I'm gonna be a dad :D

Managed to miss the first pics, sorry Reef. :)

He's a very happy looking little lad. Loving the one in a hi-vis jacket! :D
Personally I would not like to take a child on a bike seat any more due to the traffic

We only ride on cycle paths with him that don't go on roads. The standard of driving is terrible in the UK, I wouldnt risk taking Theo out on a bike on them! I do like the look of those trailers though, might hire one when I go to a bike park, look comfy :).
Theo on the beach at Isle of Wight last sunday:

Got hold of my mums peg basket :o :p:

Having a paddle in the garden with his cousin Leon:

He now offers a special house cleaning service:

Too hot for clothes:
Lovely photos Reef, he has to be one of the happiest babies around, always such a big smile. :D
:thumb:Great photo's Reef, they are lovely when they are that age everything is new and a new adventure. Sorry to put the mockers on things but you wait until he is a teenager, you still love them but by gum they are trying, grunts for replys to questions and girl friends, friends that you don't approve of, you know the things that used to wind up your parents when you were a teenager:lol::lol: Oh happy days:D
I don't know, I keep hearing that but neither of mine were half as bad as I was. i think it's because, instead of giving arbitrary orders I would talk with them explain my reasons for things & listen to their point of view, explain mine & if they were right or had a better idea then would change to fit with it. In general I found that if you want kids or teenagers to treat you with respect & pay attention to what you say then you've got to accord them the same courtesy, right from the word go when they're still bubs. But that's just my experience, and except for those nightmare three years Rowan went through then mine never had to deal with the sh*t the school system dumps on them.
Theo on Amy's bike:

On a giant swing at Cannock Chase:

Very early Birthday Present the lil bugger:

Go Kids Go ball pit:

Blasting him with the air cannon at Go Kids Go:

Checking out the PC Review forum ;):
I agree with Becky about Theo's expression in the air-cannon pic. Thanks for sharing with us Reef, he's a gorgeous wee lad. :D
Been a while Theodore turned 1 a few days ago, heres how he's doing:

His slobbery Dr Evil impression in my PC chair:

At a Halloween pumpkin party:

At his own Birthday party scoffing the popcorn:

More popcorn on the floor please Theo:

My God he loves his popcorn :p

Blowing out his candle on his 1st Birthday Cake:

Rocking daddys Fatal1ty headphones:

Here he is on Mine n Amy's Wedding day which was on Theos birthday:
Aww, super photos Reef, Theo is such a bonny lad, and how quickly he's growing!

Many congrats to you and Mrs Reefsmoka, wishing you both (and Theo) a long and happy life together. That is such a nice wedding photo :D
Congratulations to you both and to reapeat what TC has said Theo has grown into a bonny lad, good luck to all three of you and to you and your good lady have a long and happy life.
Congratulations!! Lovely wedding pic, and double celebrations as it was also the little man's birthday! :thumb: :thumb: :thumb:
Took Theodore to the winter wonderland at tamworth snowdome, he wasnt a fan of the snow but liked everything else!

Tiny Tubing:

Pushing His Sleigh:

Writing a letter to Santa:

Posting his letter to make sure Santa gets it! :

Posing with the snowman family:

Scared of the friendly yeti:

1st picture with the new camera, he's posing as usual:
