"IE has experienced a problem and needs to close" error

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Hi Gwen / Di -

Just a quickie; I checked the:
Error Message: Internet Explorer Has Encountered a Problem and Needs to
Close (Mshtml.dll)

and it says at the bottom:
The information in this article applies to:
Microsoft Internet Explorer version 6 for Windows 98 Second Edition
Last Reviewed: 12/5/2003 (3.0)

It does go a bit further to read as follows: "The second Public Preview
release of Internet Explorer 6 (version 6.00.2479.0006) and some Beta
releases of Windows XP included Smart tags. Smart tags were removed from the
final released versions of Internet Explorer 6 and Windows XP based on
customer feedback."

However, it is obvious that if you don't have "Smart Tags", then it will not
apply to your particular instance, and would therefore be of no use.

HTH - (I'll return... :-)

(e-mail address removed)
The best Tweak and your ally for IE = **Disable Active Scripting**

How to make a good newsgroup post:

Gwen-Di :) said:
Hello, Jan,

Thank you for taking the time to respond to my problem.

I had actually already gone in and unchecked the 'enable
third party ......' box under Tools --> Internet Options,
after reading that suggestion in another thread to another

As for

I find that it doesn't seem to apply to me since I am
running Win98 SE.

I had also disabled script debugging for the same reason -
I'd found it in another post.

When I receive the wretched erro message and click
the 'details' button, I find the following information:

Error Signature

App Ver: 6.0.2800.1106
Mod Name: msvcrt.dll
Mod Ver: 6.1.8293.0
Offset: 00015ca2

Furthermore (in case you haven't read this entire,
convuluted thread), I have also done the following:

updated and ran Adaware. Several 'negligible' items were
found and deleted. I don't recall the exact number; it
was under 100.

installed and ran CWShredder, with 'not present' and 'none
infected' being the result

downloaded LSP-Fix

went to www.windowsecurity.com and did the trojan scan -
there were no infected files.

went to www.mvps.org/winhelp2002/delcachec:htm
and followed the directions for clearing my cache

went to http://inetexplorer.mvps.org/darnit.htm
and clicked the link to check - the check showed nothing

Finally, the error message that I receive when I boot up
the machine is:

Error Starting Program
The REMINDER.EXE file is linked to missing export

I did add several programs onto my machine last week. I
recently lost my hard drive and had not completely
reinstalled all of the OES programs that had come with my
machine. I just used the Windows CDs that I received from

I can't think of any other information to provide - but,
please, if there is something further that you need, do
not hesitate to ask. :)

Thank you,
Gwen (Di) :)
-----Original Message-----
Hi Gwen Di - like Wendi :) :-)
Luckystrike - I feel awful - but, I just followed your
directions, below:

To resolve this problem in Internet Explorer, follow these
Quit all programs that are running.
Click Start, and then click Run.
Type regsvr32 urlmon.dll, and then click OK.
When you receive the "DllRegisterServer in urlmon.dll
succeeded" message,
click OK.

If this does not resolve the problem, repeat steps 2
through 4 for each of
the following files (in step 3, replace Urlmon.dll with
each of the file
names below):

(you can copy and paste these into the Run box)
regsvr32 Urlmon.dll
regsvr32 Shdocvw.dll
regsvr32 Msjava.dll
regsvr32 Actxprxy.dll
regsvr32 Oleaut32.dll
regsvr32 Mshtml.dll
regsvr32 Browseui.dll
regsvr32 Shell32.dll (<---this command **only for Win2000
and XP**. Do not
use with W98se or other OS'es not mentioned)


Minus the Shell32.dll as I am running Win 98SE......and it
has not helped. I am *still* receiving the error message
as I try to flip through pages. HOWEVER......I have no
problem coming to this site (thankfully!!).

In an earlier post, I mentioned that I receive an error
message when I initially boot up my machine. I copied it
in the hopes that it may also be of importance. It reads:


[insert yellow triangle with exclamation point] Error
Starting Program

The REMINDER.EXE file is linked to missing export


I will anxiously await your directive to see if there is
ANY hope left for me and my relationship with Internet
Explorer! <sigh>

You might also try the following and see if it helps:

Error Message: Internet Explorer Has Encountered a Problem and Needs to
Close (Mshtml.dll)
http://support.microsoft.com/default.aspx?scid=kb;EN- US;810887

Error Message: Microsoft Internet Explorer Has Encountered a Problem and
Needs to Close (Pdm.dll)


Tools>Internet Options>Advanced Tab ---> Scroll down to "Enable third -
party browser extensions (requires restart)" and uncheck the box. --> Left
Click on APPLY.

If these steps do not resolve your problem, please post back to this thread
with the details and any error messages.

Hope this helps

Jan :)
Smiles are meant to be shared,
that's why they're so contagious.

Please reply to the newsgroup so others may benefit.
Replies are posted only to the newsgroup for the benefit or other readers.

How to make a good newsgroup post:

-----Original Message-----
Gwen or DI or "anonymous at discussions dot microsoft"
Hi Gwen-Di (like Wendi. hehe)

OK, I will (read your post, that is) and yes, I guess you are
"busted" <vbg> :-))

And just for safety's sake I will (once again) repost my reply in
it's entirety without the errors of spell-checker *messing it up*,
so you will have a complete and unmussed version. Here goes:

No problem with doing that Di / Gwen (using the start>run>register
the entries thing). It doesn't have anything to do with the Registry
in the common sense that the term is (mis) understood. You don't
need to run or use Regedit to do this.

It isn't unusual to click a new link and have the "IE has
encountered a problem, and must close... sorry for the
inconvenience..... you may lose work in unfinished programs... etc"
message box appear. In fact, it is much more common for that error
message to arise when having IE open and clicking through various
pages, links, etc, than it is to simply open IE and get that message
box from the get-go.

Remember that my reply was addressing this problem as reported by
the OP: <paste - quote>
"Every time I have IE open and go to click on a link that opens a
new IE window, I get this error: "Internet
Explorer has experienced a problem and needs to close." Then ALL
instances of IE are closed, wiping out all my stuff I'm doing in the
IE windows." </paste - quote>

Here you will find the reference:
You cannot open a new Internet Explorer window or nothing occurs
after you click a link


To resolve this problem in Internet Explorer, follow these steps:
Quit all programs that are running.
Click Start, and then click Run.
Type regsvr32 urlmon.dll, and then click OK.
When you receive the "DllRegisterServer in urlmon.dll succeeded"
message, click OK.

If this does not resolve the problem, repeat steps 2 through 4 for
each of the following files (in step 3, replace Urlmon.dll with each
of the file names below):

(you can copy and paste these into the Run box)
regsvr32 Urlmon.dll
regsvr32 Shdocvw.dll
regsvr32 Msjava.dll
regsvr32 Actxprxy.dll
regsvr32 Oleaut32.dll
regsvr32 Mshtml.dll
regsvr32 Browseui.dll
regsvr32 Shell32.dll (<---this command **only for Win2000 and XP**.
Do not use with W98se or other OS'es not mentioned)

They should already be registered, but they will either register or
they won't; it's as simple as that.

