Hi John. I'm intending to install RC2 if I can get it. Otherwise it'll
be RC1.
When you say make sure Vista is my system drive, do you mean the master?
It doesn't make any difference whether master or slave, what matters is in
your BIOS that it is the first hard drive in boot PRIORITY
Also do I have to add XP to the Vista boot file and if so how do I
accomplish that? I'm not familiar with using boot managers.
You may call me crazy but I don't get a boot menu from the BIOS on boot
You don't seem to have an easy way. Some BIOS like mine have an F8 for a
boot menu which allows selection of the sysem drive at boot time. It can't
be added.
You will need to use <DEL> to get to where you set boot priority, usually a
process in 2 places. One sets the boot priority of types of devices (CD,
Hard Drive, Floppy etc) and a second where you set the priority of the hard
drives within the previous section. It only takes a few seconds to change it
once you get used to finding it, so until you get the dual boot set up you
will be able to use this way of booting to whichever system you want. When
you get to this point if the above VistaBootPro process doesn't give you
access to XP we can address the way to get it to work at that time.