If not .Net then what?

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Scott said:
"Common Performance Issues
During your code reviews, pay particular attention to the following areas:

Frequent code paths. Prioritize your code review process by identifying
code paths that are frequently executed and begin your review process in
these areas.
Frequent loops. Even the slightest inefficiency inside a loop is
magnified many times over depending on the number of iterations.
Specifically watch out for repetitive property access inside your loops,
using foreach instead of for, performing expensive operations within
your loops, and using recursion. Recursion incurs the overhead of having
to repeatedly build new stack frames. "

Of course we all know that any recursive routine can be rewritten as an
iterative routine.

And you do not think 2 guys with 40 years of C++ experience would
know that ??

Andre said:
Richard said:
Jon Skeet [C# MVP] said:
I simply don't care enough to construct an example. Sorry.
In that case it would probably be worth avoiding the assertion that
.NET is slow in future.

Yeah, fair enough - I'll revise it to "100% of the .Net projects I've
been involved with have run 60 times slower than their native
equivalents". :-)

Since you don't write which compiler and settings you used and which
code basis (C - Code / C-Sharp etc.) I don't believe you've compiled
.NET code at all.

So because a guy can not remember the compiler switches he used on
a project 4-5 years then you do not believe the project existed.

Hmmmm. I guess I have been working on bunch of non existing projects
in my time.

CBFalconer said:
... snip ...

I think you are all missing the fundamental point. C++ has a well
known, and generally adhered to, ISO standard.

And what is ECMA-334 ?
.NET is basically a
single supplier system. Richard and associates prefer not to be
limited to such a small user area.

You consider Windows a small area ??

The fact that they could
immediately find bugs [1] is confirmation of their wisdom.

[1] I define a slow-down factor of 60 as a bug.

No it does not.

Since it is unclear what exactly caused the lack of

All indications is that something was not ported properly.

I do not blame the dev team for that. Brand new technology
introduced late in a project with a deadline is not a recipe
for success.

But considering it wisdom may be stretching it !

Andre said:
O.K., you stated you don't want to port your code to .NET in another
post and you said that your code runs 60 times slower under .NET ?

If I ask how you did it you simply ignore the questions. And if I try to
tickle you a bit to get it out, you seem to be offended.

You blame others knowing nothing of performance, but you can't tell us
why your code port (was it ?) has been that slow.

So the facts:

a) You have C++ code
b) Stated you compiled it somehow as .NET application
c) Stated that it runs 60 times slower
d) Have no single proof
e) Don't tell us how you did b)
f) Blaming others to be kind of dumb by using the words "clicky-pointy"
g) Can't prove it all

He did explain that it was many years ago and that he obviously
could not provide the code (which should not even be necesarry
to state BTW).

And it is a free world.

He can post his opinion on .NET performance.

People can ask if he has a code example.

And he can explain that it was business code.

And then readers must summarize all experiences posted and
make their own conclusions.

But you can not demand proof.

Andre said:
Currently my conclusion, derived from the posts was:

You have compiled your code with Visual Studio C++ .NET in the debug
version, which is .... slow compared to the release switch. This is a
rather common "problem", when switching the compilers from CBuilder to
VStudio, because by default CBuilder (the old version) hasn't supported
multiple configurations and starts by default with all optimizations
turned on.

Even if you turn all optimizations on in VStudios debug default
configuration of a C++ project, the debug heap is still active and slows
down heavily your application. Since you are using commonly *not*
VStudio but only CBuilder I came to the conclusion above.

Shouldn't be offensive to you at all.

1) I doubt that could give a x60 difference

2) C++ programmers usually check compiler switches

3) You can not serious expect him to remember the project settings
on a project 4-5 years ago.

Michael said:
1) What version of dotNET? I suspect it's 1.1 with VS 2003 from your
time frame. Version 2.0 is signficantly faster that 1.1 for most

Stuff like generic collections for simple data types has provides
huge performance improvements, but not in the x60 range.

I have not seen big improvements in the JIT (32 bit).
3) Did you use automated porting tools or did you take the time to
actually rework the application to take advantage of the features in
dotNET? I suspect the answer to this is that you didn't spend the time
to use the framework the way it was designed.

