Internal card reader...

You can buy the Front X system on it's own, mixing and matching front panels to your own requirments.

All the panels I'm using connect to headers on my DFI board - audio; usb; firewire; led status indicator, so it looks as though DFI designed their board with the Front X system in mind.
cool sounds good

i got a decent chiftech tower happy with this
just lacking an internal memory card reader!
i dont think my mobo will be compatable with the Front X system!

i need an internal memory card reader that dont need to be connected through internal USB
FAT chance though eh?
psd99 said:
i need an internal memory card reader that dont need to be connected through internal USB
FAT chance though eh?

If you can find an extension lead that fits onto the internal USB socket connected to the card reader, and terminates in a normal USB plug, you could take that lead out the back of your machine and plug it into a rear USB port.

But I don't know if such a lead exists. Of course, you could always cut both ends of the leads off and connect them together via any 4 or 8 way plugs/sockets of your choice.

Here's a link to the Front X system, just in case you're interested:
Here and
floppybootstomp said:
If you can find an extension lead that fits onto the internal USB socket connected to the card reader, and terminates in a normal USB plug, you could take that lead out the back of your machine and plug it into a rear USB port.



type that again please?

im MESERMIRIZED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
*Flops takes deep breath, rolls eyes three times and talks slowly*


Right then, coming from your front mounting memory card reader will be a lead to plug into a USB header, either 4 or 8 way, I don't know, cos I've never seen one, but I imagine a 4-way one would do as probably all card readers use one USB port.

On the end of that lead will be a 'flying' 4 or 8 way socket to plug into your onboard USB header.

If you could get a lead with, at one end, a 4 or 8 way flying plug to mate with the card reader's flying socket, and the other end of that lead terminated in a standard USB plug, you'd be OK.

Just plug your new lead into the card reader lead, take the new lead out through the back of your case (you may have to remove a PCI blanking plate or cut a hole in it) and plug it into a rear motherboard USB slot.

Got me? :) Or make up your own connector, most USB internal cores are coloured like for like.

yes thanks that makes sense now!

but too much of a mission!

mite was well go for an external one!