Oh yeah, one other thing... why on EARTH would you want to use
MFC when you have .NET now? I can't even fathom the concept...!!
How should I call functions in a MFC extension library
That's difficult, but if it's a COM interface, it can be done.
Otherwise, you'll have to use Managed Extensions for C++ to make
a wrapper.
That's not a fair criticism of C#, really, because you can't
use .NET assemblies in C++ either.
What would be the equivalent of pure virtual functions
Abstract classes and methods
and multiple derivation
Multiple inheritence, you mean? There was a concious decision
not to support MI in .NET because ... well, that's a very long
debate, but it's not because they couldn't do it, it's because
they didn't want to do it and felt it was wrong to do it.
Let's turn the tables...
What if I wanted didn't want to do any of my memory management
in C++?
What if I wanted to have a comprehensive framework library with
nearly everything you could want built in and supported by
the runtime and compiler?
What if I wanted to make my code cross-platform without any
fancy magic or special #defines?
What if I wanted a pure OO language without any legacy
Great. How should I call functions in a MFC extension library.
library might have functions taking as parameters and/or returning
and CWnds. (Or for that matter a generic C++ style class.) What
would be
the equivalent of pure virtual functions and multiple derivation? I
sorry, but the jury is still out.
Will Pittenger
E-Mail: mailto:
[email protected]
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JIT applies to all .NET assemblies, not just C#. Remember, .NET
is a system, C# is merely a language on top of it.
As far as C# being castrated, to me, it seems like has all the
good stuff and almost none of the bad of C++. To each his own,
I guess.
They're adding Generics in C# for .NET 2.0 which are similar
to Templates in C++.
As far as finding things C++ does better than .NET, you'll
have a hard time. In all but the most contrived ultra-performance
scenarios, .NET has many advantages over unmanaged C/C++ code.
Check this out:
http://tinyurl.com/3890 [MSDN article]
In many cases, because IL is JIT'd, it runs faster than
equivalent unmanaged code because the JIT can better determine
at run-time which optimizations will have the most impact.
Would JIT apply to a local executable? I do not anticipate
stuff for a while. I am looking at doing some things that I
that C++
is better equipped for than C# (which seems to be castrated).
Will Pittenger
E-Mail: mailto:
[email protected]
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The C# compiler does not inline functions. However, the ..NET
allowed to inline functions, and often does.
This posting is provided "AS IS" with no warranties, and
Does C# inline functions? I do not see a inline keyword.
there an
implicit inline? Can the compiler select functions for
more used to C++ where all these things are possible.