
  • Thread starter Thread starter Frank Bohan
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Susan said:
IMO such a list is not desireable. A list like that would not being
saying "screw you" - it would be giving PCmag free *good* publicity. IMO
their utilities should *not* be listed as a benchmark by which ACF
measures good programs.

This is an agreeably forceful opinion :-)
IMO such a list is not necessary. Go to:


All the PCmag utilities will be shown in a group. Let's say you want to
a program similar to "Dupeless (dupeless.zip)". Click on the program link:


and it will take you to the category with similar apps.

Thank you for pointing this out. It is very helpful.
If you want the PCmag utility itself - Google or one of the FTP search
sites will probably be your friend. You could also ask in ACF - someone
might contact you by email. I believe *many* of us have all the PCmag
apps archived.

Thanks, I've gotten most of what I need by Googling. And I will use
the method you suggested above to find substitutes for the ones I
and. . .

IMO such a list is not desireable. A list like that would not being
saying "screw you" - it would be giving PCmag free *good* publicity. IMO
their utilities should *not* be listed as a benchmark by which ACF
measures good programs.

Well, I disagree with you, but I'll cease and desist with this thread,
in deference to your judgment. "Listed as a benchmark by which ACF
measures good programs" was not what I was suggesting; I was
suggesting a simple, utilitarian list of substitutes.


Thanks for your suggestions on using the Program Index to find
substitutes in the same category.


Well, I disagree with you, but I'll cease and desist with this thread,
in deference to your judgment. "Listed as a benchmark by which ACF
measures good programs" was not what I was suggesting; I was
suggesting a simple, utilitarian list of substitutes.

yeah but. . .

What would a newbie think such a list meant? I don't recall ever seeing
a list of freeware replacements/equivalents for *bad* shareware programs
- so I think the implication that PCmag apps are *good* apps would be
unavoidable and it would be good free publicity for them.

As I said before JMHO - *YMMV* - I'm not trying to end the discussion -
just stating my own view on this.

John's post (plus a hard disk crash in which I lost most of the PCMag
utilities I had downloaded before they changed their availability)
leads me to wonder whether it might be a good idea to compile a list
of suggested freeware replacements for PC Mag utilities (that are no
longer freeware), based on comments in this newsgroup, like the one
John just made.

FYI...this is something I suggested (under a different alias) way back when
PCMag Utilities became other than freeware.
Not too many here in this group thought this to be a worthwhile venture and
nothing ever came of it.
However, some folks (including myself) have simply gone about finding
replacements that are as good, or better, and have got along just fine
without the PCMag stuff. None of their utilities are really must have
anyways...if I had to rely on the PCMag Utilities???

Having said that, a list is still a worthwhile venture just so folks know
what's out there that is comparable...could simply be a notation such as
"Replacement for COA" or "Comparable to COA" without noting PCMag anywhere.

Maybe not necessarily good programs (although my experience was that
most of them really *were* very good programs and very well written),
but rather good *ideas* for a program. I agree that no further mention
of them should be included in the PWL. Not sure how many equivalents
for them have been found at this point, but it would be nice to have a
thread in this group on the subject.

I agree with jo that there's nothing wrong with having a forceful
opinion. Of course, what else would one expect given my own history....
climbing down from soapbox now. . . ;)

Don't trip. 80)>
I'm an avid user of some of the PCmag utils, and I have a large archive
of them. Each time I've started thinking on this subject of listing equivs,
I always come into that problem... That while there are equal or better
replacements for a number of them, there remain a few that are simply
the best of class; and a few, too, where no equivalent program exists.

Hence, I realize that I would be unable to engage in a complete discussion,
unable to talk in a natural way, on the subject of PCMag utils and the realm
of alernative choices, without ending by promoting PCMag.
Maybe not necessarily good programs (although my experience was that
most of them really *were* very good programs and very well written),
but rather good *ideas* for a program. I agree that no further mention
of them should be included in the PWL. Not sure how many equivalents
for them have been found at this point, but it would be nice to have a
thread in this group on the subject.

