I don't think so. The initial rationale for introducing
I didn't talk about memory management, I talk about freeing native resources
such as handles. With mark&sweep you can run into problems because it takes
time until gc kicks in and frees it. But native resource handles may be very
limited so you can quickly run out of them.
With refcounting, you can guarantee that dispose() is called immediately
when the refcount is zero. Note that disposing an object does not mean
freeing the object itself. The managed object itself can then freed later by
mark & sweep.
I understand that mark&sweep is better for freeing normal memory (when there
is enough of it). But you will run into problems when using mark&sweep with
limited resources. Make a loop that opens network connections. The
mark&sweep system cannot react so fast, there will be thousands of open
connections and the mark&sweep still does nothing. It doesn't even have a
clue that the app will run out of handles soon. With memory management, the
gc notices when there is not enough memory and runs automatically.
I will follow the link you posted maybe i get further insight.
Maybe they was very smart but nobody is perfect. When they did a perfect job
then we never would need further inventions and improvements. In hundred
years the people would still use .NET which its mark&sweep because it is the
perfect solution which cannot be improved. Years ago when they invented
assembler they would have never even though that is would be possible that
unused memory can automatically freed.
Maybe not memory leak but native resources leak. Aditionally, finalizers are
not even guaranteed to run even when the program exits.
I wish you a happy Nikolaustag (Not sure what its name is in english)
What is your rationale for introducing reference counting then? More
specifically: Why is reference-counted *memory* management better than
garbage collection?
I didn't talk about memory management, I talk about freeing native resources
such as handles. With mark&sweep you can run into problems because it takes
time until gc kicks in and frees it. But native resource handles may be very
limited so you can quickly run out of them.
With refcounting, you can guarantee that dispose() is called immediately
when the refcount is zero. Note that disposing an object does not mean
freeing the object itself. The managed object itself can then freed later by
mark & sweep.
You're not alone with that thinking (I once had similar concerns).
Many people have tried to come up with a better solution but to my
knowledge none has ever come up with something substantial. Have you
followed the link I posted? The guy that worte that article is an MS
person involved in the design of .NET. He explains how he also once
was a strong proponent of refcounting but became more and more
convinced that a GC-only strategy is better the more he explored the
exact semantics of a twin (GC and refcounting) solution.
I understand that mark&sweep is better for freeing normal memory (when there
is enough of it). But you will run into problems when using mark&sweep with
limited resources. Make a loop that opens network connections. The
mark&sweep system cannot react so fast, there will be thousands of open
connections and the mark&sweep still does nothing. It doesn't even have a
clue that the app will run out of handles soon. With memory management, the
gc notices when there is not enough memory and runs automatically.
I will follow the link you posted maybe i get further insight.
Moreover, isn't it interesting that all other GCed languages (Java,
Python, etc.) work just like .NET does? There is always something
similar to the .NET dispose pattern. Scores of very smart people have
designed those languages and it speaks volumes that they haven't come
up with a better solution either.
Maybe they was very smart but nobody is perfect. When they did a perfect job
then we never would need further inventions and improvements. In hundred
years the people would still use .NET which its mark&sweep because it is the
perfect solution which cannot be improved. Years ago when they invented
assembler they would have never even though that is would be possible that
unused memory can automatically freed.
You cannot produce what is classically known as a *memory* leak in a
garbage collected language.
Maybe not memory leak but native resources leak. Aditionally, finalizers are
not even guaranteed to run even when the program exits.
I wish you a happy Nikolaustag (Not sure what its name is in english)