drc023 said:Ian, I'm a fan of your site and am glad to see you participate on this
newsgroup.But before you get the undeserved reputation of being a
Measekite clone, please be aware that this newsgroup has been nearly
destroyed by Measekites hysterical ranting and falsehoods about all third
party inks. He makes no differentiation between cheap imported Chinese
cartridges with ink of unknown origin and refilling with quality third
party bulk ink from respected manufacturers such as Formulabs and
Image-Specialists. Look at their web sites and I'm sure you'll agree that
these companies are not mom and pop food coloring operators. You talk
about using several third party cartridges, but you don't mention if you
have attempted refilling in lieu of using aftermarket cartridges. That
makes a huge difference in results - as does the type of cartridge. There
are many inferior products on the market and ink cartridges are only one
of millions. Refilling with quality bulk ink from a supplier such as
Formulabs or Image-Specialists solves the problem of using ink of unknown
lineage. I'm aware that you are UK based and these inks may not be as
readily available over there as in the US, but I urge you to investigate
these brands before making blanket statements about third party vs. OEM
labeled inks. Please take a look at the following thread which I started
on the Nifty-Stuff forum
http://www.nifty-stuff.com/forum/viewtopic.php?pid=3914#p3914 It discusses
who makes the bulk ink sold in the US for Canon printers. For a
professional photographer selling prints the situation is far different
from those of us with consumer grade printers for personal use. In
addition, as a customer of professional photographers I don't want the
prints I purchase to be printed on ANY inkjet printer. Proofs are OK, but
not the final portrait. If that is the case, they may as well give me a CD
and let me print my own copies. I also don't want the prints they sell me
to be from an inferior lab using poor chemicals and papers. OTOH, the
pictures I take using my Olympus C-765 (wish I had an Evolt) are not
intended to be professional quality but rather as items for immediate or
short term usage. If they fade down the road (which none of mine have
going back to the late 1990's) and I need reprints, I can always reprint
from a backup copy on DVD.
An additional note - Wilhelm's evaluation was of prefilled cartridges and
brands that none of the participants on this NG or the Nifty-Stuff Forum are
using and reporting on. I would like to see Wilhelm, or someone of his
stature, evaluate the MIS, Hobbicolor, and Formulabs Canon BCI-6 inks and
compare them to Canon OEM inks. A real comparative study of color gamut and
similarity to the OEM inks would also be of interest. I've used MIS inks
in Canon printers for over a year with fairly heavy usage at times. NO
clogging or other ill effects. Excellent color rendition and balance,
Extemely similar to OEM ink prints in side-by-side comparison. Stored and
framed displayed prints look great after 14 months. Will they hold up as
long as Canon OEM prints? I don't know. Wilhelm rated Canon print
longevity as the poorest of the popular brand printers. For my needs (as
Ron stated) Archival quality is not an issue as long as stored or framed
prints please me and my family and hold up for a reasonably long time.
One of the benefits of participating in this NG and others such as the
Nifty-Stuff Forum is getting reports of good AND poor products from
experienced users so that we avoid the problems you had with aftermarket ink
products. To be most helpful to the participants here I would appreciate
your telling us the brand and model printer and brand of aftermarket inks
with which you experienced poor rersults, and you could further help us by
describing what you saw as poor results. (i.e. poor color response, shift
toward green or magenta, banding, poorly feeding cartridge, leaking, clogged
print head, etc.)