Well, yeah. One could say, "I bring this up as WISHLIST. Give me a program
that does what RUPL does and give me a program that does what DisplaySet
does. And give me a program equal in quality to INCRTL and to COA. And,
since I've brought this up, I'll describe what they do so well..." But
then would we not enter tricky territory? I would have a difficult time
in such a dicussion, as I mentioned, of not ending by having the effect
of promoting those various programs we might wish to supplant.

I suppose an alertnative course would be to decide to restrain oneself
as much as possible, and post strictly about those utils where we have
indeed found a freeware replacement that is bettter than the PCMag equivalent.
Here's a couple for that, just off the top of my head.

I like RBTray better than TrayMin.

ScreenSeize, their screen capture utility, there are at least twenty, maybe
more, such programs superior to that one. (It didn't even do PNG anyways.)

omega said:
I'm an avid user of some of the PCmag utils, and I have a large archive
of them. Each time I've started thinking on this subject of listing equivs,
I always come into that problem... That while there are equal or better
replacements for a number of them, there remain a few that are simply
the best of class; and a few, too, where no equivalent program exists.

Hence, I realize that I would be unable to engage in a complete discussion,
unable to talk in a natural way, on the subject of PCMag utils and the realm
of alernative choices, without ending by promoting PCMag.

Well, yeah. One could say, "I bring this up as WISHLIST. Give me a program
that does what RUPL does and give me a program that does what DisplaySet
does. And give me a program equal in quality to INCRTL and to COA. And,
since I've brought this up, I'll describe what they do so well..." But
then would we not enter tricky territory? I would have a difficult time
in such a dicussion, as I mentioned, of not ending by having the effect
of promoting those various programs we might wish to supplant.

I suppose an alertnative course would be to decide to restrain oneself
as much as possible, and post strictly about those utils where we have
indeed found a freeware replacement that is bettter than the PCMag equivalent.
Here's a couple for that, just off the top of my head.

I like RBTray better than TrayMin.

ScreenSeize, their screen capture utility, there are at least twenty, maybe
more, such programs superior to that one. (It didn't even do PNG anyways.)


Maybe the way we need to start this off would be to come up with a
list of the PC Mag utilities that we want to find replacements for.
I'm going to start a thread called "Replacements for PC Mag utilities."
John said:
Maybe the way we need to start this off would be to come up with a list
of the PC Mag utilities that we want to find replacements for. I'm going
to start a thread called "Replacements for PC Mag utilities."