More stuff:
Description and availability of Internet Explorer Error Reporting
tool http://support.microsoft.com/default.aspx? scid=kb;EN- US;Q276550
Error Message: Microsoft Internet Explorer Has Encountered a Problem
and Needs to Close (Pdm.dll)
Error Message: Internet Explorer Has Encountered a Problem and Needs
to Close (Mshtml.dll)
Versions of Comet Cursor That Are Earlier Than Version 4.0 Cause an
Error Message
An Error Occurs in Mshtml.dll in Internet Explorer 6 on Windows Me
Wurld Media Version of the Bpboh.dll File Causes an Error Message in
Windows XP
Access Violation Error in Urlmon
Error Message in Mfc42.dll Appears When Starting, and then Internet
Explorer Quits
Internet Explorer or Outlook Express Quits Unexpectedly with an
Error in Mshtml.dll
"Iexplore.exe has encountered a problem and needs to close" error
message when you try to start Internet Explorer
Iexplore.exe has encountered a problem and needs to close. We are
sorry for the inconvenience.

I have re-read this post I've "written" (for the third or fourth
time.) <sigh> and I believe it is accurate and without error.
(e-mail address removed)
The best Tweak and your ally for IE = **Disable Active Scripting**

How to make a good newsgroup post:
------------------------------------------------------- ---

Is replying to yourself considered nuts?? If so, I guess
I'm busted.

Luckystrike - my message, yesterday, in which I put the
sender's name as 'Di' is truly me (first and middle
names). Anyway, I did just find both my message from
yesterday as well as your response. (wow!!) I will look
through some of those articles you gave me. Thank you.

I would like it, however, if you could peruse this email
because I did include more detail about what, exactly,
I've done, thusfar, in trying to remedy my problem.

Admittedly, I'm blonde and pretty confused right
now!! :)

-----Original Message-----

(My apologies if this is a duplicate - I tried to send a
note, yesterday, and got the message that it would appear
within a few minutes, but, now, I can't find it.)

I am running Win 98 SE and IE 6.0.

I am getting the error message that "Internet Explorer has
encountered an error and needs to close," as the OP
mentioned he is also receiving. Based on responses to the
same question on this board, I have done the following:

1) Went to http://forum.aumba.org/viewtopic.php? t=5877
to download AdAware. I ran AdAware and there were 90+
negligable (??) objects which I deleted.

2)went to www.snapfiles.com/get/coolwebshredder.html and
downloaded CW Shredder and ran the program. The results
showed 'not present' and 'none infected.'

3) went to www.cexx.org/lspfix.htm to d/l the LSP- Fix

4) went to www.windowsecurity.com/trojanscan and ran the
trojanscan.exe which found zero infected files.

5) went to www.mvps.org/winhelp2002/delcachec:htm and
followed the direction for deleting my cache

6) went to http://inetexplorer.mvps.org/darnit.htm and
clicked the link to check system for parasites. My system
was pronounced 'clean.'

BUT. I am still receiving the 'IE had encountered a
problem.........' error message. I should probably also
mention that the only other error message that I am
receiving on my machine at the moment has to do with MS
Money 2004; when I boot up my machine, a message appears
having to do with a missing .dll file in Money. I am able
to open Money, so, honestly, I had not given the message
much more thought than of it just being an inconvenience.

Granted, I was trying to combine hints from a couple of
different posts, so, I'm certain I've missed doing
SOMETHING - but, what is it?? Mind you - I do realize
that one of the suggestions is to enter some lines in your
registry, but, as a very NONcomputer-literate person, I'm
very, very leery of doing this.

Is it actually possible that I will never be able to run
IE in the future without this problem?

Any direction appreciated.

Thank you.

-----Original Message-----
Since you *specify* which troubleshooting method you *actually*
used, try this below. IF you've already done that, then skip to
the Malware/Spyware section and proceed from there.

Open an ms-dos prompt window (Start>Run>) and type the following
(one entry at a time), and press enter after each line. A message
will appear stating that these have been registered successfully.

regsvr32 Shdocvw.dll
regsvr32 Shell32.dll (this command only for Win2000 and XP)
regsvr32 Oleaut32.dll
regsvr32 Actxprxy.dll
regsvr32 Mshtml.dll
regsvr32 Urlmon.dll

http://support.microsoft.com/default.aspx? scid=kb;EN- US;276550

Didn't help? Then, I'd check for Spyware/ Malware etc. Long post

Quick and basic scans from any of the following sites:
Doxdesk parasite scan
Jim Eshelmans WSC on-line quick scan
Bugs Glitches and Stuff-ups

More In-Depth on-line scanners for parasites and Trojans:
GFI free on-line Trojan scanner
Sygate Technologies Trojanscan
PestPatrol on-line scan
SpywareChecker on-line scan

Parasites, spyware malware basics:

Check for Spyware - How-to

*Most important* - Before you try to remove spyware using any of
the following programs, realize that the process of cleaning and
removing certain spyware and malware may possibly interrupt and
kill your internet connection. Therefore, you should obtain a
copy of LSPFIX, and Winsockfix which will then make it possible
for you to re- establish your internet connection if it gets

Download LSPFIX from either of the following sites:

http://www.spychecker.com/program/winsockxpfix.html (For Win2k or

Download Winsockfix here

First, install the respective programs and then update them
immediately, so that they have the current versions, and
definitions. **Read the Help Files and Tutorials**.

After you've Updated Spybot S&D, and SpywareBlaster, you *must*
ENABLE the protections as well. These two programs do not
automatically enable protections obtained from the newest
definitions and updates, therefore this process but must be done
manually. Without having enabled protections, the current
definitions obtained from updates will be *useless*.

Run the programs one at a time. With Ad-Aware you may have it
generally clean whatever it finds. The same applies for
CWShredder. Spybot S&D requires special attention, as does
HijackThis (Only more so. Details listed below) The programs are
listed in order of their general strength, safety, and purpose.
It is perhaps best to install and run these in this order of
appearance. All are freeware programs, but if you are pleased
with the results and quality of the utilities, donations to the
respective Authors will be cheerfully accepted.

Another thing to consider doing is to run a program (only run one
program at a time) a few times consecutively. The reason for this
is that the first pass may kill certain Spyware programs, but may
not be able to terminate and kill all files and programs which
may be running at the time. That is why a second pass may be
necessary to be thoroughly effective.

Under the most stubborn cases, running the programs in Safe-Mode
will allow for the best cleaning conditions, as there will be a
minimum of interference from processes running in the background.

