Max said:
Yes, it is important, but as someone who possibly what may be a
slightly better than average grasp of English grammar and orthography,
but who also has CP, I am ready to cut some slack for transpositions of
this kind, since my fingers do this to me all the time. Blatant
misspelling is one thing, likely typos are quite another, and, on a
sort of semi-non-sequitur, until Linux gets speech-recognition
software, Dragon will keep me in Windows, since it helps lessen the
incidence of typos of the sort being discussed.
Hi Max,
The point I was *attempting* to make was that when a program name is
misspelled it is a good idea to note the correct spelling in follow-up
posts - not as a criticism of the original post but just for the record.
Searching for a thread where no one ever spelled the name correctly is
well nigh impossible.
Finding a particular program can be a PITA - even when you *know* the
name - a space or a hyphen can make the difference between finding and
not finding a program.
In addition to that, some programs change names or have name variations.
ReplaceEm (was BK ReplaceEm), and HTTRACK (WinHTTrack) come to mind as
examples where the name variations are far apart alphabetically.
I listed name variations, acronyms and old names when I prepared this
year's Pricelessware alphabetical list. I hope people are finding
programs without too much difficulty. Doing the PL made me acutely
sensitive to the importance of names.
so, again, not a criticism of posts with misspelled program names,
simply a suggestion that correcting such is a *good idea*.