In case you don't have it in a convenient form - here's the alphabetical

ANSI.com (ansi.zip)
Audible Windows (audible.zip)
AutoAct (autoact.zip)
AutoWhat? (autowhat.zip)
BHO Cop (bhocop.zip)
BrowseFresh (browsefr.zip)
ButtonBoogie (btnboog.zip)
Capsize (capsize.zip)
Change of Address (coa2.zip)
ClipTile (cliptile.zip)
ClipTrak (cliptrak.zip)
ClockRack (clckrack.zip)
CookieCop (CookieCop2.zip); CookieCopPlus (CookieCop2.2.zip)
CopySet (copyset.zip)
CrackUp (crackup.zip)
CrossGuesser (crossguess.zip)
CubeShow (cubeshow.zip)
Cursordance (cdance.zip)
DaysEase (daysease.zip)
DeFolder (defolder.zip)
DiskAction (diskact.zip)
DiskPie 2 (diskpie2.zip)
DisplaySet (displset.zip)
Dupeless (dupeless.zip)
EndItAll (EndItAll.zip)
EndItAll 2 (EndItAll2.zip)
Explorer Notes (expnotes.zip)
FaveLock (favelock.zip)
FavesToGo (favetogo.zip)
FavOrg (favorg.zip)
FileAlbum (filealb.zip)
FileGrab (filegr.zip)
FileSnoop (fsnoop.zip)
FileTip (filetip.zip)
FileTouch 2 (ftouch2.zip)
FindOrphans (findorph.zip)
Folder Pointers (folderpt.zip)
FolderMon (foldrmon.zip)
Folders (folders.zip)
FontViewer (fviewer.zip)
FormWhiz (formwhiz.zip)
Freedom of Association (freedom.zip)
GuessAddress (gaddress.zip)
HandsDown (hdown.zip)
HDValet (HD Valet) (hdvalet.zip)
Hotkey Detective 2 (hotkeyd.zip)
IconEdit32 (iedit32.zip)
IconJack32 (ijack32.zip)
Iconlock (iconlock.zip)
IE Zoomer (iezoomer.zip)
InCtrl5 and InCtrl4 (inctrl5.zip)
InOutBd (inoutb.zip)
JumpToIt (jumptoit.zip)
KeyTick (keytick.zip)
ListZapper (listzap.zip)
LogMeOut (logmeout.zip)
LogoMania (logoma.zip)
MailCall 2 (mailcall.zip)
MenuZap (menuzap.zip)
MIDIColors (midiclrs.zip)
MultiRen (multiren.zip)
MuteBar (mutebar.zip)
MyPrinter (myprinter.zip)
NewOwner (newowner.zip)
NoteWhen (notewhen.zip)
Page1 (page1.zip)
PasswordPrompter (passprom.zip)
PCBook2 (pcbook2.zip)
PrintNow (printnow.zip)
RapidRes (rapidres.zip)
RecentCommands (rcntcmds.zip)
RegEdit Plus (RegEdit+) (regeditp.zip)
Registry Detective (regdet.zip)
RegistryRobot (regrobot.zip)
Reloader (reloader.zip)
RoboType 3 (robotype.zip)
Rouser Alarm clock. (rouser.zip)
RunPlus (runplus.zip)
Scraper (scraper.zip)
ScreenPhaser (scrnphas.zip)
ScreenSeize (sseize.zip)
SeeThru (seethru.zip)
ShellCrypt (shlcrypt.zip)
Shred 2 (shred.zip)
SiteSnagger (sitesnag.zip)
Slice32 (slice32.zip)
SMClean (smclean.zip)
Startup Cop (startcop.zip)
SyncURLs (syncurls.zip)
System Valet (sysvalet.zip)
Tapecalc 2 (tapecalc.zip)
TaskWheel (tskwheel.zip)
ThemeCrafter (themecr.zip)
ThingVentory (thngvent.zip)
ToBack (toback.zip)
TradeKeys 2 (update of ZDKeyMap) (trdkeys.zip)
Tray Magician (traymagc.zip)
TrayManager 2 (traymgr.zip)
TrayMin (traymin.zip)
TreePrint (treeprt.zip)
UnClean 2 (unclean.zip)
ViewFix (viewfix.zip)
VolumeSet (volset.zip)
Web Highlighter (webhigh.zip)
Winpointer 2 (winpntr.zip)
WinSize (winsize.zip)
WinTidy 2 (wintidy.zip)
Wisdom Spray (wisdom.zip)
WMatch 2 (wmatch.zip)
XpanDesk (xpandesk.zip)
ZDKeyMap (see TradeKeys) (zdkeym.zip)
ZipHunter (ziphunt.zip)

Susan said:
In case you don't have it in a convenient form - here's the alphabetical

