I'm about to take the plunge and buy a laptop......but which one?

... doing 3D CAD work ...
Hmmm ... what program, 'cos I suspect you may need some 'power' ... but then I am going back a few years when CAD needed a feck-off power PC.

Tosh's are an ok company, just a tad over the top in prices for you actually get ... by about £300 overpriced. ;)

However, £350 is a bargain ... change to spend on the airfair. :thumb:
CAD work was dire at college on P4 2.8GHz's with 512MB RAM, they were Dell's and it still crashed lots.

Normally the CPU skyrockets to 100% when using CAD, and if you render on a laptop, then christ, you'll be there a while!
I know what you mean cImrie. Do CAD programs need the same type of high spec as 'gamers' need? Or is it different?

I use MICROSTATION as a 3D CAD program, which is more powerful than AUTOCAD as it also has the ability to render high quality images.

I'm thinking I need at least a 3.2GHz laptop with a decent graphics card and fast memory.....something at least equal to my desktop, which is not that fast (even with 2GB RAM), but it gets the job done.

I was thinking of doing all basic CAD work on the laptop (line drawings), then rendering on my desktop when I get back to the UK. (The laptop is mainly for Uni homework, while I'm working as a volunteer in India)

P.S. I will be based in a city called Pune, psd99 (this will be my 3rd trip to India, and 2nd time to Bombay).
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Do not get caught in the trap ... more ram will NOT give you more speed, just more room to breathe.

However, because XP is the beast it is, you'll need a gig to start off with, the "sweet" spot for XP is 1.5 ... and because most PCs & Laptops will have at least two memory slots, 2gig is easyer to fit.

It is only quite recently that Laptops have been able to "catch up" to the PCs power per price ratio ... but you still need some money to buy them. ;)

I know of AutoCad of old, and it was a bugger, best version I ever used ran under DOS :p

What is the min spec recomended by Microstation to run ... then double that spec at least. :thumb:
mojouk said:
I'm thinking I need at least a 3.2GHz laptop with a decent graphics card and fast memory.....something at least equal to my desktop, which is not that fast (even with 2GB RAM), but it gets the job done.

I was thinking of doing all basic CAD work on the laptop (line drawings), then rendering on my desktop when I get back to the UK. (The laptop is mainly for Uni homework, while I'm working as a volunteer in India)

P.S. I will be based in a city called Pune, psd99 (this will be my 3rd trip to India, and 2nd time to Bombay).

for CAD you will definetly need power
but to get 2gb on a lappy will cost a lot of money mate

ahh pune I beleive Micheal Palin was born there.
How about these (for around £500ish)




How easy is it to upgrade and install laptop RAM myself? Is it as easy as a desktop?

Also, what do all these new processors mean? The Fujitsu - above - is a Pentium M 740 / 1.73 GHz - Centrino 533Mhz FSB, 2MB, L2

How does this compare with my desktop which is an Intel Pentium 4, 540, 3.2Ghz, 1MB L2 800MHz FSB??


P.S. I use programs like Adobe: Photoshop, Indesign, Illustrator. Quark, Microstation (3D CAD), Maya (sometimes), Flash....and I have at least 2 running at the same time.
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I just find it funny that people seem to think XP is a 'beast', i'm using a Fujitsu Siemens laptop at the moment, be it fairly old.

2GHz Mobile CPU

It's running Napster, MSN, Steam (Gaming), Outlook, Various IE Windows, and Windows Media Player.

And out of that 512MB RAM, it has 240MB to spare, i don't see why Windows needs 1.5GB at all, thats just silly.
Of course it don't "need" a gig of ram ... how silly of me, I've had XP run on 64mb ... what a waste of ram. :rolleyes:

So, the laptops that only bundle out with 128mb should be fine. :thumb:
Mucks i'm not trying to wind you up, but i'm just stating, for the cost, and performance of what RAM does, he wouldn't need 1.5-2GB of RAM, as it really doesn't speed things up, only increases the amount of things you can have running at any one time.

So the most important thing for this chap is GFX & CPU power.
I've just been asking advice - on my CAD programs' forum - about what I would need to run my CAD program (minimum spec) and here it is......

1) Should have ATI or Nvidia dedicated graphics....at least 128MB (no integrated graphics), and 64MB is just rubbish.
2) Must have Direct X 9.0c (I'm not certain what this is!!)
3) At least 1GB RAM (fastish would be better)
4) They suggested that AMD Athlon 64 bit......but is this better than Intel? And what is an AMD Athlon version of an Intel Pentium 4 3.2Ghz CPU?? e.g. Is an AMD Athlon 3400+ the same as an Intel 3.2Ghz? Not sure how to make comparisons.....
5) They said that the CPU's 'FLops are a better indication of speed than Mhz'.....what does that mean?
there are just so many choices

but I am thinking dell or sony at this moment

they seem to be pretty expensive tho
They're quite cheap for Sony and they are very decent spec.

I'm finding alot of good laptops that have some good things about them, but finding one with EVERYTHING I need is almost impossible on my budget....

I want 17 inch, at least 128MB dedicated graphics, 512MB-1GB RAM, and 2.8GHz CPU (or better)......all for £500.

Is this even possible??????
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well that is a tough call

I think u should go for intel centrino at the least
i knw 1gb is sound
but on that budget 512mb is sufficient

and 17inch is huge
but possible on that budget

give me some links mate