| David H. Lipman wrote:
| > From: "PCR" <
[email protected]>
| >
| >
| > |>
| > |> What virus ? This is Exploit code, not a virus !!!
| > |
| > | I believe I have already said to you in another thread, McAfee's
| > | is...
| > |
| > | Download file: G:\Temporary Internet
| > | Trojan name: Exploit.VMLFill
| > | McAfee Shield: Virus found in download file!
| >
| >
| > Gee... three conflicts all in one message !
| >
| > Trojan <> virus <> exploit
| >
| > McAfee (or any other AV software for that matter) creates a default
message and then
| > concatenates what's found to the default message.
| >
| > If you test the EICAR, see what it calls it !
| >
| > I'll say it again, again... There is NO virus, this is an Exploit
| >
| > The fact is if you are using the TEST URL
http://www.isotf.org/zert/testvml.htm there isn't
| > even a payload. It just creates a Buffer Overflow condition.
McAfee is flagging the Buffer
| > Overflow condition or the test for it (I can't which).
| >
| > Here is is in FireFox... (No virus statement here in Enterprise
| > 10/4/2006 8:01:24 PM Deleted (Clean failed) DLIPMAN-1\lipman
| > D:\temp\Mozilla\Cache\_CACHE_001_\_CACHE_001_ Exploit-VMLFill
| >
| > Here is is in Internet Explorer... (Again no virus statement here in
Enterprise v7.1)
| > 10/4/2006 8:03:09 PM Deleted DLIPMAN-1\lipman D:\temp\IE6\Temporary
| > Files\Content.IE5\UJN91K6V\testvml[1].htm Exploit-VMLFill
| >
| > Here is is in Opera... (Still no virus statement here in Enterprise
| > 10/4/2006 8:05:29 PM Deleted DLIPMAN-1\lipman C:\Program
| > Files\Opera\profile\cache4\opr002P3.htm Exploit-VMLFill
| >
| >
| > So it is YOUR version generated this incorrect statement and this
reatail version was
| > discontinued YEARS ago. PCR, I believe you are still using Retail
VirusScan v5.x.
| >
| > One more time...
| >
| > There is NO virus, this is purely Exploit Code and this URL has NO
payload !
| >
| >
| > |
| > | WELL, McAfee does give a choice of 3 what to call it, actually. I
| > | taken the .dll already as Bear said, with Winzip. Yet I haven't
| > | installed it.
| > |
| >
| > My unoffcial patch will install the non-vulnerable version,
unregister the vulnerable
| > version, register the replacement DLL and fix the Registry.
| >
| >
| PCR, listen to David. I was mistaken as well when I thought it was a
| virus. It is an exploit code. David knows what he is talking about
| I give him lots of credit for that. He studies viruses and exploit
| codes and stuff all the time.
McAfee gives me a choice of three! I'll have to try the Eicar tests...
...., as he suggested. Oooo, it calls all 4 of those just a virus!
Therefore, it does seem McAfee can discriminate in it's error message--
& it's being generous what one may call this new thing!