import large text file

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I don't know what my answer would be then. I'd have to try it out. So
you're telling me you can store it as a zipped file, and unzip it to run a
query against it?

Robin S.

The difficult is that you only can use it to store with a program. As soon
as you try to use it in by instance Office Access than it is impossible.

However you can try it just as you do a blob. If you want a sample. on the
website from Ken and me is more than enough about that.

If there is a problem than tell it (you are amongst those who I will help
via mail as well).

Thanks, Cor. That's very interesting; I didn't know that could be done. I
have checked out your website in the past, and found it very helpful. I
should browse more...

Have a great day!
sir i have large access file wide 35 columns and 2300000 rows i have to pick randomly data where i have to join first,middle and last name and address too.
there is telephone which one i'm using as key but its working very slow...

my code is.....

// start calling jugad....

OleDbCommand coll = new OleDbCommand("select col from all_table", jug);
OleDbDataAdapter col_ad = new OleDbDataAdapter(coll);
DataTable col_dt = new DataTable();
int rw_no_col = col_ad.Fill(col_dt);
string accpath = "";
OleDbCommand accmd = new OleDbCommand("select DB_path,mode from jugad where id='1'", jug);
OleDbDataAdapter da = new OleDbDataAdapter(accmd);
DataTable dt = new DataTable();
accpath = dt.Rows[0]["DB_path"].ToString();
string mode_tb=dt.Rows[0]["mode"].ToString();

//start calling source file.....

OleDbConnection accconn = new OleDbConnection("Provider=Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0;Data Source=" + accpath + "");
DataTable dt1 = new DataTable();

//source file connection open....

// Required calculation....
double val = double.Parse(textBox1.Text);
Int64 obtn = (long)(val * Int64.Parse(tat)) / 100;
// End calculation..

int index_value = 1;
OleDbCommand lst3_cmd = new OleDbCommand("select col from all_table", jug);
OleDbDataAdapter list3_da = new OleDbDataAdapter(lst3_cmd);
DataTable list3_dt = new DataTable();
int lst3_cunt = list3_dt.Rows.Count;
string[] lst3_item = new string[lst3_cunt];

for (int r = 0; r < lst3_cunt; r++)
lst3_item[r] = list3_dt.Rows[r][0].ToString();


string[] colnm = new string[rw_no_col];
Int32 no = (Int32.Parse(obtn.ToString())) / 100;
string[] frstcoll = new string[Int32.Parse(obtn.ToString())];
Int32 no1 = (Int32.Parse(obtn.ToString())) / 100;

// random number generating....

Int32[] rend = new Int32[obtn + 1];
Random rm = new Random();
for (int h = 0; h < Int64.Parse(obtn.ToString()); h++)
rend[h] = rm.Next(int.Parse(tat.ToString()));


// end.....
// data entry in temp....
int gh = 100;
float one_per = (float)int.Parse(obtn.ToString()) / 100;

int hg = 1;

for (int i = 0; i < rw_no_col; i++)
progressBar1.Value = 0;
if (i == 0)
// OleDbCommand addcol123=new OleDbCommand
colnm = col_dt.Rows[0].ToString();
label4.Text = "Database updating going on colunm " + colnm + "";
OleDbCommand addcol = new OleDbCommand("create table temp([" + colnm + "] char(255))", jug);
catch (Exception j)

OleDbCommand updatefin = new OleDbCommand("select ["+colnm+"] from [" + mode_tb + "]", accconn);
OleDbDataAdapter upf_da = new OleDbDataAdapter(updatefin);
DataTable upf_dt = new DataTable();

for (int k = 0; k <int.Parse(obtn.ToString()); k++)

label4.Text = "Database updating going on colunm " + colnm + "";
frstcoll[k] = upf_dt.Rows[rend[k]][colnm].ToString();

OleDbCommand updatef = new OleDbCommand("insert into temp([" + colnm + "])values('" + upf_dt.Rows[rend[k]][colnm].ToString() + "')", jug);

if ((int)((float)k / one_per) < gh)
if (hg < gh)

progressBar1.Value = hg;
progressBar1.Value = 0;
hg = 1;



colnm = col_dt.Rows[0].ToString();
label4.Text = "Database updating going on colunm " + colnm + "";
progressBar1.Value = 0;
hg = 1;

/* OleDbCommand single_col = new OleDbCommand("select col from non_marge", jug);
OleDbDataAdapter s_c_da = new OleDbDataAdapter(single_col);
DataTable s_c_dt=new DataTable();
int mar_count = s_c_da.Fill(s_c_dt);
if (mar_count > 1)
for (int y = 0; y < mar_count; y++)
OleDbCommand addcol1 = new OleDbCommand("alter table temp add [" + colnm + "] char(255) ", jug);

OleDbCommand addcol1 = new OleDbCommand("alter table temp add [" + colnm + "] char(255) ", jug);
OleDbCommand pick = new OleDbCommand("select [lst_data] from [" + colnm + "]", jug);
OleDbDataAdapter temp_da = new OleDbDataAdapter(pick);
DataTable temp_dt = new DataTable();

string[] temp_store = new string[temp_dt.Rows.Count];

for (int g = 0; g < int.Parse(obtn.ToString()); g++)
string lst3_final = "";
for (int r = 0; r < temp_dt.Rows.Count; r++)
OleDbCommand updatefin1 = new OleDbCommand("select [" + colnm[0] + "],[" + temp_dt.Rows[r][0].ToString() + "] from [" + mode_tb + "] where [" + colnm[0] + "] = " + frstcoll[g] + "", accconn);
OleDbDataReader datarder = updatefin1.ExecuteReader();
while (datarder.Read())
lst3_final = lst3_final + " " + datarder.GetValue(1).ToString();


OleDbCommand updatef1 = new OleDbCommand("update temp set [" + colnm + "] = '" + lst3_final + "' where [" + colnm[0] + "] = '" + frstcoll[g] + "' ", jug);
//OleDbDataAdapter ghjk = new OleDbDataAdapter(updatef1);
if ((int)((float)g / one_per) < gh)
if (hg < gh)

progressBar1.Value = hg;
progressBar1.Value = 0;
hg = 1;




catch (Exception h)