iphone 4 signal

Hi Both
I'm afraid I've caused another spat with this thread - anyway too late now - Argos has texted (hope that's a word) daughter with the news that a HTC Wildfire PAYG phone is waiting for her at the Launceston shop at a price she is prepared to pay. I'm delighted as I covet her current phone as my neighbour's wife, or is it his ass or whatever? It has a largeish touch screen so I will be able to read what I need to read and is PAYG.
Another Biblical reference - Oh God, tomorrow is first granddaughter's 4th birthday mayhem at the local big building with play area/ pool/ bowling alley, etc, next to Morrison's. Will love being with the granddaughters but will also be able to observe extended family with their iphone 4s. The antenna is right there so will be able to see if they have brought along their tongs along to use them.
peahouse05 said:
Hi Both
I'm afraid I've caused another spat with this thread

Not you Peahouse. I should probably grow up and act my age and not react the way I have. Appologies to all :o:o
Hello EvanDavis
I was not referring to you!
However, youngest daughter got her HTC Wildfire phone today and connected to everything - the Wifi connection was a bit of a probelm as it required the WEP key rather than the WEP passphrase, but eventually sorted out.
She has opened a Google account with a GMAIL address - the only problem is she cannot find her own phone number so far.
Hi All
Daughter's HTC Wildfire is working fine. It's Vodaphone and when in a strong signal area 3G appears and everything still works. Have no idea what 3G means as she can still get the Internet when it doesn't appear. However one thing to notice - Internet access is 50p a day and I assume if you just check your emails eg via a Webmail account every day it is going to cost you £15 a month - not far off a contract with free phone. I suspect they have you stuffed all ways.
Anyway I now have her LG KU990 and wife has my Nokia folding phone. It's an ill wind that--------------!
Thanks for all the replies
lol. 3G is all about the speed.

Sim only deals are the way forward, more stuff, shorter contract and cheaper in the long run. ;)
Thanks V_R
Daughter's HTC Wildfire phone appears to access the 3G signal when out of range of a Wifi network. It just works all the time unlike the iphone. Just waiting for the RMA postage bag promised days ago.
BTW the LG KU990 phone she has given me works fine but has loads of things I would never use and weighs 1/4 lb. Question - how big would this be if it contained valves and was powered by carbon batteries? Good project for an IT student - I love the walkie-talkies in WW2 films.
V_R said:
Sim only deals are the way forward, more stuff, shorter contract and cheaper in the long run. ;)

I figured that out around two years ago ;)

A one month contract is what I have.

To be quite honest I don't want internet access on the move, when I close my front door it's actually a nice feeling to detach myself from being online.

If I were a wheeler-dealer who depended on 24/7 acces to t'net, however, then I'd get me's a Blackberry.

But I don't.

So I won't.

I pay £15.00 a month. I never use up all my minutes and only graze the amount of texts I could use.

If I had a mind to I could probably get the same deal, Sim only, for £10.00 a month. Might even do that, a fiver's a fiver after all, a pint and a half at least.

I ain't gonna win any style awards with my two year old Samsung mobile phone but at my age (and possibly even when I was a lot younger) I really don't give a monkeys :)

There are cooler things than mobile phones.

Mobile phones, in my opinion, are only 40% up the totem pole of style.
I put £10 on my PAYG about 18 months ago, still got £7.23p left

do I need a new phone? ;)

floppybootstomp said:
If I had a mind to I could probably get the same deal, Sim only, for £10.00 a month. Might even do that, a fiver's a fiver after all, a pint and a half at least.


Floppybootstomp check out O2 30 Day Plan here Might be worth a look if you want to go down to GBP 10 per month. Keep your old number and all :D