I understand, but all of this stuff ... the processors and the
motherboards that support them ... are VERY new, and there was not (and
probably still is not) full support from day 1. I have a gigabyte
motherboard, and they are on the 6th bios since June ... the last one
just improved the support for the two LOW-END Core 2 Duo's (the ones
that only have 2MB of cache instead of 4MB, the 1.86 and 2.13 GHz clock
speed versions). It's coming together, but there are lots of people who
don't EVER update their BIOS', and the boards that people are getting
today were manufactured probalby 60 days ago. So if you are having ANY
kind of problems or issues with anyone's Core 2 Duo motherboards or
systems, one thing you want to do is update to the latest bios. Things
will settle down, but they are not there yet (or perhaps they are just
getting there). The wording on the box can't be taken too literally, or
taken to imply that boards from the first 60 days' production are
"perfect" and bug-free.