I would like some oppinions on my new PC choice

i like that aria site! its very easy to play around with and looks nice and official but i cant find FDD cables listed on there :s

i think i figured it out! its the floppy disk to motherboard cable?

and i thought you were all getting these things from computor fairs!
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and i thought you were all getting these things from computor fairs!
Only from the one my brother is a traider in Lancashire. ;)

the IDE cables at aria are £4.11 and FDD cheaper so better prices than komplett!

rubber shielded too...
Yes they are about a pound cheaper at Aria but there not yellow, that tells all!

If you were wondering why we say rounded, its becuase they are round instead of big and flat. It helps with the air circulation around the case, so if you ever going to buy IDE cables, try and get the round ones, there only a couple of quid more, and they look better too :).
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;p well yellow IS a cool colour, but i was just wondering what they were! because it doenst say FDD anywhere when i searched the site o_o;;

my lovely parents have agreed to lend me some money soon for me to pay back if i can really find it cheaper than in a shop (peice of cake with you all helping me :D) and if i wait a little while to see if anythings going to drop in price (you know like i said about in my first post where my 800mhz duron was the top of the reasonable price range when next month that could be said about a 1500mhz machine)

im gonna have a browse around the graphics cards manufacturors(sp?) sites to see if they are making anything new! just for kicking down the old prices ofcourse. the newest of the new cards are always waaay to expensive
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It helps with the air circulation around the case, so if you ever going to buy IDE cables, try and get the round ones, there only a couple of quid more, and they look better too
Rubbish ... :rolleyes: but I'm not going to be drawn into any arguments about "data loss" and rounded cables ... ;)

that sounds both worrying and intresting o_o;; can i find out more about that anywhere

bah the ati site just brags about what its made not what its making, cant really find if prices of old things is going to drop in that way
Hes just grumpy because of the flash colours you can get the round IDE cables in mess with his cataracts :p (only playin).

If you look on www.komplett.co.uk , they do some pretty good bundles, that inc motherboard, processor, processor fan and memory. You might want to get one of them, then get the other stuff piece by piece.

You could build a extremely fast gaming PC for well under £800.
wow i read this about the 9800 sp

"Bought this card a couple of months ago (with L shaped memory chip config). It's easy to spot because the memory chips run along the side of the card and carry on along the bottom edge of the card in the fore-mentioned L shape (check before you buy like I did).
Downloaded the latest softmod drivers from http:/softmod.ocfaq.com which enabled the extra pipelines, turning it into a 9800 pro. Then i downloaded the overclocker and tweaker from Rage3D and the card is running stable at 402.75 core 355.50 mem (a whisker behind the 9800 XT)."

will this hurt the card lots? if i end up needing to wait 5 years for a new update i dont want to be left without a 3d card >_<
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He's just grumpy because of the flash colours you can get the round IDE cables in mess with his cataracts
I actually love the colour yellow ... you haven't seen my new case, have you? It's yellow ... :p

Actually SpeedTouch, I'll climb down off my "high horse" as the "round cable manufacturers" are making a real effort to make these cables compliant with the standards. However, if you go down that path ensure you buy good quality cables ... ask around ... its your data. ;)

Oh, and they still don't "improve" airfow. :D
muckshifter said:
:D [/size]

Oh, and they still don't "improve" airfow. :D
They must do, if you have intake fans at the front, the normal size IDE cables would block quite alot of the air getting yo yuor AGP and PCI cards. The rounds ones are about a quarter the width, and there more areodynamic being round!

As for the softmod on the 9800se card, i wouldnt advise it. I'd save up the extra £30-£40 and get a 9800pro. The 9800se card is the slowest card out of the 9800 range. Maybe you could get away with it using a normal 9800 though with some extra cooling help from a VGA Silencer .

but please get the 9800pro, your motherboard deserves it, and so does half life 2 (beleive me, it will come out before half life 3, i hope).

I found some helpful bundles which will help you out tremendosly! You have a choice of AMD bundles and Pentium 4 bundles from www.overclockers.co.uk which will save you some money and alot of hassle.

They also do bundles at komplett aswell, but i prefer the ones from above ;).
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Well i didnt die or anything like that :P and i have saved up a astounding £600 spare! my mother has agreed to lend me the rest with the release of half life 2 which i whined was the reason for getting a new PC and because i saved so diligantly. i hadnt posted until now because i would just have been waffling on and dreaming but now im really close. and i was wondering if i could have your help once again with my final specifications :)


anything a bit too much ?_? i really couldnt understand how fans work i got confused with "heatsinks" and other strange things! a fans a fan to me :( (i even tried to read that post about fans down the page and it confused me even more)

this is all from aria.co.uk by the way!

oh and i want to play world of warcraft >_< that games soooooo cool i was playing it at a freinds and couldnt run it at home :( anyone else played it? i implore you all to if you can!

thanks again if you help, you guys know the cleverest things
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I would change the memory, get a gig of some cheaper stuff. A gig of memory does make a huge difference in gaming compared to 512mb. It can mean the difference between 800x600 res with low detail to 1024x768 and high detail ;).

Maybe 2x512mb PC3200 Corsair value select for £125. It will make alot more difference for just a small price increase.

Also you have 2 keyboards on that list.
You don't need the 3Com card, the MB already has its own built on Ethernet.

Check if you can get Altec Lansing speakers as they are better value than the Creative in terms of sound quality.
Get the retail version of the CPU - it will have a cooler included in the package and you usually find it wont cost you much more at all.

Its easier than buying your own, and using thermal compound etc, unless your overclocking. The stock cooler is pretty good come to think of it... just push down onto the clips and pull the levers over on the top.

You can't have a PC with no CPU cooler...
right! changed the memory, i think thats the one you mentioned isnt it? it didnt have the exact same name, and the keyboard thing i couldnt spot for ages even after you told me >_< good job i didnt order on that day!

taking out that network card i didnt need saved me a ton of money, thank you!

i had a look through the speakers and couldnt find those, i'll have a check if special reserve do them then i can leave them out my order and buy them later :)

i just added in the retail version of the pentium 4 3000 but i was planning to try a step by step guide to loading up those other drivers to make that VIVO card into the other one or maybe get someone else to do it (looks pretty simple if its just loading things) will i still need the x-blower fan for that?

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