Ad -Aware
Ad-Aware Tutorial (might help if you look through this)
http://www.bleepingcomputer.com/forums/index.php? showtutorial=48
Ad-Aware VX2 Cleaner Plug-In


CWShredder (cleans all Cool Web Search malware)
If the Authors site is unable to be accessed, then the following
two sites offer his programs as well.
CWShredder Tutorial
http://www.bleepingcomputer.com/forums/index.php? showtutorial=47

Coolwebsearch Smartkiller

The above item is sometimes necessary if CWShredder detects a
SmartSearch2 variant on your PC.

Spybot S&D
http://www.safer-networking.org/index.php? page=download
Spybot Tutorial (Must Read)
http://www.safer-networking.org/index.php? page=tutorial
Other tutorials for Spybot S&D (Also must read)
http://www.bleepingcomputer.com/forums/index.php? showtutorial=43

This item below is designed to *prevent* installation of malware
and the like by comparing known CLSID's of these "bad guys" with
what is in its definitions. By enabling a *Kill Bit* it prevents
known malignant ActiveX from being installed or run on your
machine. It doesn't remove anything, nor will it fix anything
that is already in your PC. Rather, it will prevent installation
or re-installation of the item once it has been removed manually,
or by the use of another program which will perform the duty of
removing the spyware.

SpywareBlaster (prevents installation of Spyware, Trojans, etc.)
SpywareBlaster Tutorial
http://www.bleepingcomputer.com/forums/index.php? showtutorial=49

SpywareGuard (companion program to SWB, above)
SpywareGuard Tutorial
http://www.bleepingcomputer.com/forums/index.php? showtutorial=50

If you use Spybot S&D, be sure to clean *ONLY* the items
displayed in *RED*. DO NOT clean any items displayed in Black or
Green at this time.

Lastly there is HijackThis. Hijack this is a very powerful, last
resort type of program which is generally best used in
conjunction with help from those who deal with the findings of
the log created by the HijackThis scan. It does nothing in the
scan itself; it merely says what is present and/or running on
your PC. The items must be checked-marked to be "cleaned". You
must know *exactly* what you are checking-off before you
proceed. If you don't, you can quite possibly disable many useful
and vital functions of your PC. Remember; read the Tutorials, and
seek help at SpywareInfo Forums, Net-Integration, or TomCoyote
forums for safety's sake.

If the preceding site is down, you may get HijackThis from other
sites Hijack This (from Major Geeks)

HijackThis Tutorials **(MUST READ)**
http://www.bleepingcomputer.com/forums/index.php? showtutorial=42

Where to seek help with your HijackThis scan log
SpywareInfo Forums
other help forums for HijackThis:

Anti-Virus Tools

AVG Anti-virus by Grisoft


avast! Virus Cleaner - free virus & worm removal tool

McAfee AVERT Stinger

NOTE: With the above tools, particularly Avast Virus cleaner, be
sure to disable your background PC Anti-virus utility.

F-Prot for DOS (I don't know if this will work on XP systems
however) http://www.f- prot.com/products/home_use/dos/

If you can use this program, be sure to make certain the most
recent Updates are obtained for it.
http://www.f-secure.com/download- purchase/dos_updates.shtml
F-Secure Anti-Virus for DOS (F-PROT edition)

Update Macro.def to your system to get up-to-date macro virus
protection. The other Anti-Virus databases, Sign.def and
Sign2.def are updated weekly. They have definitions for all other
kinds of viruses except macro-viruses. MACRO.DEF definition file
SIGN.DEF definition file
SIGN2.DEF definition file

On-Line Virus scanners:

RAV Antivirus Online Virus Scan
Command on Demand
Freedom on-line virus check

TrendMicro Housecall (also detects some Trojans)
BitDefender Scan Online

Kapersky Online Virus Scanner
The above scanner works differently from most; it is a server
based scanner, and will only scan individual files, or
directories which are limited to 1 MB in total size. It will not
do a full system scan.

Hauri LiveCall Online virus scanning
The above is also server based if I remember correctly

Panda on-line virus scan

McAfee FreeScan

Symantec Security Check (page offers security and/or virus scan)

More general info you should be aware of:
The Parasite Fight; Quick Fix Protocol
How to surf the Internet more safely with Internet Explorer
So how did I get infected in the first place?
Rogue/Suspect Anti-Spyware Products & Web Sites

Other vulnerability tests:
Jason's Toolbox Browser Security Tests
Qualys' Free Browser Checkup
MyNetWatchman - WinPopUP Tester

Firewall tests: (YMMV :-)
Sygate Technologies Stealthscan
PortScan from Hackerwatch.org
ShieldsUp ports and security tests

Site which links to various tests

How to disable Windows Messenger Service or WinPopup



(e-mail address removed)

How to make a good newsgroup post:
I am pulling my head out of my hair trying to figure out
how to fix this...

Every time I have IE open and go to click on a link that
opens a new IE window, I get this error: "Internet Explorer
has experienced a problem and needs to close." Then ALL
instances of IE are closed, wiping out all my stuff I'm
doing in the IE windows.

I have tried everything, from following MS's
recommendations in the troubleshooting section, to
downloading files and patches, to doing a system restore.
This problem has been occurring both before and after
downloading SP2. This problem has effectively prevented me
from using IE. I use Firefox mostly anyway, but I have to
use IE for some things.

Can anyone help?




Di / Gwen -

Hi... very long day... sorry for the delay, and I'm kinda wiped right now to
be able to think clearly.

OK, Sorry the "quick fix" didn't quick fix it. :-\ Don't feel awful, but you
have every right to feel disappointed, that it didn't fix it. At least it
didn't "break" anything.

I asked Jan to kinda look in for me, because I knew it would be a long
day... whatever. I saw, your post here (obvious) and Your reply to Jan. I
looked at those links she offered and IIRC, they *do* apply to W98 and
W98se. But you stated that they didn't apply. I'm tired though... so I could
be wrong.

Next.... If the reminder.exe *isn't* a Trojan, then I assume it, along with
the MNYUTIL.DLL, are related to the Money program which you said was messing
up (?). Am I remembering that right? It was the only other problem (program)
you had beside IE taking a dump every 5 minutes.<bg> (I don't mean to laugh,
you understand.) <s>

If I am correct in this, (and all scans; THOROUGH scans) indicate no
presence of a TROJ_BUDDY.E, (see link) then

Don't know if this message came through the MS news-server: Here it is
again: :-\\

Then, might I suggest un-installing / re-installing your Money program?
Maybe related... possibly... corrupted or something?? I don't really know...
and it will take me a bit more legwork to see the relation (if any) between
one and the other.

(BTW, I have two more days like the one I've had today, so please excuse my
absence... believe me,... what I'm doing as an alternative ain't all the
fun.) I'll try my best to return (not empty-handed, if possible) as soon as
I can... If you have more input for me to work with, please submit it here.
OK? ;-)

(e-mail address removed)
The best Tweak and your ally for IE = **Disable Active Scripting**

How to make a good newsgroup post:

Gwen Di - like Wendi :) said:
Luckystrike - I feel awful - but, I just followed your
directions, below:

To resolve this problem in Internet Explorer, follow these
Quit all programs that are running.
Click Start, and then click Run.
Type regsvr32 urlmon.dll, and then click OK.
When you receive the "DllRegisterServer in urlmon.dll
succeeded" message,
click OK.