ANSI.com (ansi.zip)
Audible Windows (audible.zip)
AutoAct (autoact.zip)
AutoWhat? (autowhat.zip)
BHO Cop (bhocop.zip)
BrowseFresh (browsefr.zip)
ButtonBoogie (btnboog.zip)
Capsize (capsize.zip)
Change of Address (coa2.zip)
ClipTile (cliptile.zip)
ClipTrak (cliptrak.zip)
ClockRack (clckrack.zip)
CookieCop (CookieCop2.zip); CookieCopPlus (CookieCop2.2.zip)
CopySet (copyset.zip)
CrackUp (crackup.zip)
CrossGuesser (crossguess.zip)
CubeShow (cubeshow.zip)
Cursordance (cdance.zip)
DaysEase (daysease.zip)
DeFolder (defolder.zip)
DiskAction (diskact.zip)
DiskPie 2 (diskpie2.zip)
DisplaySet (displset.zip)
Dupeless (dupeless.zip)
EndItAll (EndItAll.zip)
EndItAll 2 (EndItAll2.zip)
Explorer Notes (expnotes.zip)
FaveLock (favelock.zip)
FavesToGo (favetogo.zip)
FavOrg (favorg.zip)
FileAlbum (filealb.zip)
FileGrab (filegr.zip)
FileSnoop (fsnoop.zip)
FileTip (filetip.zip)
FileTouch 2 (ftouch2.zip)
FindOrphans (findorph.zip)
Folder Pointers (folderpt.zip)
FolderMon (foldrmon.zip)
Folders (folders.zip)
FontViewer (fviewer.zip)
FormWhiz (formwhiz.zip)
Freedom of Association (freedom.zip)
GuessAddress (gaddress.zip)
HandsDown (hdown.zip)
HDValet (HD Valet) (hdvalet.zip)
Hotkey Detective 2 (hotkeyd.zip)
IconEdit32 (iedit32.zip)
IconJack32 (ijack32.zip)
Iconlock (iconlock.zip)
IE Zoomer (iezoomer.zip)
InCtrl5 and InCtrl4 (inctrl5.zip)
InOutBd (inoutb.zip)
JumpToIt (jumptoit.zip)
KeyTick (keytick.zip)
ListZapper (listzap.zip)
LogMeOut (logmeout.zip)
LogoMania (logoma.zip)
MailCall 2 (mailcall.zip)
MenuZap (menuzap.zip)
MIDIColors (midiclrs.zip)
MultiRen (multiren.zip)
MuteBar (mutebar.zip)
MyPrinter (myprinter.zip)
NewOwner (newowner.zip)
NoteWhen (notewhen.zip)
Page1 (page1.zip)
PasswordPrompter (passprom.zip)
PCBook2 (pcbook2.zip)
PrintNow (printnow.zip)
RapidRes (rapidres.zip)
RecentCommands (rcntcmds.zip)
RegEdit Plus (RegEdit+) (regeditp.zip)
Registry Detective (regdet.zip)
RegistryRobot (regrobot.zip)
Reloader (reloader.zip)
RoboType 3 (robotype.zip)
Rouser Alarm clock. (rouser.zip)
RunPlus (runplus.zip)
Scraper (scraper.zip)
ScreenPhaser (scrnphas.zip)
ScreenSeize (sseize.zip)
SeeThru (seethru.zip)
ShellCrypt (shlcrypt.zip)
Shred 2 (shred.zip)
SiteSnagger (sitesnag.zip)
Slice32 (slice32.zip)
SMClean (smclean.zip)
Startup Cop (startcop.zip)
SyncURLs (syncurls.zip)
System Valet (sysvalet.zip)
Tapecalc 2 (tapecalc.zip)
TaskWheel (tskwheel.zip)
ThemeCrafter (themecr.zip)
ThingVentory (thngvent.zip)
ToBack (toback.zip)
TradeKeys 2 (update of ZDKeyMap) (trdkeys.zip)
Tray Magician (traymagc.zip)
TrayManager 2 (traymgr.zip)
TrayMin (traymin.zip)
TreePrint (treeprt.zip)
UnClean 2 (unclean.zip)
ViewFix (viewfix.zip)
VolumeSet (volset.zip)
Web Highlighter (webhigh.zip)
Winpointer 2 (winpntr.zip)
WinSize (winsize.zip)
WinTidy 2 (wintidy.zip)
Wisdom Spray (wisdom.zip)
WMatch 2 (wmatch.zip)
XpanDesk (xpandesk.zip)
ZDKeyMap (see TradeKeys) (zdkeym.zip)
ZipHunter (ziphunt.zip)

Geez, that's a long list. I don't think we'd need to replace them all.
See my new thread about this, "Replacements for PC Mag utiliities."
Susan said:
I agree - just thought it would be convenient to have the full list posted.

You're right. The link I provided in the new thread also shows program
descriptions (if you dig at it) but some of the utilities are no
longer listed there.
That while there are equal or better
replacements for a number of them, there remain a few that are simply
the best of class; and a few, too, where no equivalent program exists.

< snip >

Exactly right. There is for example no duplicate file finder that
comes within miles of Dupeless. Comparing Dupeless with other
duplicate file finders is like comparing a racing car with push bikes.

That isn't however to say that Dupeless couldn't be improved. Just
that no other freeware program can match it.

Regards, John.

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2) suggested replacement/substitute freeware

Did someone find a true replacement for Registry Editor Plus ?

And Registry Detective?


Have a nice day
_ _