Global Warming
Does anybody know if there is a plugin that will allow the screesaver
module in Irfanview to include transitions?
module in Irfanview to include transitions?
Don't know, but you can use the Win XP My Pictures screen saverDoes anybody know if there is a plugin that will allow the screesaver
module in Irfanview to include transitions?
Don't know, but you can use the Win XP My Pictures screen saver
instead - that does allow transitions.
Thanks, no xp here, w2kp..
I tried MyAlbum, have not been able to figure it out yet, not as easy
as Irfanview, but it does have transitions. The part about adding a
music file is not easy to figure out.
-Open Album properties (F6)
-Drag and drop the music file(s) from your file manager to the
background music field and you're done.
You can add C|R (in caps!) at the end to have MyAlbum repeat them and
continue when the picture series starts all over again.
I got the sound to work, but no transitions??
First of all, you must use the latest version, 2.4.
Under File>configuration at least one transition must be selected
Under Album info 'use transitions' box must be selected.
Select all pictures and press F9, and then tick the 'use transitions'
box in this window.
MyAlbum is very powerful, you can tweak it in many ways.
As a personal question for me Onno where are you located? I reside in
the US..
I'm from the Netherlands.
A thread like this was started in the K-Meleon-forums this week, and
allthough 'we' on the internet are a community where it doesn't matter
where you're from, it might be interesting to take a look at the
geographical layout of this newsgroup.
I'm from Eindhoven, the Netherlands
Anyone else?
A thread like this was started in the K-Meleon-forums this week, and
allthough 'we' on the internet are a community where it doesn't matter
where you're from, it might be interesting to take a look at the
geographical layout of this newsgroup.
I'm from Eindhoven, the Netherlands
A thread like this was started in the K-Meleon-forums this week, and
allthough 'we' on the internet are a community where it doesn't matter
where you're from, it might be interesting to take a look at the
geographical layout of this newsgroup.
I'm from Eindhoven, the Netherlands
Anyone else?
A thread like this was started in the K-Meleon-forums this week, and
allthough 'we' on the internet are a community where it doesn't matter
where you're from, it might be interesting to take a look at the
geographical layout of this newsgroup.
I'm from Eindhoven, the Netherlands
Anyone else?
I'm from Eindhoven, the Netherlands
Anyone else?
I'm from Eindhoven, the Netherlands
Anyone else?
A thread like this was started in the K-Meleon-forums this week, and
allthough 'we' on the internet are a community where it doesn't matter
where you're from, it might be interesting to take a look at the
geographical layout of this newsgroup.
I'm from Eindhoven, the Netherlands
Anyone else?