If this does not resolve the problem, repeat steps 2
through 4 for each of
the following files (in step 3, replace Urlmon.dll with
each of the file
names below):

(you can copy and paste these into the Run box)
regsvr32 Urlmon.dll
regsvr32 Shdocvw.dll
regsvr32 Msjava.dll
regsvr32 Actxprxy.dll
regsvr32 Oleaut32.dll
regsvr32 Mshtml.dll
regsvr32 Browseui.dll
regsvr32 Shell32.dll (<---this command **only for Win2000
and XP**. Do not
use with W98se or other OS'es not mentioned)


Minus the Shell32.dll as I am running Win 98SE......and it
has not helped. I am *still* receiving the error message
as I try to flip through pages. HOWEVER......I have no
problem coming to this site (thankfully!!).

In an earlier post, I mentioned that I receive an error
message when I initially boot up my machine. I copied it
in the hopes that it may also be of importance. It reads:


[insert yellow triangle with exclamation point] Error
Starting Program

The REMINDER.EXE file is linked to missing export


I will anxiously await your directive to see if there is
ANY hope left for me and my relationship with Internet
Explorer! <sigh>

Hello Jan and Luckystrike,

See? That's just how green I am. After reading through
the top portion of that page, with all of its references
to Win XP, etc, I didn't even consider that it could also
apply to 98SE. But, you're right - I don't think I
have 'smart tags,' so, I suppose it's still not something
that will assist me in my mess. :)

I certainly hope you don't feel pressured over my problem,
here. I can understand long, draining days (I have three
small boys - LOL), and, I have Mozilla up and running, so,
it's not as if I'm totally blocked from getting online
(obviously enough <grin>).

But - let me go and try doing the deleting and
reinstallation of MS Money and see if that does anything.
Of course, I will keep you posted, here.

Thank you,
-----Original Message-----
Hi Gwen / Di -

Just a quickie; I checked the:
Error Message: Internet Explorer Has Encountered a Problem and Needs to
Close (Mshtml.dll)
http://support.microsoft.com/default.aspx?scid=kb;EN- US;810887

and it says at the bottom:
The information in this article applies to:
Microsoft Internet Explorer version 6 for Windows 98 Second Edition
Last Reviewed: 12/5/2003 (3.0)

It does go a bit further to read as follows: "The second Public Preview
release of Internet Explorer 6 (version 6.00.2479.0006) and some Beta
releases of Windows XP included Smart tags. Smart tags were removed from the
final released versions of Internet Explorer 6 and Windows XP based on
customer feedback."

However, it is obvious that if you don't have "Smart Tags", then it will not
apply to your particular instance, and would therefore be of no use.

HTH - (I'll return... :-)

(e-mail address removed)
The best Tweak and your ally for IE = **Disable Active Scripting**

How to make a good newsgroup post:
---------------------------------------------------------- --

Hello, Jan,

Thank you for taking the time to respond to my problem.

I had actually already gone in and unchecked the 'enable
third party ......' box under Tools --> Internet Options,
after reading that suggestion in another thread to another

As for

I find that it doesn't seem to apply to me since I am
running Win98 SE.

I had also disabled script debugging for the same reason -
I'd found it in another post.

When I receive the wretched erro message and click
the 'details' button, I find the following information:

Error Signature

App Ver: 6.0.2800.1106
Mod Name: msvcrt.dll
Mod Ver: 6.1.8293.0
Offset: 00015ca2

Furthermore (in case you haven't read this entire,
convuluted thread), I have also done the following:

updated and ran Adaware. Several 'negligible' items were
found and deleted. I don't recall the exact number; it
was under 100.

installed and ran CWShredder, with 'not present' and 'none
infected' being the result

downloaded LSP-Fix

went to www.windowsecurity.com and did the trojan scan -
there were no infected files.

went to www.mvps.org/winhelp2002/delcachec:htm
and followed the directions for clearing my cache

went to http://inetexplorer.mvps.org/darnit.htm
and clicked the link to check - the check showed nothing

Finally, the error message that I receive when I boot up
the machine is:

Error Starting Program
The REMINDER.EXE file is linked to missing export

I did add several programs onto my machine last week. I
recently lost my hard drive and had not completely
reinstalled all of the OES programs that had come with my
machine. I just used the Windows CDs that I received from

I can't think of any other information to provide - but,
please, if there is something further that you need, do
not hesitate to ask. :)

Thank you,
Gwen (Di) :)
-----Original Message-----
Hi Gwen Di - like Wendi :) :-)

Luckystrike - I feel awful - but, I just followed your
directions, below:

To resolve this problem in Internet Explorer, follow these
Quit all programs that are running.
Click Start, and then click Run.
Type regsvr32 urlmon.dll, and then click OK.
When you receive the "DllRegisterServer in urlmon.dll
succeeded" message,
click OK.

If this does not resolve the problem, repeat steps 2
through 4 for each of
the following files (in step 3, replace Urlmon.dll with
each of the file
names below):

(you can copy and paste these into the Run box)
regsvr32 Urlmon.dll
regsvr32 Shdocvw.dll
regsvr32 Msjava.dll
regsvr32 Actxprxy.dll
regsvr32 Oleaut32.dll
regsvr32 Mshtml.dll
regsvr32 Browseui.dll
regsvr32 Shell32.dll (<---this command **only for Win2000
and XP**. Do not
use with W98se or other OS'es not mentioned)


Minus the Shell32.dll as I am running Win
has not helped. I am *still* receiving the error message
as I try to flip through pages. HOWEVER......I have no
problem coming to this site (thankfully!!).

In an earlier post, I mentioned that I receive an error
message when I initially boot up my machine. I
in the hopes that it may also be of importance. It reads:


[insert yellow triangle with exclamation point] Error
Starting Program

The REMINDER.EXE file is linked to missing export


I will anxiously await your directive to see if there is
ANY hope left for me and my relationship with Internet
Explorer! <sigh>

You might also try the following and see if it helps:

Error Message: Internet Explorer Has Encountered a Problem and Needs to
Close (Mshtml.dll)
http://support.microsoft.com/default.aspx?scid=kb;EN- US;810887

Error Message: Microsoft Internet Explorer Has Encountered a Problem and
Needs to Close (Pdm.dll)


Tools>Internet Options>Advanced Tab ---> Scroll down to "Enable third -
party browser extensions (requires restart)" and
the box. --> Left
Click on APPLY.

If these steps do not resolve your problem, please post back to this thread
with the details and any error messages.

Hope this helps

Jan :)
Smiles are meant to be shared,
that's why they're so contagious.

