David Kanterwrote
[quote:6f990196d7]Sorry, but I find your POV to be consistentl
biased towards anyon
that isn't Intel. Certainly you think your opinions through mor tha
most folks, but I certainly don't consider them to be anything clos t
objective. I definitely find value in your posts, whereas this ne gu
seems to be far too dogmatic to say anything useful...but hopefull
I'll be proven wrong
Yes, and one certainly could say the same thing about you
While I'm hardly "new" to these boards, when it comes to Intel I a
quite dogmatic. I've been watching them since the beginning. Yo
follow their religion of numbers and d*mned the clock speed. Well
the clock speed has just done them in and many of us have known thi
for a great many years. How many more power plants would you have u
build for your house burners? I say none... I'd be very curious
just how much electricity has Intel wasted in the aggregate?
Aggregate meaning every machine out there, that a low power AMD coul
have done. If some numbers guru reads this, he'll figure it out an
post. Then what will you say? Hello? It's called thermal heat an
I believe there might be almost a 50 to 70 watt difference for lik
performance in the high end. How long did you expect this to go on?
Especially with all the wacko's screeming about wasting electricity
Us Athlon folks have taken much more abuse then you can possibl
imagine, and now it's your turn. We were laughed at for just havin
them. But when our case badges started to say P-4 killer inside.
They stopped laughing
People who blindly support Intel as you do, and don't see what'
happening in the market right now, are just as Intel is. One thin
is certain, AMD will never be "fringe" again. As each day passes
Intel is who's seen, and truly is on the fringe. This can only go o
for so long
Intel is much further ahead of you though; they've been in panic fo
quite some time. The BTX was the example of this
AMD is more then just a problem for Intel these days. Where have yo
Nividia is also more then just a problem for ATI as well
It's the market and it works. Let's see what the market has in stor
for Intel this year. Should be an interesting time. Especially i
AMD can gear up production quickly
Today, it's hip to have AMD, who'd have ever thought we'd see tha
It's hip because of people like me. Word of mouth always catches u
in the end. As a result, it's internal and can't be changed wit
marketing. Especially if that word of mouth is for a company tha
does nothing but work hard on the edge. Efficiencies have to win fo
the market to work.
Quad cores out by the end of the year? That's going to settle som
scores, I'll tell ya. Intel still doesn't even have a decent memor
bus for 1, let alone 4; what is this, Jurassic Park
Yeah, I'm rubbing it in... LO
Despite the gloating, you totally mis-judge me. Remember when you
mama told you to never do that?
I'm not pro AMD or anti Intel. I'm pro competition, something tha
Intel tried very hard to squash. There was a reason for that. But
I wish no ill on Intel. I hope a scandel at Enron proportion
doesn't happen. The company could never survive it
If Intel were to go down, AMD would become the next one. It'
inevitable and the circle just continues. I don't want to see tha
I don't wish any ill on ATI either. I hope they do get their ac
together. But, Crossfire "ain't" it..
Competition is always good. If it wasn't, we'd all still be drivin
Pintos and PC's wouldn't even exist as we know them