Intel PII 233/66 & Linux, realistic expectations?

tjm4fun said:
Mucks, just some thoughts here. Maybe it's time to stop d/ling and trying new distro's, sit back, take a breather, relax, enjoy a cocktail and relish how far you;ve come in so short a time.
You've got one good distro that serves your needs, is well supported and well liked (Suse).
maybe it's time now to just do some reading and learning about the os, how it works, commands, etc. After all, you spent years learning little tricks a nuances of windoze, you can;t expect overnight wizardry.
I know you said you are happy with winme on that old box, but linux will give you much better numbers and performance in fad. Taking the time to get a distro installed on a stubborn piece of hardware is where you really learn what's going on, and often that often sought after light bulb flicks on!
try the live dsl cd when you feel so inclined. when the first boot screen shows up, look thru the f1,f2,f3 boot options. I would suggest trying no acpi, nousb as a first shot. usb on older bards can be a problem, depending on the chipset. ACPI is not used on p2 era boards, and can really hose up a kernel looking for it. I wish I could remember all the other cheats, I'll have to boot it up live to see.
but, again, let it go for a while, and just enjoy what you;ve done!
Sorry my Friend, we are in a different time zone ... no disrespect and I do appreciate the 'help' but ...

Today is a "day off" ... went out with me Big Little Sister & Little Big brother for a nice coffee @ Nero's ... got back about 1.30, pottered around and did some reading.

Yep, I'm quite happy with Suse on this box, and I have no 'need' for a change just yet.

I spent over 50 'years' learning everything ... and keep on learning something new every day. ;)

I am me, I know what I'm like, I know when to err, take a break and relax ... sad to say but I relax behind a PC keyboard.

This first "BSA" (bits-scraps-allsorts) is for my brother anyway :D so ME was always going to be on it.

I don't have my workshop or 'computer' room any longer ... a dramatic change in my life took its toll on me ... I'm afraid some things get on top of me very quickly these days ... I bounce, you have to.

I need to keep busy, and again no disrespect to all, but, would everybody stop telling me to relax ... that really gets me annoyed. :rolleyes:

I write what I feel, how I feel it, but I'm not the best writer ... you need Floppy for that, he has a great way with words. :D

I have built some 1,415 PCs and as many again in 'repairs' of them I count 4 that have ever beat me ... I take my time although it may not look like that from where your sitting, I never rush anything, I have plenty of time. :thumb:

There you go ... got me rambling again. :o
Most of the people I talked too think ME is junk.
I didnt know what they were talking about cause I was using ME, untill I ask questions.
They were installing over the old OS instead of a clean install.
Dont give anyone a hard time about using ME cause they might get ya back on how you installed it and you thought it was trash.
If ya clean install its a very good OS.
If ya do MS updates on ME it dosent have that much compared to XP.

I think any chip slower than 400Mhz is gettin kinda dionsaur and some PIIs are below that.
The PC case Im using at this moment had a 100Mhz PII and I was replaced with used 900Mhz AMD and used cards. I build low cost dino junk boxes to use myself. It work for what Im using it for.
But when I get the chance, I still like to play around with 8088s sometimes, mabe Im kinda dinosaur too.

When ya cant find a old Windows OS to get something old going Linux might be the one.

Ooops.. I think Ill build another, Where is a good mother, I found a few chips and sticks.........
I've kind of found that most people that bought pc's with ME pre-installed, liked it and it ran well for them. The problems seemed to come in when people (myself included) bought the upgradecd and upgraded from Win98.
I personaly thought ME was the biggest coaster I ever wasted money on, while others liked it.

I can't say I ever had any problems with installing XP, even as an upgrade, on the very same pc that I had installed ME on and had nothing but problems. ME had problems with memory leaks, if I remember right.
I found out after talking about it. Yes ME is a junk OS if ya install over the old. I help people fix it by formating the drive and doing clean install and ya can do it with the upgrade disk. Just start installin like a full version and it will ask you to for verifcation and put the old OS disk in the CD. It will continue to install and it will be clean.
A lot of conflicts happen when ya intall over the old OS.

I hope ya didnt trash ME cause now you know its good.
Oh I forgot about XP
It also helps to do a clean install with XP also. It doent have as many conflicts like ME if ya Install over the old, but I found out ya get better performace I think some conflicts happen that cant be easly seen.
I read that Muckshifter also suggest clean intalls from other post.

Dont want to post anymore Windows in a Linux thread.
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muckshifter said:
Sorry my Friend, we are in a different time zone ... no disrespect and I do appreciate the 'help' but ...

I am me, I know what I'm like, I know when to err, take a break and relax ... sad to say but I relax behind a PC keyboard.

I need to keep busy, and again no disrespect to all, but, would everybody stop telling me to relax ... that really gets me annoyed. :rolleyes:

I write what I feel, how I feel it, but I'm not the best writer ... you need Floppy for that, he has a great way with words. :D

There you go ... got me rambling again. :o

ok, ok, then get off ur duff and get linux installed on that box! NOW!

hehe, I get it, old friend! you convey your thoughts well enough for me anyway, as long as you don;t go too far into local slang... so ramble on!

ok, since the pc is to have winme on it anyway, that'll be good to keep you busy removin spyware and the like! in the mean time, we'll can still hack away at whatever os you decide to abuse next!