I own the HDTV Wonder and the AIW 8500DV. In answer to your question
about using it with the 8500DV, there is one problem. The 8500DV
doesn't support DirectX 9.0 or above. Even though it passes the tests
when you put it through them, it is not capable of performing certain,
specific jobs made possible by DirectX 9.0 and above.
In my case, the HDTV Wonder found most of the local Digital TV OTA(Over
The Air) broadcast stations in the area. It showed the local ABC
affiliate station just fine. I could hear the CBS station very
clearly, but there was no video. The difference is that ABC broadcasts
the 720p hdtv standard (1280 x 720 progressive), but, CBS comes in at
1080i (1920 x 1080 interlaced). The 1080i broadcasts require some
DirectX 9.0 functions that cannot be performed by the 8500DV card.
If you check the ATI web site, ATI points out that the HDTV Wonder
needs either their Radeon (or AIW) 9550 video card or above to be fully
functional. Fortunately, I had previously purchased the AIW 9800 PRO,
an awesome card, and I was able to install the HDTV Wonder into the
computer that had the newer card in it.
To briefly deal with the subject line, "Is HDTV Wonder getting
improved?", I really don't know. I do know that after July 15, 2005,
all cards manufactured must meet certain guidelines as specified by FCC
legislation that is in compliance with digital broadcasting legal
requirements that were scheduled to go into effect after that time. I
don't know how this will affect the operation of the card, but we'll
all see soon enough. My card was manufactured before that time, so I
still don't know for certain how it may be affected, if at all, in
regards to its operation.
In conclusion, I am very happy with the performance of my HDTV Wonder.
If your local network affiliates broadcast in Dolby 5.1 Digital
Surround Sound, you are in for a double treat if you have the audio
system to play it through. The little antenna that comes in the box
with the HDTV Wonder is not to be laughed at either. It will pick up
all the video and audio that is being broadcast within range. The HDTV
Wonder card, the enclosed antenna, and the software in the box, do
exactly what they are advertised to do. It really makes the viewer's
experience more than worthwhile. As an additional bonus, the recording
capabilities allow you to capture the full video AND audio experience
directly to your hard drive as well. So, if you're into recording your
shows so you can watch them later (like me), you will be very happy to
know that you can do this with your HDTV Wonder card and the ATI
software bundle enclosed. FYI: the hdtv files are huge if you record
them in their "native" format as they should be (that is if you want to
get the full high resolution video and audio playback). An hour
program can take up 5 to 10 GB of space on your hard drive. But, it's
well worth it in my opinion. You cannot, as stated on the HDTV Wonder
box, view cable or satellite hdtv programs. Only the OTA broadcasts
are viewable. Also, in your case, a newer video card than the
All-In-Wonder 8500DV is necessary to support its full capabilities, so
that would mean you would need to purchase a newer video card as well
if you don't already have one. To sum it all up, it is my feeling that
the negatives are far outweighed by the positives. If I were in your
shoes, I would get the HDTV Wonder card if you have local stations
broadcasting hdtv over the air for the best home viewing experience you
have ever known. I hope this helps.