As Jon has posted a couple of times, then different language
sometimes requires different way of doing things.

Richard said:
So in other words, you recognise that the .Net implementation I was using
had serious performance issues, which is what I said all along.

I think he is talking about small percentages not x60.
It said .Net on the box. Are you telling me Microsoft were lying to my
then-client by claiming it was .Net when really it wasn't .Net? Would you
advise them to sue Microsoft?

C++ in .NET variation supports so called mixed mode with both native
code and .NET managed code. I don't think you can sue MS for that.
But it is a rather complex matter.

Liz said:
so why in god's name are you talking about code you don't have, can't
disclose (nonsense and you know it) and don't really care about ?

Why not ?

Do you think people should only post their experience if they
can release the source code the experience is based on ?

Randy said:
On what percentage of the platforms for which a standard (pick a
flavor) C or C++ implementation is available?

MacOS X/x86
Linux/IBM mainframe

are the supported ones I think.

It has also been build on some other platforms like *BSD/x86,
Solaris/x86 etc..

Arne Vajhøj said:

You are narrowing your tool set unnecessarily if you assume
that the x60 difference is a general case.

Yes, I understand that. Nevertheless, there are so many tools in the shed
already. That's why producers of new tools have to impress their potential
customers quickly.
I don't think it say much.

Ask 2 programmers with 40 years of C# experience - hmmm make that
10 programmers with 40 years of C# experience - to write a C++ app.

(Presumably you mean 40 years total.)
I doubt the result will be good. And that is not C++'s fault.

Ask 10 programmers to write an app in any language, and I doubt the result
will be good. :-)
It is not clear to me whether the .NET language used was C# or
managed C++ aka C++/CLI,

It was C++, translated into "managed C++".
but the latter looks like C++ but is significantly different anyway.

Agreed! :-)
Arne Vajhøj said:
Scott Roberts wrote:

And you do not think 2 guys with 40 years of C++ experience would
know that ??

Um, quite so. [1]

But the point bears addressing anyway. The suggestion seems to be
"eliminate the recursion by replacing it with iteration, and the code will
speed up". But of course programming languages are all about expressive
power. The original code (in "native" C++) expressed inherently recursive
algorithms recursively, and was thus easy and quick to write. Translating
it into an iterative equivalent for the sake of .Net would have been
(relatively) difficult and slow, and therefore expensive, and there was no
guarantee that the performance gain would have been sufficient to justify
the expense of carrying out the conversion. What's more, the code would
have ended up as a *poorer* expression of the algorithms we were using,
and thus it would have been harder (read: more expensive) to maintain.

[1] Just one nit - one of the "guys" (and the brighter of the two, in fact)
was actually a gal.
Arne Vajhøj said:
Richard said:
Jon Skeet [C# MVP] said:
Do you think that .NET would be widely used at all if it were typically
60x slower than native code?

Yes, I'm afraid I do.


0-60% is more likely to see.

Er, this might be a misunderstanding. I was not claiming here that .Net
/is/ typically 60x slower. I was merely claiming that, if it /were/, I
think it would still be widely used even so (because it has "Microsoft"
written on the box).
Arne Vajhøj said:
I think he is talking about small percentages not x60.

Well, I hope so. Still, he did say "major issues with performance".
C++ in .NET variation supports so called mixed mode with both native
code and .NET managed code. I don't think you can sue MS for that.

Yeah, I know - I was teasing him a little, that's all.
But it is a rather complex matter.

The problem is that we live in a sound-bite world, where complex matters
are invariably over-simplified. The original claim, "I've only ever heard
one objection to .Net", smacked (to me, at least) of over-simplification,
hence this entire sub-thread. I hope that at least one person's horizons
have been stretched a little as a result. :-)
Liz wrote:
Why not ?
Do you think people should only post their experience if they
can release the source code the experience is based on ?

I think posting 30 messages on a topic positing an implausible 60x
performance deficit while providing **NO** detail about the code is
ridiculous ... when the poster further says he doesn't really care about the
code, what do you think we should conclude, Arne? That he's making a
sincere effort to contribute something worthwhile to the dialogue? Don't
think so ....
Liz said:
what do you think we should conclude, Arne? That he's making a
sincere effort to contribute something worthwhile to the dialogue?

