Ive been testing the real time protection and its impressive (screenshots
Hi Andy
Also performed some testing.......
20 out 25 > 80%.
Have you set your settings to be an advanced Spynet member and notify
you during tests ?
Going to test Winfixer/Errorsafe today and see how WD reacts.Within
Sweden we have a trnslated swedish Errorsafe version going around with
ActiveX intalls and this one causes a lot of trouble. The first one
I have seen transalted to trick users.
Have you seen this blog from Sunbelst ?
This blog entry was also "fun".........
Knock out WD ?
My personal opinion is that a newbie maybe need to
have notify messages surpressed but a normal to advanced user
has the knowledge to see that something is wrong with help from
WD notify messages and system changes if a malware is unknown.
saved) ,it detected about 20 out of 25 different installers when I run them
and has been able to remove what it finds with acouple of exceptions (SpyAxe
gave an alert but only removed one CLSID entry and not the program and one
error code on cleaning) its let spambot trojans, look2me , Mirar & SpyAxe
install which has prompted the MS Removal tool to set this as my homepage
Hi Andy
Also performed some testing.......

20 out 25 > 80%.
Have you set your settings to be an advanced Spynet member and notify
you during tests ?
Going to test Winfixer/Errorsafe today and see how WD reacts.Within
Sweden we have a trnslated swedish Errorsafe version going around with
ActiveX intalls and this one causes a lot of trouble. The first one
I have seen transalted to trick users.
Have you seen this blog from Sunbelst ?
This blog entry was also "fun".........

Knock out WD ?
My personal opinion is that a newbie maybe need to
have notify messages surpressed but a normal to advanced user
has the knowledge to see that something is wrong with help from
WD notify messages and system changes if a malware is unknown.