Please reply to the newsgroup so others may benefit.
Replies are posted only to the newsgroup for the
or other readers.
How to make a good newsgroup post:

-----Original Message-----
Gwen or DI or "anonymous at discussions dot
Hi Gwen-Di (like Wendi. hehe)

OK, I will (read your post, that is) and yes, I
you are
"busted" <vbg> :-))

And just for safety's sake I will (once again)
my reply in
it's entirety without the errors of spell-checker *messing it up*,
so you will have a complete and unmussed version.
No problem with doing that Di / Gwen (using the start>run>register
the entries thing). It doesn't have anything to do with the Registry
in the common sense that the term is (mis)
You don't
need to run or use Regedit to do this.

It isn't unusual to click a new link and have
the "IE
encountered a problem, and must close... sorry for the
inconvenience..... you may lose work in unfinished programs... etc"
message box appear. In fact, it is much more common for that error
message to arise when having IE open and clicking through various
pages, links, etc, than it is to simply open IE and get that message
box from the get-go.

Remember that my reply was addressing this problem
reported by
the OP: <paste - quote>
"Every time I have IE open and go to click on a link that opens a
new IE window, I get this error: "Internet
Explorer has experienced a problem and needs to close." Then ALL
instances of IE are closed, wiping out all my stuff I'm doing in the
IE windows." </paste - quote>

Here you will find the reference:
You cannot open a new Internet Explorer window or nothing occurs
after you click a link
http://support.microsoft.com/default.aspx? scid=kb;en-

http://www.anetforums.com/posts.aspx? ThreadIndex=3330

To resolve this problem in Internet Explorer, follow these steps:
Quit all programs that are running.
Click Start, and then click Run.
Type regsvr32 urlmon.dll, and then click OK.
When you receive the "DllRegisterServer in
message, click OK.

If this does not resolve the problem, repeat steps 2 through 4 for
each of the following files (in step 3, replace Urlmon.dll with each
of the file names below):

(you can copy and paste these into the Run box)
regsvr32 Urlmon.dll
regsvr32 Shdocvw.dll
regsvr32 Msjava.dll
regsvr32 Actxprxy.dll
regsvr32 Oleaut32.dll
regsvr32 Mshtml.dll
regsvr32 Browseui.dll
regsvr32 Shell32.dll (<---this command **only for Win2000 and XP**.
Do not use with W98se or other OS'es not mentioned)

They should already be registered, but they will either register or
they won't; it's as simple as that.

More stuff:
Description and availability of Internet Explorer Error Reporting
tool http://support.microsoft.com/default.aspx? scid=kb;EN- US;Q276550
Error Message: Microsoft Internet Explorer Has Encountered a Problem
and Needs to Close (Pdm.dll)
Error Message: Internet Explorer Has Encountered a Problem and Needs
to Close (Mshtml.dll)
Versions of Comet Cursor That Are Earlier Than
4.0 Cause an
Error Message
An Error Occurs in Mshtml.dll in Internet Explorer 6 on Windows Me
Wurld Media Version of the Bpboh.dll File Causes an Error Message in
Windows XP
Access Violation Error in Urlmon
Error Message in Mfc42.dll Appears When Starting,
then Internet
Explorer Quits
Internet Explorer or Outlook Express Quits Unexpectedly with an
Error in Mshtml.dll
"Iexplore.exe has encountered a problem and needs to close" error
message when you try to start Internet Explorer
Iexplore.exe has encountered a problem and needs to close. We are
sorry for the inconvenience.

I have re-read this post I've "written" (for the
or fourth
time.) <sigh> and I believe it is accurate and
(e-mail address removed)
The best Tweak and your ally for IE = **Disable
How to make a good newsgroup post:
"Gwen OR Di :)"
wrote in will
look responses
to the www.snapfiles.com/get/coolwebshredder.html
and LSP-
Fix ran
the http://inetexplorer.mvps.org/darnit.htm
and My
system with
MS couple
of to
run that,
then skip to type
the following registered
successfully. Win2000
and XP) spyware
using any of of
cleaning and make
it possible http://www.spychecker.com/program/winsockxpfix.html
(For Win2k or programs
do not the
newest but
must be done applies
for attention,
as does The
programs are safety,
and purpose. this
order of program
(only run one programs
in Safe-Mode
http://www.lavasoftusa.com/software/plugins/vx2cleaner.sh then
the following CWShredder
detects a run
on your prevent
installation perform
the duty of the
items used
in the
findings of and/or
running on the
Tutorials, and definitions
for all other files,
or Internet
http://www.opentechsupport.net/forums/archive/topic/11211 error: "Internet
Explorer I
have to

Try this.....It worked for me

1.In IE click on tools> internet options>Advanced
2.In advanced under browsing remove the check mark next to enable third
party browser extensions (requires restart)
3. apply or ok and exit. close all browser windows and restart IE

as i said it worked for me...
now the downside is....if you have toolbars like google they would no longer
be there, but atleast the browser works.

Hello Jan and Luckystrike,

See? That's just how green I am. After reading through
the top portion of that page, with all of its references
to Win XP, etc, I didn't even consider that it could also
apply to 98SE. But, you're right - I don't think I
have 'smart tags,' so, I suppose it's still not something
that will assist me in my mess. :)

I certainly hope you don't feel pressured over my problem,
here. I can understand long, draining days (I have three
small boys - LOL), and, I have Mozilla up and running, so,
it's not as if I'm totally blocked from getting online
(obviously enough <grin>).

But - let me go and try doing the deleting and
reinstallation of MS Money and see if that does anything.
Of course, I will keep you posted, here.

Thank you,
-----Original Message-----
Hi Gwen / Di -

Just a quickie; I checked the:
Error Message: Internet Explorer Has Encountered a Problem and Needs to
Close (Mshtml.dll)
http://support.microsoft.com/default.aspx?scid=kb;EN- US;810887

and it says at the bottom:
The information in this article applies to:
Microsoft Internet Explorer version 6 for Windows 98 Second Edition
Last Reviewed: 12/5/2003 (3.0)

It does go a bit further to read as follows: "The second Public Preview
release of Internet Explorer 6 (version 6.00.2479.0006) and some Beta
releases of Windows XP included Smart tags. Smart tags were removed from the
final released versions of Internet Explorer 6 and Windows XP based on
customer feedback."

However, it is obvious that if you don't have "Smart Tags", then it will not
apply to your particular instance, and would therefore be of no use.

HTH - (I'll return... :-)

(e-mail address removed)
The best Tweak and your ally for IE = **Disable Active Scripting**

How to make a good newsgroup post:
---------------------------------------------------------- --

Hello, Jan,

Thank you for taking the time to respond to my problem.

I had actually already gone in and unchecked the 'enable
third party ......' box under Tools --> Internet Options,
after reading that suggestion in another thread to another

As for

I find that it doesn't seem to apply to me since I am
running Win98 SE.

I had also disabled script debugging for the same reason -
I'd found it in another post.