What you *should* conclude is really up to you. But what you *could*
conclude with a great deal of accuracy is that I started off by making a
simple and perfectly valid reply to someone else's article, and that the
discussion then grew out of all proportion to the importance of the
original point, as it so often does on Usenet.
Liz said:
I think posting 30 messages on a topic positing an implausible 60x
performance deficit while providing **NO** detail about the code is
ridiculous ... when the poster further says he doesn't really care about the
code, what do you think we should conclude, Arne? That he's making a
sincere effort to contribute something worthwhile to the dialogue? Don't
think so ....

The only place King Little Richard is appreciated in is by his (MS
posse)is in comp.programming. He is a (MS basher) King Little Richard is
and the Supremes. But even his Supremes have better sense to not show.
You should drop him like a hot rock.
MacOS X/x86
Linux/IBM mainframe

are the supported ones I think.

It has also been build on some other platforms like *BSD/x86,
Solaris/x86 etc..

If the above list of platforms where you can use Mono is accurate, and
I have no reason to doubt you, then it is /much/ less portable than
either C or C++.

Of the above list, I am only familiar with comments on its
functionality and compatibility with two of them relative to .NET on
Windows platforms, and they have been so far that it is not baked, and
does not allow relatively complex .NET apps written for Windows
platforms to move over easily, or in some cases at all.

Since my impression is that Mono is by no means "baked" yet, and that
Microsoft isn't exactly not developing .NET anymore either, Mono is
chasing a moving target somewhat, so I don't find this particularly
surprising, and don't fault Mono itself. It's an understandable
If the above list of platforms where you can use Mono is accurate, and
I have no reason to doubt you, then it is /much/ less portable than
either C or C++.

You can't actually compare the portability of .net against C(++). .net is
more than just a language, it is a framework, while C(++) you are talking
about is a language + small library.
Furthermore, even those aren't exactly portable due to different library
implementations, right?
Of the above list, I am only familiar with comments on its
functionality and compatibility with two of them relative to .NET on
Windows platforms, and they have been so far that it is not baked, and
does not allow relatively complex .NET apps written for Windows
platforms to move over easily, or in some cases at all.

Since my impression is that Mono is by no means "baked" yet, and that
Microsoft isn't exactly not developing .NET anymore either, Mono is
chasing a moving target somewhat, so I don't find this particularly
surprising, and don't fault Mono itself. It's an understandable

Here steps in Silverlight 2.0....
Miha Markic said:
You can't actually compare the portability of .net against C(++).

Er, why not?
.net is
more than just a language, it is a framework, while C(++) you are talking
about is a language + small library.

Nevertheless, if you require Functionality F to be available on Platform P,
and are not prepared to go to the trouble of porting a development tool to
Platform P yourself, you have no option but to choose a development tool
that is available on Platform P. If Platform P has a C (or C++)
implementation available that provides the infrastructure (i.e. sufficient
features) for implementing F but no .Net implementation, then you can
implement Functionality F on Platform P using C (or C++), but you cannot
use .Net to do the same thing. Now range over all P (for a given F), and
you have a relative portability measure between C (or C++) and .Net - thus
demonstrating that you can in fact compare the portability of .Net against
C (or C++). But see below.
Furthermore, even those aren't exactly portable due to different library
implementations, right?

Both C and C++ are defined by ISO standards. C compilers that conform to
ISO/IEC 9899:1990 are available on a very, very wide range of platforms,
including not just desktop and middle range machines, but also top-end
mainframes and tiny little embedded systems. To a lesser extent, this is
also true of C++. For hosted environments, this also includes the standard
library specified by ISO.

Having said all that, in one sense you are right, because .Net offers
vastly more functionality than either ISO C or ISO C++ (flashy graphics,
mouse-talk, and the like - stuff that you /can/ do in C or C++ but only by
using vendor-supplied or third-party libraries that are not part of the
standard language), and so in that sense they're not really comparable. It
would be like comparing a chainsaw with a machine shop. You can do a lot
more with the machine shop, but on the other hand it's a lot harder to
carry around!
