For somebody using Need to Know you don't seem to know much. I haveYou depend upon detection software to tell you what is happening, and
you lean on it like a crutch and a security blanket. If the O/S can be
fooled, then anything that runs with the O/S can be fooled too.
It's your machine. And it's no one else's machine but yours. You don't
know what is happening on your own machine? You go to p2p(s) and
download load stuff while you toss security and safe hex out the door.
There is no telling what is on your machine that's undetected that can
cause trouble.
already stated twice I do not go to any p2p sites. Yet you are the
second responder to suggest that as the source of my problem. Yes it
is my machine. I had a question and came to what is suppose to be a
support group for help. If you can't provide any help and only attempt
to point blame at me why did you respond?