When I receive the wretched erro message and click
the 'details' button, I find the following information:

Error Signature

App Ver: 6.0.2800.1106
Mod Name: msvcrt.dll
Mod Ver: 6.1.8293.0
Offset: 00015ca2

Furthermore (in case you haven't read this entire,
convuluted thread), I have also done the following:

updated and ran Adaware. Several 'negligible' items were
found and deleted. I don't recall the exact number; it
was under 100.

installed and ran CWShredder, with 'not present' and 'none
infected' being the result

downloaded LSP-Fix

went to www.windowsecurity.com and did the trojan scan -
there were no infected files.

went to www.mvps.org/winhelp2002/delcachec:htm
and followed the directions for clearing my cache

went to http://inetexplorer.mvps.org/darnit.htm
and clicked the link to check - the check showed nothing

Finally, the error message that I receive when I boot up
the machine is:

Error Starting Program
The REMINDER.EXE file is linked to missing export

I did add several programs onto my machine last week. I
recently lost my hard drive and had not completely
reinstalled all of the OES programs that had come with my
machine. I just used the Windows CDs that I received from

I can't think of any other information to provide - but,
please, if there is something further that you need, do
not hesitate to ask. :)

Thank you,
Gwen (Di) :)

-----Original Message-----
Hi Gwen Di - like Wendi :) :-)

Luckystrike - I feel awful - but, I just followed your
directions, below:

To resolve this problem in Internet Explorer, follow
Quit all programs that are running.
Click Start, and then click Run.
Type regsvr32 urlmon.dll, and then click OK.
When you receive the "DllRegisterServer in urlmon.dll
succeeded" message,
click OK.

If this does not resolve the problem, repeat steps 2
through 4 for each of
the following files (in step 3, replace Urlmon.dll with
each of the file
names below):

(you can copy and paste these into the Run box)
regsvr32 Urlmon.dll
regsvr32 Shdocvw.dll
regsvr32 Msjava.dll
regsvr32 Actxprxy.dll
regsvr32 Oleaut32.dll
regsvr32 Mshtml.dll
regsvr32 Browseui.dll
regsvr32 Shell32.dll (<---this command **only for
and XP**. Do not
use with W98se or other OS'es not mentioned)


Minus the Shell32.dll as I am running Win 98SE......and
has not helped. I am *still* receiving the error
as I try to flip through pages. HOWEVER......I have no
problem coming to this site (thankfully!!).

In an earlier post, I mentioned that I receive an error
message when I initially boot up my machine. I copied
in the hopes that it may also be of importance. It


[insert yellow triangle with exclamation point] Error
Starting Program

The REMINDER.EXE file is linked to missing export


I will anxiously await your directive to see if there is
ANY hope left for me and my relationship with Internet
Explorer! <sigh>

You might also try the following and see if it helps:

Error Message: Internet Explorer Has Encountered a
Problem and Needs to
Close (Mshtml.dll)

Error Message: Microsoft Internet Explorer Has
Encountered a Problem and
Needs to Close (Pdm.dll)


Tools>Internet Options>Advanced Tab ---> Scroll down
to "Enable third -
party browser extensions (requires restart)" and uncheck
the box. --> Left
Click on APPLY.

If these steps do not resolve your problem, please post
back to this thread
with the details and any error messages.

Hope this helps

Jan :)
Smiles are meant to be shared,
that's why they're so contagious.

Please reply to the newsgroup so others may benefit.
Replies are posted only to the newsgroup for the benefit
or other readers.

How to make a good newsgroup post:

-----Original Message-----
Gwen or DI or "anonymous at discussions dot microsoft"
<sigh> *smile*
Hi Gwen-Di (like Wendi. hehe)

OK, I will (read your post, that is) and yes, I guess
you are
"busted" <vbg> :-))

And just for safety's sake I will (once again) repost
my reply in
it's entirety without the errors of spell-checker
*messing it up*,
so you will have a complete and unmussed version. Here

No problem with doing that Di / Gwen (using the
the entries thing). It doesn't have anything to do
with the Registry
in the common sense that the term is (mis) understood.
You don't
need to run or use Regedit to do this.

It isn't unusual to click a new link and have the "IE
encountered a problem, and must close... sorry for the
inconvenience..... you may lose work in unfinished
programs... etc"
message box appear. In fact, it is much more common
for that error
message to arise when having IE open and clicking
through various
pages, links, etc, than it is to simply open IE and
get that message
box from the get-go.

Remember that my reply was addressing this problem as
reported by
the OP: <paste - quote>
"Every time I have IE open and go to click on a link
that opens a
new IE window, I get this error: "Internet
Explorer has experienced a problem and needs to
close." Then ALL
instances of IE are closed, wiping out all my stuff
I'm doing in the
IE windows." </paste - quote>

Here you will find the reference:
You cannot open a new Internet Explorer window or
nothing occurs
after you click a link
http://support.microsoft.com/default.aspx? scid=kb;en-

http://www.anetforums.com/posts.aspx? ThreadIndex=3330

To resolve this problem in Internet Explorer, follow
these steps:
Quit all programs that are running.
Click Start, and then click Run.
Type regsvr32 urlmon.dll, and then click OK.
When you receive the "DllRegisterServer in urlmon.dll
message, click OK.

If this does not resolve the problem, repeat steps 2
through 4 for
each of the following files (in step 3, replace
Urlmon.dll with each
of the file names below):

(you can copy and paste these into the Run box)
regsvr32 Urlmon.dll
regsvr32 Shdocvw.dll
regsvr32 Msjava.dll
regsvr32 Actxprxy.dll
regsvr32 Oleaut32.dll
regsvr32 Mshtml.dll
regsvr32 Browseui.dll
regsvr32 Shell32.dll (<---this command **only for
Win2000 and XP**.
Do not use with W98se or other OS'es not mentioned)

They should already be registered, but they will
either register or
they won't; it's as simple as that.

More stuff:
Description and availability of Internet Explorer
Error Reporting
tool http://support.microsoft.com/default.aspx?
scid=kb;EN- US;Q276550
Error Message: Microsoft Internet Explorer Has
Encountered a Problem
and Needs to Close (Pdm.dll)
Error Message: Internet Explorer Has Encountered a
Problem and Needs
to Close (Mshtml.dll)
Versions of Comet Cursor That Are Earlier Than Version
4.0 Cause an
Error Message
An Error Occurs in Mshtml.dll in Internet Explorer 6
on Windows Me
Wurld Media Version of the Bpboh.dll File Causes an
Error Message in
Windows XP
Access Violation Error in Urlmon
Error Message in Mfc42.dll Appears When Starting, and
then Internet
Explorer Quits
Internet Explorer or Outlook Express Quits
Unexpectedly with an
Error in Mshtml.dll
"Iexplore.exe has encountered a problem and needs to
close" error
message when you try to start Internet Explorer
Iexplore.exe has encountered a problem and needs to
close. We are
sorry for the inconvenience.

