This method works, but I cannot get it to meet my specific needs.
By using your method, I was able to use a cell reference so that if =A1="no"
then Fill Cell RED and Apply to $B$1. This makes B1 red when A1 is "no". I
would like to apply this conditional format to an entire row B1-G1, however
it does not format all those cells, it only formats B1 even though the
conditional format shows it is applied to $B$1:$G$1. However, I CAN apply
this conditional format to colums, so that is a big help when I am dealing
with a table (make B2 red when A2="no", make B3 red when A3 . . . . and so
on). However, I can only apply these conditions to COLUMNS and for some
reason the rows won't take. Can you help me out? i keep having to apply the
same logical function to each column and telling that colum to reference
column A.
After writing this question I figured out my own answer and am now asking
another question. I realized that if my formula is =$A$1="no", then I CAN
apply the formatting easily to each row, however I cannot apply to columns
because then all rows will reference row 1 (if A1="no" then B2 is RED", but I
want them to reference in their own Row (if A2="no", B2 is RED). If I want to
apply easily to columns, my formula must be =A1="no". I realize that the
reason it is not keeping the formatting throughout rows is because when I
move over from B1 to C1, that cell is conditionally formatted based on B1,
and not A:1 which equals "no". C1 sees that B1 is not equal to "no" and
therefore doesn't turn to RED. So my new question is how do I make it so
that when I reference cell A1 in a conditional format, that the format
applies to cells in the same row (row x references cell Ax) and same column
(column x,y,&z all reference column A). In other words, I want the
referenced cell to be able to move up and down, but not side to side - how
can I get the cells around it to recognize so they can format (in rows)
according to that column? Like I said, I already have a method of doing
this, i'm just looking for a faster, easier way.