I as yourself use eye comparison as this is also
what the customer uses. The f4 and digi were used for background shots and
thank god the wedding was shot the a 6x6 film camera.
I also wonder at the photo you printed in the afternoon and measured against
a digi, I have to wonder what control system you use on your wet system, I
refer here to control strips and the like controlled by the chemical
manufacturer, I use Agfa. If your wet system is not controlled then there
could well be a better print produced by a digi and printed on an Inkjet.
Pro lab processing is a different ball game from home developing.