I have re-read this post I've "written" (for the third
or fourth
time.) <sigh> and I believe it is accurate and without
(e-mail address removed)
The best Tweak and your ally for IE = **Disable Active

How to make a good newsgroup post:
---------------------------------------------------- ---
wrote in
message [email protected]...

Is replying to yourself considered nuts?? If so, I
I'm busted.

Luckystrike - my message, yesterday, in which I put
sender's name as 'Di' is truly me (first and middle
names). Anyway, I did just find both my message from
yesterday as well as your response. (wow!!) I will
through some of those articles you gave me. Thank

I would like it, however, if you could peruse this
because I did include more detail about what, exactly,
I've done, thusfar, in trying to remedy my problem.

Admittedly, I'm blonde and pretty confused right
now!! :)

-----Original Message-----

(My apologies if this is a duplicate - I tried to
send a
note, yesterday, and got the message that it would
within a few minutes, but, now, I can't find it.)

I am running Win 98 SE and IE 6.0.

I am getting the error message that "Internet
Explorer has
encountered an error and needs to close," as the OP
mentioned he is also receiving. Based on responses
to the
same question on this board, I have done the

1) Went to http://forum.aumba.org/viewtopic.php?
to download AdAware. I ran AdAware and there were
negligable (??) objects which I deleted.

2)went to www.snapfiles.com/get/coolwebshredder.html
downloaded CW Shredder and ran the program. The
showed 'not present' and 'none infected.'

3) went to www.cexx.org/lspfix.htm to d/l the LSP-

4) went to www.windowsecurity.com/trojanscan and ran
trojanscan.exe which found zero infected files.

5) went to www.mvps.org/winhelp2002/delcachec:htm
followed the direction for deleting my cache

6) went to http://inetexplorer.mvps.org/darnit.htm
clicked the link to check system for parasites. My
was pronounced 'clean.'

BUT. I am still receiving the 'IE had encountered a
problem.........' error message. I should probably
mention that the only other error message that I am
receiving on my machine at the moment has to do with
Money 2004; when I boot up my machine, a message
having to do with a missing .dll file in Money. I
am able
to open Money, so, honestly, I had not given the
much more thought than of it just being an

Granted, I was trying to combine hints from a couple
different posts, so, I'm certain I've missed doing
SOMETHING - but, what is it?? Mind you - I do
that one of the suggestions is to enter some lines
in your
registry, but, as a very NONcomputer-literate
person, I'm
very, very leery of doing this.

Is it actually possible that I will never be able to
IE in the future without this problem?

Any direction appreciated.

Thank you.

-----Original Message-----
Since you *specify* which troubleshooting method
you *actually*
used, try this below. IF you've already done that,
then skip to
the Malware/Spyware section and proceed from there.

Open an ms-dos prompt window (Start>Run>) and type
the following
(one entry at a time), and press enter after each
line. A message
will appear stating that these have been registered

regsvr32 Shdocvw.dll
regsvr32 Shell32.dll (this command only for Win2000
and XP)
regsvr32 Oleaut32.dll
regsvr32 Actxprxy.dll
regsvr32 Mshtml.dll
regsvr32 Urlmon.dll

scid=kb;EN- US;276550

Didn't help? Then, I'd check for Spyware/ Malware
etc. Long post

Quick and basic scans from any of the following
Doxdesk parasite scan
Jim Eshelmans WSC on-line quick scan
Bugs Glitches and Stuff-ups

More In-Depth on-line scanners for parasites and
GFI free on-line Trojan scanner
Sygate Technologies Trojanscan
PestPatrol on-line scan
SpywareChecker on-line scan

Parasites, spyware malware basics:

Check for Spyware - How-to

*Most important* - Before you try to remove spyware
using any of
the following programs, realize that the process of
cleaning and
removing certain spyware and malware may possibly
interrupt and
kill your internet connection. Therefore, you
should obtain a
copy of LSPFIX, and Winsockfix which will then make
it possible
for you to re- establish your internet connection
if it gets

Download LSPFIX from either of the following sites:

(For Win2k or

Download Winsockfix here

First, install the respective programs and then
update them
immediately, so that they have the current
versions, and
definitions. **Read the Help Files and Tutorials**.

After you've Updated Spybot S&D, and
SpywareBlaster, you *must*
ENABLE the protections as well. These two programs
do not
automatically enable protections obtained from the
definitions and updates, therefore this process but
must be done
manually. Without having enabled protections, the
definitions obtained from updates will be *useless*.

Run the programs one at a time. With Ad-Aware you
may have it
generally clean whatever it finds. The same applies
CWShredder. Spybot S&D requires special attention,
as does
HijackThis (Only more so. Details listed below) The
programs are
listed in order of their general strength, safety,
and purpose.
It is perhaps best to install and run these in this
order of
appearance. All are freeware programs, but if you
are pleased
with the results and quality of the utilities,
donations to the
respective Authors will be cheerfully accepted.

Another thing to consider doing is to run a program
(only run one
program at a time) a few times consecutively. The
reason for this
is that the first pass may kill certain Spyware
programs, but may
not be able to terminate and kill all files and
programs which
may be running at the time. That is why a second
pass may be
necessary to be thoroughly effective.

Under the most stubborn cases, running the programs
in Safe-Mode
will allow for the best cleaning conditions, as
there will be a
minimum of interference from processes running in
the background.

Ad -Aware
Ad-Aware Tutorial (might help if you look through
Ad-Aware VX2 Cleaner Plug-In


CWShredder (cleans all Cool Web Search malware)
If the Authors site is unable to be accessed, then
the following
two sites offer his programs as well.
CWShredder Tutorial

Coolwebsearch Smartkiller
http://www.safer- networking.org/files/delcwssk.zip

The above item is sometimes necessary if CWShredder
detects a
SmartSearch2 variant on your PC.

Spybot S&D
Spybot Tutorial (Must Read)
Other tutorials for Spybot S&D (Also must read)

This item below is designed to *prevent*
installation of malware
and the like by comparing known CLSID's of
these "bad guys" with
what is in its definitions. By enabling a *Kill
Bit* it prevents
known malignant ActiveX from being installed or run
on your
machine. It doesn't remove anything, nor will it
fix anything
that is already in your PC. Rather, it will prevent
or re-installation of the item once it has been
removed manually,
or by the use of another program which will perform
the duty of
removing the spyware.

SpywareBlaster (prevents installation of Spyware,
Trojans, etc.)
SpywareBlaster Tutorial

SpywareGuard (companion program to SWB, above)
SpywareGuard Tutorial

If you use Spybot S&D, be sure to clean *ONLY* the
displayed in *RED*. DO NOT clean any items
displayed in Black or
Green at this time.

Lastly there is HijackThis. Hijack this is a very
powerful, last
resort type of program which is generally best used
conjunction with help from those who deal with the
findings of
the log created by the HijackThis scan. It does
nothing in the
scan itself; it merely says what is present and/or
running on
your PC. The items must be checked-marked to
be "cleaned". You
must know *exactly* what you are checking-off
before you
proceed. If you don't, you can quite possibly
disable many useful
and vital functions of your PC. Remember; read the
Tutorials, and
seek help at SpywareInfo Forums, Net-Integration,
or TomCoyote
forums for safety's sake.

