N. Miller
"N. Miller" wrote:
Most parachutists and rock climbers do not pack computers running
windows-98 as part of their survival gear.
But they do check their gear thoroughly.
Any computer that is running mission-critical or life-support functions
should theoretically not have an internet connection and should not
allow the user to "surf the web" while in operation.
Matters not about mission critical. It is my GD computer, and it GD well
better work when I need it. And who supports this bastardized OS if
something should go wrong? You?
So your hyperbolic analogy doesn't really apply.
It damned well does apply, unless you don't mind bailing out the bilge on
your own when things go wrong.
Microsoft has identified certain reasons to release new versions of
files related to IE6-SP1. The have done so periodically over the life
of that program, and will continue to do so until Win-2K reaches
end-of-life, which I think will happen mid-next year.
So we are going to add Windows 2000 specific files to Windows 98, thus
creating a chimera; the legendary monster.
When those files are copied to a win-98 system (replacing existing
files) they allow the system to operate normally, with no errors or
lock-ups. That's quite a trick to do given the complexity of how these
files and functions interact with the OS. The slightest incompatibility
usually renders a system inoperable.
The issue is vulnerabilities.
The conclusion one can draw from that is that Microsoft would release
the exact same files as part of a win-98 update patch if Microsoft's
support policy for win-98 allowed it.
One can draw all the conclusions one wishes. But they would be wrong.
Microsoft actually tests those patches on Windows 2000. They are not testing
them against Windows 98.
Now, it is your computer, so do with it as you will. But be honest, and add
a proper disclaimer; your files are untested against Windows 98, and
unsupported in Windows 98. They may introduce more vulnerabilities than they
cure. Use at your own risk.
Excuse me, now, while I go check the 'chute.