I've used a hidden form with persistent connections on a few front ends and
at least once it caused a memory leak and shot CPU usage to 100%. Other
times it works just fine, and it does speed them up when it works. I agree.
Our company is still languishing with some cat5 at 10Mbps while some are at
100Mbps. I can live with the speed at 100, but my co-workers at 10Mbps get
bogged down big time. Just to run a union query that draws data from two
other queries takes well over twice as long on the slower connections. We've
done the comparisions.
I'm thinking SQL server is the next step, to help reduce network traffic
dependence. But that's no small change.
I've used a hidden form with persistent connections on a few front ends and
at least once it caused a memory leak and shot CPU usage to 100%. Other
times it works just fine, and it does speed them up when it works. I agree.
Our company is still languishing with some cat5 at 10Mbps while some are at
100Mbps. I can live with the speed at 100, but my co-workers at 10Mbps get
bogged down big time. Just to run a union query that draws data from two
other queries takes well over twice as long on the slower connections. We've
done the comparisions.
I'm thinking SQL server is the next step, to help reduce network traffic
dependence. But that's no small change.