If the preceding site is down, you may get
HijackThis from other
sites Hijack This (from Major Geeks)

HijackThis Tutorials **(MUST READ)**


Where to seek help with your HijackThis scan log
SpywareInfo Forums
other help forums for HijackThis:
http://forums.tomcoyote.com/index.php? showforum=27

Anti-Virus Tools

AVG Anti-virus by Grisoft
Max said:
Try this.....It worked for me

1.In IE click on tools> internet options>Advanced
2.In advanced under browsing remove the check mark next to enable third
party browser extensions (requires restart)
3. apply or ok and exit. close all browser windows and restart IE

as i said it worked for me...
now the downside is....if you have toolbars like google they would no longer
be there, but atleast the browser works.

Hello Jan and Luckystrike,

See? That's just how green I am. After reading through
the top portion of that page, with all of its references
to Win XP, etc, I didn't even consider that it could also
apply to 98SE. But, you're right - I don't think I
have 'smart tags,' so, I suppose it's still not something
that will assist me in my mess. :)

I certainly hope you don't feel pressured over my problem,
here. I can understand long, draining days (I have three
small boys - LOL), and, I have Mozilla up and running, so,
it's not as if I'm totally blocked from getting online
(obviously enough <grin>).

But - let me go and try doing the deleting and
reinstallation of MS Money and see if that does anything.
Of course, I will keep you posted, here.

Thank you,
-----Original Message-----
Hi Gwen / Di -

Just a quickie; I checked the:
Error Message: Internet Explorer Has Encountered a Problem and Needs to
Close (Mshtml.dll)
http://support.microsoft.com/default.aspx?scid=kb;EN- US;810887

and it says at the bottom:
The information in this article applies to:
Microsoft Internet Explorer version 6 for Windows 98 Second Edition
Last Reviewed: 12/5/2003 (3.0)

It does go a bit further to read as follows: "The second Public Preview
release of Internet Explorer 6 (version 6.00.2479.0006) and some Beta
releases of Windows XP included Smart tags. Smart tags were removed from the
final released versions of Internet Explorer 6 and Windows XP based on
customer feedback."

However, it is obvious that if you don't have "Smart Tags", then it will not
apply to your particular instance, and would therefore be of no use.

HTH - (I'll return... :-)

(e-mail address removed)
The best Tweak and your ally for IE = **Disable Active Scripting**

How to make a good newsgroup post:
---------------------------------------------------------- --

Hello, Jan,

Thank you for taking the time to respond to my problem.

I had actually already gone in and unchecked the 'enable
third party ......' box under Tools --> Internet Options,
after reading that suggestion in another thread to another

As for

I find that it doesn't seem to apply to me since I am
running Win98 SE.

I had also disabled script debugging for the same reason -
I'd found it in another post.

When I receive the wretched erro message and click
the 'details' button, I find the following information:

Error Signature

App Ver: 6.0.2800.1106
Mod Name: msvcrt.dll
Mod Ver: 6.1.8293.0
Offset: 00015ca2

Furthermore (in case you haven't read this entire,
convuluted thread), I have also done the following:

updated and ran Adaware. Several 'negligible' items were
found and deleted. I don't recall the exact number; it
was under 100.

installed and ran CWShredder, with 'not present' and 'none
infected' being the result

downloaded LSP-Fix

went to www.windowsecurity.com and did the trojan scan -
there were no infected files.

went to www.mvps.org/winhelp2002/delcachec:htm
and followed the directions for clearing my cache

went to http://inetexplorer.mvps.org/darnit.htm
and clicked the link to check - the check showed nothing

Finally, the error message that I receive when I boot up
the machine is:

Error Starting Program
The REMINDER.EXE file is linked to missing export

I did add several programs onto my machine last week. I
recently lost my hard drive and had not completely
reinstalled all of the OES programs that had come with my
machine. I just used the Windows CDs that I received from

I can't think of any other information to provide - but,
please, if there is something further that you need, do
not hesitate to ask. :)

Thank you,
Gwen (Di) :)

-----Original Message-----
Hi Gwen Di - like Wendi :) :-)

Luckystrike - I feel awful - but, I just followed your
directions, below:

To resolve this problem in Internet Explorer, follow
Quit all programs that are running.
Click Start, and then click Run.
Type regsvr32 urlmon.dll, and then click OK.
When you receive the "DllRegisterServer in urlmon.dll
succeeded" message,
click OK.

If this does not resolve the problem, repeat steps 2
through 4 for each of
the following files (in step 3, replace Urlmon.dll with
each of the file
names below):

(you can copy and paste these into the Run box)
regsvr32 Urlmon.dll
regsvr32 Shdocvw.dll
regsvr32 Msjava.dll
regsvr32 Actxprxy.dll
regsvr32 Oleaut32.dll
regsvr32 Mshtml.dll
regsvr32 Browseui.dll
regsvr32 Shell32.dll (<---this command **only for
and XP**. Do not
use with W98se or other OS'es not mentioned)


Minus the Shell32.dll as I am running Win 98SE......and
has not helped. I am *still* receiving the error
as I try to flip through pages. HOWEVER......I have no
problem coming to this site (thankfully!!).

In an earlier post, I mentioned that I receive an error
message when I initially boot up my machine. I copied
in the hopes that it may also be of importance. It


[insert yellow triangle with exclamation point] Error
Starting Program

The REMINDER.EXE file is linked to missing export


I will anxiously await your directive to see if there is
ANY hope left for me and my relationship with Internet
Explorer! <sigh>

You might also try the following and see if it helps:

Error Message: Internet Explorer Has Encountered a
Problem and Needs to
Close (Mshtml.dll)

Error Message: Microsoft Internet Explorer Has
Encountered a Problem and
Needs to Close (Pdm.dll)


Tools>Internet Options>Advanced Tab ---> Scroll down
to "Enable third -
party browser extensions (requires restart)" and uncheck
the box. --> Left
Click on APPLY.

If these steps do not resolve your problem, please post
back to this thread
with the details and any error messages.

Hope this helps

Jan :)
Smiles are meant to be shared,
that's why they're so contagious.

Please reply to the newsgroup so others may benefit.
Replies are posted only to the newsgroup for the benefit
or other readers.

How to make a good newsgroup post:

-----Original Message-----
Gwen or DI or "anonymous at discussions dot microsoft"
<sigh> *smile*
Hi Gwen-Di (like Wendi. hehe)

OK, I will (read your post, that is) and yes, I guess
you are
"busted" <vbg> :-))
Lucky Strike:

You appear to know considerable about MS IE

My problem is I loose the window I am looking at when I try to go to another
link - and the "back" button goes gray and I cannot return to what I was
