BoB said:I had a very similar access problem recently and was provided
with this suggestion which fixed it for me, and others since.
Start|Run|winipcfg, select Release_all then Renew_all.
The renew takes a while sometimes. On some systems the
command is ipcfg. A 'bad' IP code is locked up and this
clears it out so you're system will look for a new IP.
May be due to your ISP swap. Mine came out of the blue.
Hope this works for you too,
Just an update on this: BigPond tech support finally contacted me.
What they suggested I try didn't work, so I have sent them the tracert
log so they can see where the traffic is being stopped. From memory, I
think the traffic was being stopped after about 8 hops at one of the
BigPond servers in Sydney, so hopefully their tech support will be
able to fix it (along with the other sites that time out when using
BoB, thanks for the suggestion, I'll give it a try later tonight - all
BigPond support got me to do was to reset all the IE settings to their
installation defaults.