Thanks for the defense-this reaffirms my "duh" capacity, though. What is an OP?
----- Chris Holden wrote: -----
So are you smart then?
Really, what degree do you have?
Why not? (there are some acceptible answers to this, but 'educated and
smart' would mean that the wanker should know better than make such a post).
Do you have a fulfilling social life? Honestly?
If your answer to that question is 'yes', why bother to make that post?
Did it make you feel big? Did it make you feel intelligent?
If the answer is 'yes', you need to see a shrink. Actually helping people is
far more affirming.
I have news for you: I don't care how smart you think you are or what your
qualifications are - it took more guts for the OP to post the question than
you have, and more idea of real life than you have to reply in a sensible,
helpful manner. I doubt you agree, as you are obviously screwed up in some
way, but that doesn't matter... nor does what you say now, everyone watching
thinks you're the stupid one.